Source Turbo tinctures-oils & shatter (methanol/alcohol extraction)

  • Thread starter AnselAdams
  • Start date
  • Tagged users None


I just purchased my own Source Turbo as a "gift" to myself for making it through the holidays without losing my patience dealing with stupidity of the holiday shopping and all the crappy attitudes and drivers that go with it. 😎😲

I searched the Farm and found folks using the source turbo but nothing perpetual. Nothing to help with recipes , experiments, "oh shit, don't do this" kind of stuff that someone new to this method (like me) would find handy. That being the case I decided to start a perpetual thread specifically for "Source Turbo" users, while hoping those with other experiences (this is not the only machine on the market) will share. I would also hope those who over the ages have done this without a distiller "machine" would also contribute their knowledge & experiences. In general I want to gather in one place, information and experiences that will help others trying to work with this form of extraction.

The device they use may be different but we can all learn something from anyone! 🍻

Thanks in advance to all who choose to participate. !!
Source turbo tinctures oils  shatter methanolalcohol extraction
Source turbo tinctures oils  shatter methanolalcohol extraction 2
Source turbo tinctures oils  shatter methanolalcohol extraction 3
Source turbo tinctures oils  shatter methanolalcohol extraction 4
Source turbo tinctures oils  shatter methanolalcohol extraction 5


all in here my man!!!

i'm waiting on a buchner funnel before my next run. they say you pick up most of the color during the the 1st strain? i'm also going to add some terps to my next run to reintroduce some favor back into the finished product. as it's a EHO it leaves little to no favor. also on a side note some of my friends don't like this, since it's a pure extract having no entourage effect what you put in, is what you pull out. if it's heady and edgy well there you go! but you will have no CBD or other elements to offset that. my buddy calls it "hippie crack"
stoked to have our own thread going! big thanks @AnselAdams

old video of me finishing off some before the 'purge'

ps. i should have stopped this run before this point i think?


did leaning it back help with collection ?

Yes! That is why there is a piece of power cord under the front end.

I noticed that the thickness of the top is varied, it is a PIA to make sure you line it up correctly. I think if you can read the name on the top without breaking your neck then the top is in the correct orientation. Be even then i found out that the drip pattern was a bit "iffy"

In my first "testing" i simply distilled some existing 92% iso that i already had. Postal hasmat has delayed my 99.% Alcohol, it "should" be delivered today. BUT it FRIGGIN' SNOWED so all bets are off regarding traffic. This place goes NUTS during a summer rain shower, so ice & snow... OMG 😮

Meanwhile back at the ranch...

p.s. plastic wrap is simply stuck in the hole to stop evaporation while i stopped processing last night . I did create the first filter pattie and it is drying (per instructions). I still have put weed in freezer, waiting last piece.

The bottom photo is of the two 64oz wide mouth Ball mason jars. I purchased the screen insert to put into the top instead of the "canning" top that comes with it so that when it comes time to end the wash, all i have to do is up-end the jar into a large measuring cup.
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I also did not like their solution for an ice dome. I did not like the fact that as it melted, i got water dripping down the back of the unit (it is tilted backwards remember?).
So my solution was to get a quart sized seal tight container that is 6in in diameter on the bottom. Filled with RO water (in case it leaks) and then froze the whole thing, making sure to leave enough expansion room for the ice.
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are we commenting on this thread also? or just informational pics and such?
pro tip order a second top container and keep em froze and rotate /

It's our thread. we can use it any way we want.... as long as Logic and the moderator (?) don't tell us otherwise. 😁
btw, any idea who the moderator is for this forum?

Lets have fun while we learn and possibly even learn something about each other as well.

Life is too short... Speak on; Speak out Speak up! Most of all Enjoy and have fun!

If you are talking about the "ice dome" pan, i totally agree. I have used three plastic containers as shown in earlier post. I am going to use their pan for something else. It goes into the spare parts box.



It's our thread. we can use it any way we want.... as long as Logic and the moderator (?) don't tell us otherwise. 😁
btw, any idea who the moderator is for this forum?

Lets have fun while we learn and possibly even learn something about each other as well.

Life is too short... Speak on; Speak out Speak up! Most of all Enjoy and have fun!

If you are talking about the "ice dome" pan, i totally agree. I have used three plastic containers as shown in earlier post. I am going to use their pan for something else. It goes into the spare parts box.


so 6.5 in diameter is what we want kids !! i scooped a silicone lip type deal at the head shop that fits perfectly.




So I got this new toy but no batteries…

The Source Turbo came yesterday but the 99.5 alcohol did not get delivered today as promised (I’ll look for my shock face later). So I had to come up with some way to play with my new toy. I looked around and found the last of a gallon of 92% that I had purchased almost a year ago.

I never poured alcohol back into the container once it was dispensed. However I often just put a cloth to the mouth of the jug and soak a rag or towel to perform a cleanup task, etc.

There was exactly a liter remaining in the jug so I decided to distill that and see what remained. The crucible (cup) on the source holds only 300 mils to the full line (or you boil over and make a mess). I started each cycle on full turbo and let it run for 2 of the maximum 2.5 hours and then added another 250 mils and started a fresh turbo cycle.

I was actually impressed by the speed of the process. At the end of the day I ended up with 2 ounces (60 mil) of water, sludge and crap that I would not expect to find in my alcohol.

If my science is correct (it’s old) then the resulting alcohol should be over 95% pure. I believe I read recently that there is no such thing as 100% alcohol, max is something like 95.57% or some such. It seems that alcohol starts to combine with other elements to begin to form water. " Why can’t you distill liquor that’s 100 percent pure alcohol?" The article never does explain how we then get to the 99.5% alcohol that I just purchased. Hopefully @Aqua Man or someone with more chemistry background than myself can help out with an answer. There is a reason I’ve spent 40 years in IT not medicine.

Because this started out as rubbing alcohol not “food grade”, I suspect but do not know for sure, that if this were going to be ingested it would probably be a good idea to run it though the filter one more time using the activated color bleach to remove the crap added to make you sick. The label on that package says that it is recommended use as an … Adsorbent, Pesticide remediation…

Comments, Opinions, suggestions, recommendations?

Here are the photos of the resulting sludge.

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Yes! That is why there is a piece of power cord under the front end.

I noticed that the thickness of the top is varied, it is a PIA to make sure you line it up correctly. I think if you can read the name on the top without breaking your neck then the top is in the correct orientation. Be even then i found out that the drip pattern was a bit "iffy"

In my first "testing" i simply distilled some existing 92% iso that i already had. Postal hasmat has delayed my 99.% Alcohol, it "should" be delivered today. BUT it FRIGGIN' SNOWED so all bets are off regarding traffic. This place goes NUTS during a summer rain shower, so ice & snow... OMG 😮

Meanwhile back at the ranch...

p.s. plastic wrap is simply stuck in the hole to stop evaporation while i stopped processing last night . I did create the first filter pattie and it is drying (per instructions). I still have put weed in freezer, waiting last piece.

The bottom photo is of the two 64oz wide mouth Ball mason jars. I purchased the screen insert to put into the top instead of the "canning" top that comes with it so that when it comes time to end the wash, all i have to do is up-end the jar into a large measuring cup.

Is that tubing going from your buchner to the vacuum port of your Source Turbo?


Is that tubing going from your buchner to the vacuum port of your Source Turbo?

No it is not. However it can. that is an advertised feature of the unit. I am using a lab quality (no spark) vacuum pump found on Amazon for $40. I have also modified my larger 3 cfm vacuum pump if i need brute force.



First trial run. All at room temp. I know from from my BHO days and from my research that the best quality is with frozen 99.5 and frozen bud. However i wanted to do my initial test at room temp so i could see and experience the difference for myself.
I split the load into 2 30 gram batches of trim, and used 600 mil in the first for exactly 3 minutes, then poured that same 99.5 into the second jar and let it sit for 3 minutes.

60 grams split into two 30 gram batches.
600 mil 99.5 Iso.
filter base is 4 tablespoons of Celite545 left to set & dry after filtering the 600mil.
resulting return was approx. 400 mil of green juice
added two tablespoons of carbon to funnel and slowly added 400 mil under vacuum
resulting in approx. 400 mil of clean juice after filtering
Now we begin the cook down... 🍻 🙏
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