do you smoke every day ?

  • Thread starter GreenGalaxyFarm
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10-15 grams a day here also 😋 every day for the last 17 years wake n bake at weekends only otherwise i wouldnt get anything done
I don't think I'm at 10 - 15 grams, but I'll bet I puff about 2 or 3 1/8th a day.
When I consume it, I'll usually spread about 2 or 3 grams of decarbed herb on some peanut butter bread.
I can do that a few times a day.
Well, crap, maybe I'm in the 10 - 15 grams a day group too!

Might be time for a break.


As I use weed for medical reasons I will partake every day.
Unless like now I’m forced to take a break due to moving rooms.

The last time I had none for a long time 3mths I ended up in hospital with the doctor putting me on oral morphine temazpam diazepam & Dihydrocodeine.

It took a while till my body was totally “ clean “ from weed then that’s when hell kicked in & I ended up on a but load of chemicals.

Atm I’ve got 60 days to go as I flipped last night & there is some white ice in there that finishes early still lotta days to go so who knows what state I’ll be in by harvest time. Unless I’m very very lucky & something comes up I can smoke atm here it’s a a no no with everyone using turpenator or some other Synthetic I don’t get on with


The only thing that i have found is that the last 2 years have been a bit of a haze for me
I'm a bit on the fence with the benefits of being a daily user
The weed will level my head out and I have no doubt about it.
I have left it alone for a few months and I have to say that I couldn't think about what I was doing but the first joint
It is a good long time since I have had a horrors or paranoid feeling
and that


As I use weed for medical reasons I will partake every day.
Unless like now I’m forced to take a break due to moving rooms.

The last time I had none for a long time 3mths I ended up in hospital with the doctor putting me on oral morphine temazpam diazepam & Dihydrocodeine.

It took a while till my body was totally “ clean “ from weed then that’s when hell kicked in & I ended up on a but load of chemicals.

Atm I’ve got 60 days to go as I flipped last night & there is some white ice in there that finishes early still lotta days to go so who knows what state I’ll be in by harvest time. Unless I’m very very lucky & something comes up I can smoke atm here it’s a a no no with everyone using turpenator or some other Synthetic I don’t get on with

Man, im sorry to hear that. Wish i could help you out but im in a dry spell myself.


I used to smoke all day every day,but I never smoke during work hours anymore,
I find my high more enjoyable just in the evening
This is what i do as well.
I take a hit in the morning before i go out to work. This really helps my Crohn's as it's the worst in the morning.
Then work 8 hours no smoke until i get home. it's a very relaxing ritual for me now to come home to a cup of hot tea or a shot of whiskey with some casual bong rips. Now on Fridays... i sometimes take my vape to work.

I sometimes take a month break in the fall.


Yep its gotta be 2, or 1 fat king size to do it for me too. Im usually stoned as fk after half of number 2 or 2/3rds of a king size, but who doesnt finish a joint just cause they are stoned? Not this guy lol.
lol i roll tight joints using the slim filters and still i nip the smoke at times, depending on cough mouth dryness etc


This is what i do as well.
I take a hit in the morning before i go out to work. This really helps my Crohn's as it's the worst in the morning.
Then work 8 hours no smoke until i get home. it's a very relaxing ritual for me now to come home to a cup of hot tea or a shot of whiskey with some casual bong rips. Now on Fridays... i sometimes take my vape to work.

I sometimes take a month break in the fall.
Sounds like to the 'wake & bake' there is no better feeling than coming home from work and settling into my comfy chair for a vape session...the worries and stress of the day disappear. If it's a weekend I'll add a few beers as well.

Going to work high is a waste of weed as I rarely enjoy it like I do at home...although from time to time I'll do a shot of my ABV space cream in my coffee before heading out.


lol i roll tight joints using the slim filters and still i nip the smoke at times, depending on cough mouth dryness etc
Ah wait until you retire and there are no reasons not to smoke. I don't smoke for the first or last hour in the day but the rest of the day I pretty well chain smoke. When I'm in my grow space I'm smoking or rolling or zoning out with a joint in my hand. If we go out I'm good I don't need it unless we're out for 5-6 hrs then I'll pack a joint or 2.......I like to smoke what can I say...and I'm dam good at fact I'm a self professed professional smoker....I need a certificate with accreditation's showing I'm not just puffing


I need a certificate with accreditation's showing I'm not just puffing
someone hold my phone..
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Would love to. But like every thing in this world over indulgence of anything isn't healthy. I'm just two cents short of an opinion. Love and respect to my fellow smokers.


Im a med patient for chronic pain. Back and knee injuries. Im switching from smoking to Keto desserts. High dose. But nothing after 9pm or before 5pm on weekdays. Still working. Thanks to being able to treat the neuropathy and sleep. I was considering using the poison the regular doctors gave me and never being productive again. Probably OD on the crap. CBD and THC are a life giver.


I just saw this thread. A nice break from some of the growing threads I can't understand.... ;). It's like "Help!! My leaves!!". Then someone asks "What's your system like?", and then it just trails off.......

Anyway I started smoking young, I was 13. 1982. I was a hyper kid, definitely ADHD but in the 70s they didn't help hyper boys out much. My Dad had the brilliant idea to take me out of public school and put me into catholic school in 5th grade. So I just got yelled at by nuns. What they should have done was give me more/more advanced work, and more exercise.....

I loved weed as soon as I tried it. And it worked great for me. Unfortunately it was a tough time to be a kid pot head. This was the Reagan drug war years. So a lot of being stealth and paranoid. But I smoked every day, before school, during, after......I still got very good grades, I never did anything bad, just class clown type of stuff......and I was well on my way to becoming a hippie. I also went to a very good, catholic, all boys, JROTC High School. The JROTC was optional by the time I went, but the school gave me good balance, and kept me solid. I went onnto college, kept smoking every day, I was the guy who got the best weed and hooked up all of my friends. I become a Dead head, Phish head, eventually grew my hair (I still have long hair;) ). But I'm also a financial advisor......he he he....I worked on Wall st for many years.....

I liked mushrooms and LSD too, still do. I was always respectful of it, I didn’t do it constantly, I've probably tripped about 50+ times over the past 35 years. About once a year I'll still do a good dose of mushrooms or 2 or 3 drops of good LSD......

Somewhere about 15 years ago, in my late 30s, I stopped smoking weed every day. Already I had cut down, there's no can do bong hits all day or get high in the morning and still be sharp and focused, work in an office.........if you asked me at age 20-25 to stop having weed for a day I would have climbed the walls. But at 35 I was down to just a few hits at home after work at night. At 40 I was going a days here and there without it, my tolerance continued to drop, and these days I go more days without weed than with it. Your brain changes as you get older, or maybe I've just had enough.... ;). Or God forbid......I've become more mature......nah. Full circle, I'm now far more excited about growing it (and breeding, landraces, heirlooms.....) than using it. I still love weed, and when I have it I get ripped. Sometimes I'll have an edible or two, or a hit of extract, and I'll be flying.....

I'll be just as happy growing now. :)
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