Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I've done just about every drug under the sun at one point or another, but I wouldn't touch dmt if it was your dick and I was pushin 🤣

No offense to any of you that do enjoy it- I just don't want anything to do with that shit and I've done peyote, shrooms and acid. But I have more spiritual reasons for not touching DMT. I feel it is something I should only ever experience once, and that time will come eventually... Whenever I kick the bucket 🤠

These whack-a-doo friends of mine that I let live on my property are into that shit.. They also believe the earth is flat.. They do dmt a lot. Like way too much. Like days on end too much. Nah. Not for me.
You have the wrong idea, I have seen and been around folks who let “the drug do them”
They really are missing the point.
Shame they put a bad taste in your mouth over it. But all day every day? I’m pretty sure the communication they are having is with passive aggressive elves that are sick of looking at them 🤣

But seriously, if only once, you deserve to know/ feel that it’s all gonna be good. Having a buffer against the fear of death imo, is proiceless. There are studies going on about the connections certain individuals have.
I also believe that there are certain folks (like the ones my dogs have detected bad juju) that do not deserve the conduit at all.

It really is amazing.
Man, kinda breaks my heart a bit too.
You would benefit greatly, you’re a good dude.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I’ve never done dmt, I have some interest in it but am fairly ignorant about the subject and process of extraction. Although now feel a little less ignorant than I was before. Actually I’m slightly intrigued.
Thanks for the challenge, can’t wait to start looking for this grass everywhere I go now. 😳
Acacia too,
lol, both incorrect.

A little hint on the grass: Ask the self-transforming machine elves of hyperspace. The answer isn't weirder then you currently suppose, the answer is weirder then you currently CAN suppose. Extra terrestrials could descend to the white house lawns asking for our leaders tomorrow. And i would still consider, without question or hesitation, the existence of this grass and what is within it, to be a more bizarre, and stranger occurrence. This grass contains the cosmic giggle, the ort cloud of souls, and it only takes 15 minutes to prove these words wrong too. Some of the greatest minds that have existed have attempted such, and all have failed. Language... conceptual understanding itself, beads up and rolls off what is in this grass, the same way water beads up and rolls off rubber. It feeds on life's intelligence and it's inaccurate perceptual observations like a hummingbird does nectar.

Sorry for double post. Ill spill the beans shortly if no one else tries to guess.

If someone's curious and wants to know before then just PM me and ill tell ya what it is lol.

Ill go ahead and spill on the second one. It's the eastern variant of Lactuca Serriola-opium lettuce indeed, latex makes the sap white, and the bled sap/substance is called lactacarium, i belive the alkaloid is called lactacarum, and it has sedative, pain relieving opiate like effects. It's not very strong, but it's kinda relaxing and goofy headed. I dont care much for it, but my brother loves it.

Theres two forms of it that grow here, a bluer more rubbery one, more easily recognizable, but very weak in potency, and this one, not as easily recognizable as serriola, but is, and is far, FAR stronger then the blue rubbery variant or the local virosa species. At least in my own personal experience you can consume this one, or smoke the sap, and actually be sure you;re not experiencing placebo xD. Still not the most interesting plant, but i like knowing about these things and spreading the info.

PSA: if you have a latex allergy, buying and trying lettuce opium extracts, or real opium either one, can kill you... In like 5 mins flat. Don't do it. Both substances are alkaloids suspended in an oxidized latex sap.
so acacia, not tuniflora, though that is great to make pain relief tea, great for tooth aches and shit

mimosa is the one you want for the molecule.
I have a few around the house.

It is in everything biological on earth. It’s just varying %s that make other plants better candidates for processing.
Awesome post.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Can you elaborate a little cap? Its a little confusing.. 🤣
it just doesn’t make and god damned sense.
You know?
Like please anyone?
How does a thing that get so much traction?
Everyone likes to have a boogey man to blame shit on, but up potting?

It defies logic. Not enough logic I fold up and disappear into the spirit realm like the house at the end of poltergeist 🤣


it just doesn’t make and god damned sense.
You know?
Like please anyone?
How does a thing that get so much traction?
Everyone likes to have a boogey man to blame shit on, but up potting?

It defies logic. Not enough logic I fold up and disappear into the spirit realm like the house at the end of poltergeist 🤣
Its a fucking plant, auto, photo, tomato, that weird man eating audrey 2 from little shop of horrors, they all like to stretch their legs! 🤣


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Love the day after a hearty feed.
It looks so good when they are raising the roof.
The northern thunder fuck is in last few days of stretch, and holy fuck, did she blast.
And this frostette is fucking big
Makes me want to run some 15g plants. I could fill a scrog 10ft long by 4-1/2 ft wide.
With 2 plants. If I did a hard 90 day veg, t would more than suffice only using 2
Future run plan. 🧐
IMG 4778


Well, it "feels" like kinda good news. But at the same time, I don't trust shit..

"... as a Schedule III drug, marijuana would remain regulated by the DEA. That means the roughly 15,000 cannabis dispensaries in the U.S. would have to register with the DEA like regular pharmacies and fulfill strict reporting requirements..."

I'll never be playing those games..


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Well, it "feels" like kinda good news. But at the same time, I don't trust shit..

"... as a Schedule III drug, marijuana would remain regulated by the DEA. That means the roughly 15,000 cannabis dispensaries in the U.S. would have to register with the DEA like regular pharmacies and fulfill strict reporting requirements..."

I'll never be playing those games..
im with you. When things become discretionary that’s when they abuse shit.
Minority? You’re definitely still fucked.
Dumbass white dude? Oh most likely still toast. Ive red a few articles on it couple weeks.

Trust but verify?
I’m good, fuck that go over there, die, away from me.


I ♥ fat colas
Well, it "feels" like kinda good news. But at the same time, I don't trust shit..

"... as a Schedule III drug, marijuana would remain regulated by the DEA. That means the roughly 15,000 cannabis dispensaries in the U.S. would have to register with the DEA like regular pharmacies and fulfill strict reporting requirements..."

I'll never be playing those games..
Fuck the Government
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