12 Keepers In 12 Months

  • Thread starter GT21
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I used the mammoth on three plants last year.I would have to say it works.I got some nice yields on those plants.They all seemed to have this floral undertone for 3 completely different strains.1 was white widow 1 was lemon haze 1 was northern lights and they all had some of that same floral thing going


very pricey....but free is cool lol, hey man , check this out....just saw this ad....looked it up, sees thru walls for construction....is this been round for while or is it new....pretty badass, detects movement like rodents, or pipes and such


Thats nice... will it do pipes and wires too
That would be nice but I would probably forget to use it.

My water was out for a week and the day after it came on I went to hang a light and ran a drywall screw right into a waterline. Causing water to start flowing thru the drywall ceiling over my light and plants.


That would be nice but I would probably forget to use it.

My water was out for a week and the day after it came on I went to hang a light and ran a drywall screw right into a waterline. Causing water to start flowing thru the drywall ceiling over my light and plants.
sounds like what i did couple years ago,did a complete remoldel on the house we were selling,painted ,sheet rock work finished new carpet install,went to put new base board on ,next morning a wet spot by the island sink,shot a nail right threw the cold water pipe,builder of the house 30 years ago didnt think it was nessesary to put a steel plate in front of the pipe that was against sheetrock,so the island sink got new sheetrock a plate and finished,,got to love these contracters hahahaha
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