Perpetual, permanent, perennial grow diary... 🙃

  • Thread starter lenhug
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I keep my oscillating fans at 4 during the day and scale it back to 2 for lights off... not sure why. Just did it and seemed to work fine.

Yeh, I think I just read something and was like, oh no, something else to worry! 🙄

Have set them both to 2 now and all is happy enough. I had stronger before to make sure they dried after one or two, shall we say, over enthusiastic waterings on my behalf! 😄


This is nuts, you may or may not remember the Pinot seed saga, as I like to call it, at germination. I won't make you go back and read it but suffice to say, first one refused to germinate so after nearly two weeks I put another in and wouldn't you know it, the original one germinated the following day. So I planted both (about a week or two between them), one in my usual soil (5/6 have this in this grow) and other in the new Coast Of Maine soil I'm trialing for future grows to see what happens (and if good use going forward).

Have a look at the difference:

20240521 202349

Pinot 1 (old soil)
20240521 202359

Pinot 2 (new soil)
20240521 202356

I mean I know different genetics in same strain and parentage swings etc but they look like completely different plants at this point! And I don't think that's got anything to do with the soil.

#2 is fitting the grow diaries I've read and description form Mephisto (see below) whilst #1, who knows? Even made me question if I somehow put a different seed in (I didn't). Be very interesting to see where they both end up.

I love this crazy plant we all grow. 🙃

Screenshot 20240521 221223 Reddit
Screenshot 20240521 221243 Reddit


Quick update on the outdoor (and indoor atm) Pineapple Skunk. She's coming along fine as you can see so hopefully outdoor 24/7 after a bit more growing and this bloody May grey buggers off! A few deformities showing in the leaf shapes and has done this from the start but I like to think of it as character. 😉

20240524 124332

20240524 124347

20240524 124336


My wifes mad at you dude.

You got me curious in mammoth lights and i bought one of those uva/uvb lights and said it was your idea. Sorry. I panicked and had to deflect


I'll take one for the team! At least let us know how it goes seeing as it's my fault. 😄

Sorry @Stokes wife. 👋😬🙏


My wifes mad at you dude.

You got me curious in mammoth lights and i bought one of those uva/uvb lights and said it was your idea. Sorry. I panicked and had to deflect

Slight older tech for 1/2 price? Sez the devil on your shoulder. 👺



Slight older tech for 1/2 price? Sez the devil on your shoulder. 👺

Wonder how long they’ll be on sale like that?


Quick update on the outdoor (and indoor atm) Pineapple Skunk. She's coming along fine as you can see so hopefully outdoor 24/7 after a bit more growing and this bloody May grey buggers off! A few deformities showing in the leaf shapes and has done this from the start but I like to think of it as character. 😉

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View attachment 2178092

She is now outdoors 24/7. I may or may not have watered her yesterday, went inside and did all the ladies in the tent with plan to bring her in afterwards. Went to bed and completely forgot to bring here in. Woke up this morning like, did I...oops! 😄

She looks happy enough so on we go. Got a few questions but I'll put them down tomorrow.

And also update on the ladies in the tent. There's been some issues but I think we're ok.


So its been quite an eventful weekend.

The worry I had last week on nute, light burn and/or something else came to fruition quite badly and rapidly.

The GP looked like it had been out in the desert sun too long and whole plant just about crisped up apart from the buds and small leaves. Others also exhibited similar issues on mostly lower leaves but to a far lesser degree. The Pinot #2 on the other hand was looking mighty fine.

Racking my brain (and worrying greatly!) I'd semi-convinced myself (and still could be some of it) it was the plants freaking out at the new light I'd put in and on too intensely, some nute burn and maybe some fading all mixing together. So was reading up and scouring for info when saw a few articles and posts on nute! That was exactly the symptoms they were exhibiting. And the Pinot #2 was the only one which didn't have the flowering booster I gave the others and is fine. This was only their second feed, well over two weeks apart (recommends weekly in flower!) and were fine first go round and only used as directed. Never using it again that's for sure!

So today I had the grim task of getting all the crispiness off and I semi-flushed them all as well to try and get rid of it anything lingering. They look much, much better now so gently, gently we'll see where we end up.

So annoyed with myself, just hope the buds will be ok. Have another 4/5 weeks of flowering to come maybe and from what I've read they should be ok. Time will tell.

The crispy GP
20240527 121221
20240527 121229

Lemon OG
20240527 122429

20240527 122436

The pile of snippings (some defoliation done as well)
20240527 135040

Ladies with their new haircuts
20240527 135101

20240527 135103

And a nice little surprise to cheer me up at the end, some variegation:
20240527 131303

20240527 131256

Looks like an ice cream to me or a can of Squirt my mate told me (I had to look that one up).


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Well damn. Toasty like a Quiznos sun.
I may give the crispy one a little more N with the next few feeds. It’s going to mainly focus on bud production as it should. while at the same time plants do veg in flower to a degree any ways. Drive that a bit to get it transpiring at a proper clip again.
I would def do it myself.
It may just work


So its been quite an eventful weekend.

The worry I had last week on nute, light burn and/or something else came to fruition quite badly and rapidly.

The GP looked like it had been out in the desert sun too long and whole plant just about crisped up apart from the buds and small leaves. Others also exhibited similar issues on mostly lower leaves but to a far lesser degree. The Pinot #2 on the other hand was looking mighty fine.

Racking my brain (and worrying greatly!) I'd semi-convinced myself (and still could be some of it) it was the plants freaking out at the new light I'd put in and on too intensely, some nute burn and maybe some fading all mixing together. So was reading up and scouring for info when saw a few articles and posts on nute! That was exactly the symptoms they were exhibiting. And the Pinot #2 was the only one which didn't have the flowering booster I gave the others and is fine. This was only their second feed, well over two weeks apart (recommends weekly in flower!) and were fine first go round and only used as directed. Never using it again that's for sure!

So today I had the grim task of getting all the crispiness off and I semi-flushed them all as well to try and get rid of it anything lingering. They look much, much better now so gently, gently we'll see where we end up.

So annoyed with myself, just hope the buds will be ok. Have another 4/5 weeks of flowering to come maybe and from what I've read they should be ok. Time will tell.

The crispy GP
View attachment 2180361 😱View attachment 2180362

Lemon OG
View attachment 2180363

View attachment 2180364

The pile of snippings (some defoliation done as well)
View attachment 2180367

Ladies with their new haircuts
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View attachment 2180369

And a nice little surprise to cheer me up at the end, some variegation:
View attachment 2180366

View attachment 2180365

Looks like an ice cream to me or a can of Squirt my mate told me (I had to look that one up).
Nice buds, though leaves are looking a bit strange. Does not really matters now since the harvest is near I guess


Well damn. Toasty like a Quiznos sun.
I may give the crispy one a little more N with the next few feeds. It’s going to mainly focus on bud production as it should. while at the same time plants do veg in flower to a degree any ways. Drive that a bit to get it transpiring at a proper clip again.
I would def do it myself.
It may just work

Thanks man, always appreciate your input and advice.

I've got some CoM flower feed with lots of N in it so may give them a sprinkle of that like you suggest. This is what the Pinot #2 has had, along with the CoM soil and veg feed I've been trying out on her (and will using to grow all my next stuff as been excellent so far).

This below:

My only worry was because it is mixed nutrient soil already would it cause any issue but at this point and with a semi-flush i think they'll need it? Do you think just feed the extra crispy Quiznos ( 😄 ) God Particle (had to be this one which I was most looking forward to due to its Froot Fuel 🤤 parentage!) or all the others that were affected to varying degrees?

They all have, apart from Pinot #2 described above, this mix of coco and super soil which should get it to the end with just some of the flowering booster:

And this was the bloody culprit (full of N though!?):

Like I said I mixed it as directed, 10ml to a gallon and was giving them 3quarts, so let's say 3/4 gallon, per plant. The only thing different to their first feed was instead of mixing it per quart, so 2.5ml each time (god that was boring) I mixed it a gallon at a time in another container then poured it in to my sad little quart watering can (I so want a new watering can but that's a whole other discussion). Maybe concentrated in the bottom of the gallon pot or something between mixing up batches and the GP got the brunt of it unluckily? I'm grasping at straws really.


Nice buds, though leaves are looking a bit strange. Does not really matters now since the harvest is near I guess

Yeh, thanks man. I think a variety of factors may have caused some issues (mostly the feeding though) but hopefully we'll get there with the buds now like you say. They were all going so well up until a week or so ago.

You live and learn I suppose.


And here's the Pineapple Skunk still doing its weird thing outside but happily motoring along:

20240528 102838
20240528 102835

I did have a question about her, she's in a 5gal pot, do you think she'll get root bound if in it for the whole season? I've had a few people say it's likely.

She's also in that potforpot superb soil/coco mix as had some to get rid of but I'm sort of regretting not using the CoM stuff now. Could always transplant I suppose?


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
And here's the Pineapple Skunk still doing its weird thing outside but happily motoring along:

View attachment 2180792 View attachment 2180791

I did have a question about her, she's in a 5gal pot, do you think she'll get root bound if in it for the whole season? I've had a few people say it's likely.

She's also in that potforpot superb soil/coco mix as had some to get rid of but I'm sort of regretting not using the CoM stuff now. Could always transplant I suppose?
I’ve got a couple in 7gal🤷🏼‍♂️


I’ve got a couple in 7gal🤷🏼‍♂️

Meant to ask, will you train your outdoor plants much or just let them go?

Somebody asked me up thread (hopefully not and I hadn't really thought about it. Was going to just let them go but now thinking maybe a little here and there to keep tidy?
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