Multi strain 12-12 from seed

  • Thread starter figolus
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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
😁 It's normal, no thanks
Ok. I just didnt want you to feel like you have to translate on your own thread! : ) after we were joking about the French and English earlier I had this thought! ✌️ : )


Ok. I just didnt want you to feel like you have to translate on your own thread! : ) after we were joking about the French and English earlier I had this thought! ✌️ : )
I don't mind, it allows me to work on my English and make you work on French 🤣🤣🤣 and Who knows, maybe you'll all speak French 😁


🤣 New Orleans IS french 🤣 WE start with thc farmer and After ....the world
Th 1346696682


Cut des apex secondaires sur 3 plantes , j'attend pour les 3 autres qu'elles se développent un peu plus pour faire une "merde j'ai raté" ( mjr)

Cut secondary apex on 3 plants, I'm waiting for the other 3 for them to develop a little more to make a "fuck i miss " (fim)


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Cut des apex secondaires sur 3 plantes , j'attend pour les 3 autres qu'elles se développent un peu plus pour faire une "merde j'ai raté" ( mjr)

Cut secondary apex on 3 plants, I'm waiting for the other 3 for them to develop a little more to make a "fuck i miss " (fim)
They’re looking great fig! So I got smart and added a French keyboard to my iPad I use hahaha! Not sure if this is going to work or not? Im typing in English and not seeing any French. Im going to post this and hope it works. If it doesnt ill keep typing my own French hahaha!

How much longer are you thinking till the others are ready for their cut?


Thanks Bear , french keybord dont work. 🤣

Je pense que dans 4 semaines , je pourrais cut mes plantes dans la box de floraison et switcher les 6 plantes de la box de croissance à la box de floraison. With 6 semaines les plantes en croissances devraient être bien développé pense

I think that in 4 weeks, I could cut my plants in the flowering box and switch the 6 plants from the grow box to the flowering box.With 6 weeks the growing plants should be well developed... I think so


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Thanks Bear , french keybord dont work. 🤣

Je pense que dans 4 semaines , je pourrais cut mes plantes dans la box de floraison et switcher les 6 plantes de la box de croissance à la box de floraison. With 6 semaines les plantes en croissances devraient être bien développé pense

I think that in 4 weeks, I could cut my plants in the flowering box and switch the 6 plants from the grow box to the flowering box.With 6 weeks the growing plants should be well developed... I think so
Time flies! You know what you’re talking about though : ) yeah ill look into the keyboard thing : )


Very nice. Fantastic looking flowers my friend.

Thanks @Green420

But I've had problems with sativas, height problem compared to indicas and hybrids. I won't do it again, full indica or full sativa
a little trick for the 12/12 from seed grower when he has heavy sativas:

Sativas can take more intense light then the hybrids and indica, dont start the sativas at 12/12 direct from seed, start them at 18/6 and wean them into closer lights quickly, assuming you can manage temps fine. This goes a LONG way into controlling height of sativas. Just flip them to 12/12 as soon as first preflowers show, and youll be done at the same time as you would have doing 12/12 from seed. Only with shorter, denser plants then you would have 12/12 from seed.

The thing about the heavy sativas and 12/12 from seed, is that the 12/12 never seemed to speed anything up as far as reaching sexual maturity. All it does is make them taller faster. Takes the same amount of time to go into flower either way. Their genetics evolved fairly close to regions on earth that stay close to 12/12 pretty much year round. Managing their node spacing with light intensity before preflowers is an excellent way to keep sativas shorter indoors, they can take the added light and heat (usually). Theyll still go nuts in flower though. But you can also keep sativas closer to the light, and a little warmer through flower too (usually). Some phenos will just lank-out no matter what though.

They will still get taller then indicas or hybrids, of course, but you can indeed manage their height in small grows more effectively this way. My first few years of growing were small plant grows under t5, and then LED panels.
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Time flies! You know what you’re talking about though : ) yeah ill look into the keyboard thing :)

The 12/12 from seed session is almost over, I haven't seen the time pass. The new session made me work a little on plants with growth, I hope the final result will be up to the task.... But hey, everything in its time, we finish the session and work on the growing plants.


AWESOME FIG!!! you’ll be getting some plant pic nominations next month for sure ; )
😁thanks my friend ,There is a high level for the plants are far from it , but maybe with my next session, who knows

Y a du haut level pour les nominations, mes plantes en sont loin , mais peut être, ma prochaine session. Qui sait 😉
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