Mikedin’s garden center, Let’s grow!

  • Thread starter Mikedin
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Same! My wife made powdered cayenne last year, said I threw in about 20 of those orange small peppers….. yeah habaneros 🤣 so we made some curry with it… bad choice 🤣🤣 still have it, actually still have a big bag of dried cayenne peppers in the basement lol

Frostettes are getting huge for these 3 gallon pots I think I’m going to grab some 10 gallon pots for this run, maybe 15’s just the 2x frostettes in the 4x8

Boring day, 4x8 still drying, room and tent at 70f/60RH steady

Then I started to put up some lines up for the tomato trellises then it started pouring so at least I don’t have to water 🤣

Bunch of cali blues clones all starting to root out, have a buddy a branch of the cali blues still drying, 6 of the 1’ tall clones from the tub and a handful of cured cali blues 🤣
I've grown the habaneros. Too hot for anything other than removing paint🤣


I've grown the habaneros. Too hot for anything other than removing paint🤣
Yep haha this year 4 jalapeños in 5 gallon pots and 4x hot cherry pepper in 5 gallon grow bags other 8 grow bags are peppers and other 5 pots are extra green bell and sweet banana pepper we’ll see how they do compared to the 20x in the ground

Got out between the rains quick and got up the upper line and got them secured to the horizontals and plants, these suckers could survive a hurricane now 🤣
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Yep haha this year 4 jalapeños in 5 gallon pots and 4x hot cherry pepper in 5 gallon grow bags other 8 grow bags are peppers and other 5 pots are extra green bell and sweet banana pepper we’ll see how they do compared to the 20x in the ground

Got out between the rains quick and got up the upper line and got them secured to the horizontals and plants, these suckers could survive a hurricane now 🤣
I wish I had your energy😉 I've got 4 serrano and 3 jalapeno. I'll keep the peppers frozen as I harvest until fall when I'll let the rest on the plants turn red so I'll make a lot of green and some red sauce that doesn't burn your ass the next day😁


Morning all, frostettes looking good after topping last night, hydra project plant doing great, but will keep that plant dedicated to its own topic wanted to bush these frostettes out so they’ll be ready to fill in heavy in the 10-15 gallon pots when I get them
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Hot cherry peppers stuffed with cheese wrapped with prosciutto and a some garlic and olove oil, or just hollowed put stuffed with cream cheese, or stuffed with cubed cheese, oil, anchovies, and some sweet pepper, so many more ways but we love them haha, been vegging my 4x in the basement for 2 months before I put them into the 5 gals outside picked off so many flower sites now they are PACKED, and they easily doubled in size and are still stretching, I’ll grab a pick in a bit


Whole bunch of update haha, garden going crazy, lollipopped all the tomatoes, peppers got top dressed some 2-5-3 plus bone meal and earthworm castings.

Dogs All out chillin in the garden, cloudy day good day to work on the plastic, but damn do the plants ever love the heat it gives them on the sun
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Whole bunch of update haha, garden going crazy, lollipopped all the tomatoes, peppers got top dressed some 2-5-3 plus bone meal and earthworm castings.

Dogs All out chillin in the garden, cloudy day good day to work on the plastic, but damn do the plants ever love the heat it gives them on the sun
Love it! Very organized and clean 😍


Love it! Very organized and clean 😍
Thank you! Doin the best I can with the time I have haha, can’t take all the credit, daughter helps a lot she has been aerating the tops and then I just follow behind and dump in amendments and mix in, wife and daughter pick most of the berries, son bosses us all around and helps here and there 🤣 I take care of the plants all together feeding, training etc. all teamwork 😁 part of the kids homeschooling, daughter has been learning N-P-K, and what plants like what she started about 1/2 of these seedlings in the spring, now she’s learning how to weed them and feed them, next will be the pruning and training.

Such a beautiful garden you have i sure enjoy seeing your pictures and your doggies🥰
Thank you! Very relaxing to be out there, smoke some joints, listen to the birds and most of the time, see tons of birds out back over the river in the back once in a while we get lucky and see one of the bald eagles that have been nesting up our creek, when it’s just me I’ll usually have some tunes jammin, love havin the pups out there, lost one last spring our oldest she’s buried in the other side of the yard, along the fence line overseeing the yard forever


Evening all! Plants are doing well, the frostettes are over 48” tall defenitly want an up pot from those 3 gallon pots, saw a few for $14 each but not the heavy nursery pots just the thin walled ones they work but I like the heavy rigid walled pots, I did see a few heavy heavy 15 gallon pots they want $23 each for them at a local nursery. Debating it As I only need 2 I may go for it, but also wondering if it’s worth it to pick up a 10pack of 15 gallon fabric pots and use 2 for the tent and rest outside next year, I really like hard walled pots for my indoor grows though, it’s either that or toss them in the 5 gallon buckets, which I may do while I continue my hunt for the right nursery pot, there’s always next run, still gotta go lower these girls out anyways to find that winner, or both may be! We’ll see! Clone taken of each and stuck with the cali blues clones are still doing well, no droop and straight upright still 😁 frostettes always a super easy cloning plant!
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Well might as well give it a shot, never saw 12 gallon bags before was looking at 10’s and 15’s and these pop up for 6x for $20? Yes please haha ordered, if they do well with the frostettes I’ll continue using them if not to the garden they go with the 5gallon bags haha

icked up these tiny Tim dwarf heirloom seeds as well when I was on there, I’ll start 3-4 to try out this year, supposed to max out at 18” in a normal 3-5gallon pot, saw multiple neighbors yesterday, plant was about 16-18” tall, a foot wide and had easily 40 tomatoes the size of a golf ball, insane production for the sizd plant it is, if that they do well this year I’ll plant out 20-30 of them next year, I’ll pick up some higher quality seeds as well if they do well this year
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These girls are gettin massive, no doubt ready for those 12 gallon pots, picked up a new bag of perlite, will probably use the whole 8 quarts in the mix for the 2x frostettes

Little okie x cman is coming along I think she’s got her roots down, she’s ready to take off now
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Yes… and yes… and yes once more for good measure 🤣 enough to eat, can, and sell lol

Bunch of old pics
woah mike is there ewt you cant grow out there😂, awesome way to be self supported food wise. all them fruit and veg look super healthy👍 cali blues pic looks crazy good to.


woah mike is there ewt you cant grow out there😂, awesome way to be self supported food wise. all them fruit and veg look super healthy👍 cali blues pic looks crazy good to.
Thank fam! Long post/ few videos, I live in vineyard / orchard country, wineries every 2 miles, my backyard was an old riverbed, grabbed a video of our back through the trees. Its SUPER sandy loom, like one side of my yard if you dig up then replace the medium and water it turns into quicksand in the hole, but amend that with some compost, topsoil, manure, and tons of saved peat moss from past indoor runs and homemade compost out back, I dig a 5 gallon bucket sized hole for each plant, amend it, put back into the hole, each year will be a repeat empty hole, amend, replant so the soil surrounding the holes should be super inoculated with all the mycos and organics I put into it, these have been amended with Tru organics

my fruit trees (peach / nectarine) got hit hard with peach leaf curl so that killed off most of the leaves so no fruit set, caught it too late, but there still about a year to 2 early for full fruit set anyways so Cooper fungicide here I come 🤣 we’ll round 2 they’ve already been hit a few eeeks ago and have some new growth but they’ll all come around around the year 5-6 mark the cocktail fruit trees up front fruited pretty damn heavy for such small plants so fingers crossed those give us a bit this year no idea what type of fruit set as it hold 6 types but we’ll find out! I know the peach brach got he leaf curl so that branch is wiped out (really cool seeing how it affects the nectarine / peach branches only but leaves the other types alone) I’ll grab some videos tomorrow if I remember

My compaost is about 80% composted dark leaf some last fall’s leaves, I repeat the cycle every year saving then reusing. Upside to the heavily amended holes, I don’t have to rotate crops as the soil is fully re-amended after each cycle and no soil nutrient depletion as I continually top dress and feed Alaska fish fertilizer, once every 2 weeks I hit them with a half dose of jacks 20-20-20 to make sure they have eveything they need, so I’m not fully organic out there but close enough. The bi-monthly feeding of jacks won’t be enough to hurt the soil biology from what I’ve read about it. Supposedly even weekly would be fine as well. This year I choose TRU organics tomato and vegetable feed (granulated, slow release) Then bone meal, coast of Maine earthworm castings, some coast of Maine kelp extract, some got the coast of Maine fish bone meal and some got the Espoma organic bone meal, the homemade compost, a store bought compost /manure mix as well as some plain topsoil per hole, it takes awhile 🤣

When I’m not busy in the tent I always have plenty to work on 🤣 I usually prune a row of tomatoes per day before or after work to keep up with the garden chores

Couple videos


Behind the fence / river looks like some squirrels have been using my fire pit bench to eat acorns on 🤣

And the zucchini and berry patches, i think I was talking to @TreeBee or @Rama777 (my stoned ass can’t rememeber 🤣) about PM on cucurbits. To be honest this dosent look like PM, after looking closer this appears to be more of a leaf bleaching from the sun, nothing wiping off and it appears to be the foliage itself that lost color not white Pm on top

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