Finding extremely tiny white bugs

  • Thread starter Trippie
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@Eledin also what would you recommend for humidity and temp levels? Would that also help keep bugs at bay? Right now usually I can get the temp up to about 80 and try to keep the humidity around 70 but it fluctuates between 50 and 70 but I've seen it as high as 80


@Eledin also what would you recommend for humidity and temp levels? Would that also help keep bugs at bay? Right now usually I can get the temp up to about 80 and try to keep the humidity around 70 but it fluctuates between 50 and 70 but I've seen it as high as 80
i want you to notice something as you worry about your plant,, you say it’s dry yes ok,, but look at the plant, does it look bad or thirsty etc? looks perfect!
wet/dry cycle dont be afraid to wait if your unsure about watering,.
a wet/dry cycle is the proper way and that way will slowly kill off your pest,.


I treat all bug problems the same. 1st identify the bug. 2nd go to natures good guys. On the website it has a control by pest section. Buy what ever bug it says to treat. Problem solved and now you have continued defense for that bug for the rest of the grow.


Hey so the diatomaceous earth will be here today a bit earlier than expected. I haven't watered her in a couple days and it's really dry. But I'm also not seeing the bugs anymore?!?!? I stared for a solid 15 minutes and don't see anything, and the bugs themselves aren't getting on my plant, but as far as bugs I haven't seen anything at all today besides one single gnat that was on her when I came home on my break at work. This is her about 20 minutes ago. I've also had a fan going for about 2 days now as well.
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Nice, she looks healthy! Its up to you wether you wanna use the diatomaceous earth now. You can either apply just in case or leave it in case gnats start puting eggs on the soil or those bugs appear again. What I would personally do is put it anyway now that its dry and its also good food for the plants, I would stop worrying if they will start to appear again or not. Sometimes they can burrow through the cracks until you water again (im talking about gnats now, never had the bugs you have). Thats a big pot, like mine are, so I would use 2 tablespoons per pot. If you dont wanna use it now you will have it there if you need it, its always good to have some.


I treat all bug problems the same. 1st identify the bug. 2nd go to natures good guys. On the website it has a control by pest section. Buy what ever bug it says to treat. Problem solved and now you have continued defense for that bug for the rest of the grow.
Thats a great website, but honestly for substrate bugs you dont need to spend that much in my opinion, diatomaceous earth works. What I do like is that they have lady bugs, worms and solutions for non substrate pests like aphids or spider mites. If its gnats or a soil critter I have 2kg of diatomaceous earth that I bought for 10 euros 2 years ago, I still have yet to finish the first 1kg bucket. You can also get bacillus thuringiensis, which will attack any larvae that tries to munch on the roots, if youre adding microorganisms you might aswell buy something that has that one too. Nematodes last for a few weeks when they run out of pray if even, they wont last all the grow but baciilus thuringiensis will because it doesnt feed from pray, it feeds like any of your other microbes.
Dont take it wrong, I said it and Ill say it again its a great website and has solutions for everything but for substrate bugs I think its going overboard.


I treat all bug problems the same. 1st identify the bug. 2nd go to natures good guys. On the website it has a control by pest section. Buy what ever bug it says to treat. Problem solved and now you have continued defense for that bug for the rest of the grow.
you work for those guys or what? haha all good brother,..
letting your soil dry out a few times gets rid of them,..


you work for those guys or what? haha all good brother,..
letting your soil dry out a few times gets rid of them,..
Yeah I think that's what's doing it for me, my de will be here today but since my soil has been dry I haven't seen a peep of a bug, but I'm going to add 2 tables spoons of the de for preventative and since it helps the plant I figured might as well! Thanks guys if I still have a problem with bug soon or in the near future, you guys r the ones I'm coming too forsure.


I'm not doing anything to it till I figure out if these bugs r good or bad. I need help idk what bug it is and I figured experienced growers could help me identify and maybe even give me instructions on how to treat it, I can't identif

Hello i need help! I was checking on my plant today and noticed something really tiny moving on top of my soil, I just did a transplant ab 36 hrs ago into ffof. These bugs are really tiny, too tiny to take a picture of. Any idea what they might be?
Having delt with both mites & aphids, to me it looks like an aphid

Can you take a still & zoom in


Having delt with both mites & aphids, to me it looks like an aphid

Can you take a still & zoom in
Hey since I let my soil dry on top I haven't seen them in 2 days however, if I do see one I will try, I took them videos on a s23 ultra on 4x zoom so they are extremely tiny. When you say aphid are you referring to a root aphid or a different kind?


@Eledin also what would you recommend for humidity and temp levels? Would that also help keep bugs at bay? Right now usually I can get the temp up to about 80 and try to keep the humidity around 70 but it fluctuates between 50 and 70 but I've seen it as high as 80
Sorry didnt see this message. Ideal temperatures for growing weed are between 18-20ºC (65-80ºF). I wouldnt go higher than 80ºF as it can start causing them stress depending on the strain (some strains come from other strains that originally grew in cold weather, others in hot, others in both like afghanis). Hot temperature weed could easily take 30-35ºC (86-95ºF) but for some thats stressful. If you grow outdoors you will also have to face temperatures ranging from 30-40ºC (85-104ºF) during summer and they will do just fine but being able to control the climate its better to go lower. As for humidity, the high peaks are probably from when you water. When I have the SCROG net in place and I cant lift the pots to see if theyre dry I just check if the humidity droped enough.


🐼 🚀
if you have a jewellers loupe you should be able to tell what pest it is,. look up soil mite first as it’s more common to find them in ffof,.
you have to let the soil dry out before watering again,. marijuana loves wet/dry cycles not wet/moist/wet,.. and that way you’ll keep the soil mite numbers down and have a healthier plant,.. your outdoors and depending on health/strain etc will determine if and how much your plant gets infected with pests and mildew and mold,..
do not spray the plant with anything unless i say so or your on your own,..
Ocean forest is NEVER fully composted. I gave up on it and make my own off a happy frog base.


Ocean forest is NEVER fully composted. I gave up on it and make my own off a happy frog base.
Yes I called fox farms Customer service they did say they consider there soil to be alive and the bugs in it are usually beneficial to the soil.. I told her it's not beneficial to my plant though. She told me I could send a picture and they would potentially be able to tell me the bug.


Yes I called fox farms Customer service they did say they consider there soil to be alive and the bugs in it are usually beneficial to the soil.. I told her it's not beneficial to my plant though. She told me I could send a picture and they would potentially be able to tell me the bug.
what’s not beneficial to the plant is you haha
your plant looks fine,. the only way soil mites will get out of hand is because you would not be watering correctly,. you’ll end up with gnats as well,..


what’s not beneficial to the plant is you haha
your plant looks fine,. the only way soil mites will get out of hand is because you would not be watering correctly,. you’ll end up with gnats as well,..
Yeah the plants fine for now assuming those are soil mites. But what if there root aphids or anything but a beneficial bug? The soil was dry when I got it so therefore no matter how dry I get it the bugs r still there just deeper so I can't see them. Technically I am beneficial to the plant tho?!!? I mean there's things only humans can do to the plant itself to make it grow better more potent and more yield that the plant in other terms would not do on its own.


what’s not beneficial to the plant is you haha
your plant looks fine,. the only way soil mites will get out of hand is because you would not be watering correctly,. you’ll end up with gnats as well,..
So because I worry for the plant and the bugs in the soil doing God knows what... makes me not beneficial to the plant?


So because I worry for the plant and the bugs in the soil doing God knows what... makes me not beneficial to the plant?
What Gnick is trying to say is that we can be worse for the plant than soil critters. If we water too much, we invite insects, if we water too little, we invite insects (spider mites), if we feed too much, we burn the plant, if we feed too little the plant might be stressed and with a weakened inmune system (aka more plagues). If the lights are too close or too far away its also a factor, how you ventilate your room and lung room during summer, etc... there's many things that we can fuck up hahaha dont take it personal, that goes for every grower not just you.


Good reminder, forgot about it. Be careful when you open the lid as it might release dust, inhaling a small quantity is not something serious but too much can cause silicosis in the lungs. Its only when youre working with it, once its placed on the soil youre safe.
Hey I placed it in soil today around 5pm, the light went off at 6 and comes back on at 12. We'll it's not 12 yet it is 10:18 and I checked the plant just to check on her and it looks like she was almost getting real droopy so I watered her with a little bit off armor si and grow big fertilizer(only a teaspoon of growbig in a gallon of water, and 1ml of armor si in the gallon as well, ph was 6.3. Not sure kinda worried me but she was really dry. So this stuff will 100% not kill my plant? Also it's still effective once it dries again correct? I'm also going to start lst very soon I can post a video of how she looks at 12 when the light comes back on.
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