the beach house

  • Thread starter Beachwalker
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at my age you have planned surgical procedures so it might be handy 🤣 👌 lol
I hear you, I'm up there myself! 😕

I not blaming the genetics, I take all the blame, I started them in the window in April in Maine (not much sunlight) and they only had a clip lamp at night cuz I don't have my grow room set up yet

These are just for fun anyway cuz I've never grown an outdoor pot plant & wanted to give it a go

If I do get a second crop in I am going to run some other breeder tho, and not the purple punch I got from this one

I've never bought an auto but of all the freebies I've run this is the only one I can remember, it's a big, vigorous plant with a delicious flavor and a good stone for being only 16% THC, I think I'll try these





I think it depends on a lot of factors! How bad your water is to begin with, how much money you want to blow, etc. there’s a lot of pretty successful growers here that don’t pH! I grow 11 or 12 35 or 40 gallon pots! It’s all I can do just water the fuckers! L O L! I’m not about to start PHing! But if I wanted to bad enough, I’m sure there are ways to do it! A lot depends on the individual Circumstances.
But your buckets are big enough that you don't have to pH your soil.


Master blend was my first experience with hydro nutes and once I saw how it preformed with coco coir I was sold. That first grow was a mind blower after 50 years of soil growing. Once they were on full tomato strength I just road that to the end. Then I starred to experiment with different strength and Kratky
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Basil in 1/4 strength MB and Epsom, no calcium. My strawberries get the same.

If I hadn't bought that pack of Miracle-Gro all my soil plants would be getting MB quarter to half strength once a week.

I've bever seen anything like it.
I'm surprised everyone doesn't use it, but it doesn't come in 10 colorful bottles & doesn't cost a million dollars so how could it possibly work? 😂🤣😂...maybe we should just keep it a secret 🤔


Larry is the bushy one, best looking one too

So everybody got fed today because it finally stopped raining

The mites are back so they're getting an alcohol bath tonight at sunset
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that ground ok? does the water pool or drain right away?
The soil is unbelievably rich but the ground does suck! I've got several acres of hayfields on a slope and it all runs right through my gardens!

I may have to go with raised beds, or at least mounds, I was going put them in this spring but I decided to trust the long range forecast which was fairly dry for this area through June

First year here I had a bumper crop, last year with all the spring rain I barely got anything worthwhile
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hope you're not laughing at short people now? 🤣 or are you.... 😉
I would triple stake him to the ground instead of sticks (Larry can take them) and wait for Christmas to come 🎄
Another Underdog to watch 👀 pour moi
Speaking of Christmas I've always wanted one of those perfect Christmas tree shaped cannabis plants 🎄 to put in my front window! Maybe I'll try to grow one this year🤔

I've had maybe one or two like that but it wasn't Christmas time, but I was damn tempted to decorate it and stick it in the window anyway 😂🤣😂


So 61 days ago today, on 4/27 they were officially seedlings

3 or 4 days before that I wet the seeds, they sprouted right away.

The Royal Queen seed page says 11 to 12 weeks total for their cheese plant

so I'm going to start my second set of seeds either today or tomorrow

this next set is not going to be in a window getting stretchy

they're going to be out in 6-in square pots in Coast of Maine Stonington blend in the garden area.


I still have their Northern lights Auto and as far as I can see they look okay so they must be sealed properly

I'm going to get them in water today and just in case there's an issue with them I'm going to order some Santa Marta automatic from...hummm I forget, I'm retired cut me some slack 😂🤣😂 from Seedsupreme maybe
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I still have their Northern lights Auto and as far as I can see they look okay so they must be sealed properly

I'm going to get them in water today and just in case there's an issue with them I'm going to order some Santa Marta automatic from...hummm I forget, I'm retired cut me some slack 😂🤣😂 from Seedsupreme maybe
fucking contact them here!!!
that is totally unacceptable to me,.
it was their choose to use inferior packaging,..
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