Piña Colada and coconuts :)

  • Thread starter Sunin
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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Lookin good Sunin! Love your format and organization of your thread! Gives me something to strive for 😆 have you ever grown a pineapple variety before? The smell is out of this world!


Lookin good Sunin! Love your format and organization of your thread! Gives me something to strive for 😆 have you ever grown a pineapple variety before? The smell is out of this world!

Thank you 😉 I visit your for entertainment too. Suddenly I want a barn 🤣
Yes- from different seed banks here in Europe. Barney's is my favourite so far. Chunky crusty tops 🤤 Love the pineapples. Always have a stash of nicely cured batch for my own and friends enjoyment.
Available also in automatic. Terms and conditions apply.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Thank you 😉 I visit your for entertainment too. Suddenly I want a barn 🤣
Yes- from different seed banks here in Europe. Barney's is my favourite so far. Chunky crusty tops 🤤 Love the pineapples. Always have a stash of nicely cured batch for my own and friends enjoyment.
Available also in automatic. Terms and conditions apply.
I grew a couple variations of a pineapple plant years ago outdoors and the whole season it smelled just like pineapples and i was freaking stoked! Finished flowering and the fresh pineapple smell changed to a very very ripe pineapple smell and I hated it!!!! lol! that stuff found its way to other folks : )


I grew a couple variations of a pineapple plant years ago outdoors and the whole season it smelled just like pineapples and i was freaking stoked! Finished flowering and the fresh pineapple smell changed to a very very ripe pineapple smell and I hated it!!!! lol! that stuff found its way to other folks : )

yuup. had auto version in garden living in France once. you could smell them long way from home 🫶 ripped into canned pineapple dang
Photo smells better and smoke better though 🍍


Coucou 😊

I think it's time for a repot 🤣 from 1 gal for gals.
I decided to go in stages and I will put them in 5L airpots first to give them little bit more room for next two weeks. They are fantastic as transition pots- easy to transfer.
Would flower in big airpots gladly but they are not rigid enough to sustain extreme bondage 😏 so I flower always in 4.2 gal super vega pots. Grow will go in final pots two weeks before gradual flip (if everything will go well of course 🤞)

17 06 24

And ups mammy overfed a little bit 🤭


The one that was anaemic as a child, reacting on everything in panic is still anaemic and started to claw.
This is how I recognize if feed was ok or too strong and if the plant is struggling. If the claw is stiffy it's overdose of nitro.
If you will back off with nitro on very first sign of claw- you are able to avoid burned tips. If not- crispy crispy 😉
It looks more and more like bin for this particular plant- 1 weak hybrid on 6 -not bad result 👍

À plus 🤟🍍


Salut comrades 🫡
Fighting with humidity right now.
Girls started to hoover around 70%-75%
Lettuce have fingers so fat and big that she deforms her own leaves.
Overlapping in Indica leaning hybrids, size of them fat sausages - not my favourite. It's inviting mould and trouble 🫢
Grow indoors, especially hidden, on the island with humidity jumping outside from 55% to 99% (where 80-90 can hold for all days) also not my favourite 🤣

I wanted to welcome in this year grow this fellow 👊-he will be keeping 55%RH in the lung room from now on and purifying with HEPA for mine and girls comfort


If anyone will encounter Maeco brand here in Europe- I highly recommend- robust, quiet, effective, easy to maintain and clean- even for blonde 👩‍🦰, made for rainy and humid UK so perfect in growing area, very easy on wallet. I have from them also MeacoFan 1056- as under canopy beast for 5X5. Will be doing 3rd season soon and it's fantastic. powerful stuff 🌪️

As I need to dehumidify now that's also signal for me that I can start defoliate- so I did.
I cleaned the lower trunks, some upper fans to slow down two plants, old triplets and popcorn
That's worth 4-5% down on RH with just few plants in the tent


Awwww 🫶
Yes, yes- I won't feed this one next two times. Just water diet for Spots now
Yes- I love to root for the underdog ✌️


and one close-up on delightful edges. just because 😉

Sharkteeth 1

Cheers 🍍
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I would like to take a few minutes of my time & give my review here to HOMEBox Ambient Q100 tent.
This is their most expensive line I think- I treated myself to it after my 2X4 from Mars Hydro started to slowly fall apart, had it many many years. Like the hydroponic was kinda new kinda old, first Mars Hydro edition.

I paid for HOMEbox 200 euro in promo, normal price for that tent is around 300 e/$,£
This is my second grow in this tent and one before was 2 months long as I had there some autos, so tent is in use 3 months now.
Homebox ambient q100 100x100x200cm

I will start with the pluses ➕

- Love working in white instead of silver. that's why I took it. Easier on eyes, nice atmosphere. PAR+? lovely
- Easy to assemble, more or less sturdy
- Omniflow flaps- very good 👍
- Access from side windows to reach and do something- very good
- Nice upper bars, easy to move and tweak there in case you need to
- Looks nice, like linen wardrobe, not like a grow tent if you know what I mean 😉

Now to the minuses ➖

- Zippers- They already falling apart.
Not only that they are loud, unpleasant, but they stuck all the time as they are loosing constantly some material inside.
Not too mention light leaks through zippers now.

IMG 20240619 100245 174

As far as I don't believe in small leaks causing hermies if you would have two tents on different schedules close to each other with that tent- you have a trouble and DIY
- Leaks on exit cuffs, cuffs are also weak and crappy 👎
- Entrance uncomfortable like hell, not only nothing to attach that flap, short strap to attach flap at the top makes you "mendle" that flap constantly, weird rode that bends when you open (that's why I started to use side but it's falling apart too, I keep hammer upstairs so in case I can straighten that rode but it's ridiculous 😂), leaks at the bottom of doors

For that price 3 months of use is I think little bit funny so I sat down to write this review.
Will be good as autos only tent, vegetation tent, clone tent, mother tent (or tent for kids to play kitchen in the garden in case it rains🫖) As flowering tent for photos- I do not recommend.

I don't have luck this year- humidifier died, tent falling apart. 300 euro in trash
Well- always can flower in Secret Jardin Dark Room 150. That's the producer I would go to (or Gorilla) if you want tent for years not watching them Homeboxes online 🤣☝️

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Better 🤞
Trying to master stable 1.1 VPD for second month of vegging with LED

Screenshot 20240619 232103

Took out the girls for douche in seaweed (luke warm water, neutralised, PH 5.8-6, 10ml of Ecothrive Flourish per L) and water them 1,5L each with 6PH. Next two days repot.
They are thirsty rascals 🥹
I like when they are thirsty. Foliar was also absorbed fast, slurp 👊

Top on Lettuce get's me excited before sleep lol got myself 5 potential colas here I think on fat stick



and overall haircut Delicatessen Styla is forgiven and we are growing levels slowly but surely.
That 5X5 looks more and more real for pineapples 🤣 35 days from seed

DSC 6578

cheers 🍍
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Kon'nichiwa growers 🇯🇵
Busy lately. I have a dog business - holidays time now for people- which means loads of work for yours truly.
Cloudy here, humid, swampy, bleh 🌦️
I look at the grows in the sunny places of USA and I feel bad like little ugly froggy :D but I can't stop looking 👀

Bless the dehumidifier and Marcus C. Logan ! (invented zip ties in 1956) hear! hear!

So I wanted to put them in 5L air pots, right?
I have put them in the air pots alright but I had to assemble them from parts scattered around, not enough walls from that, not enough bottoms from that (some of them web, some of them grid). Air pot circus dot com 🎪
And I think I had put them at the end in 3 gallon pots 🤭
6 plants in square 3gal in 2X4? - manageable
6 plants in 3gal spiky air pots in 3x3? - freaking awkward

Bottoms that matched at very last overlap row are green with 265mm diameter in web design, walls are 275mm high so it's 12,5L I think.
Or 9?
Or did I combine the two? lol
I have loaded in them well over 50L of Biobizz light mix with perlite on top so they have to be 12,5 although producer says different walls match 3gal> Be smart here 🤷‍♀️

So here I am- now I will have to flower in 20L plus air pots as from 9-12L transplant into super vega pot with air pruning cone in the middle would be simply stupid.

First time with LEDs, first time FIMming (effects of that are feckin bizarre too- have to make the update), first time in big air pots, first time will late twist supercropp from the bottom- I need more branches, first time with photo in that shitty 3x3...
What could possibly go wrong 🤣

Christina applegate star hollywood walk of fame 637398b6f0469  700

Now when it comes to garden 👩‍🌾
I think I have a bit of early Phosphorus deficiency on girls as I am noticing blueish tint on older fans so I will up nutes with next feeding to 12ml/L- phospho is terribly low in AN Connoisseur Putti Purri Grow in my opinion.
For now during repot there were only funguses and bacteria gue brew to drink in PH 6 neutralised water.
They slurped 10L of brew in new pots and wanted more
PH might be also too low in too consistent way lately so I will swing it up a bit to 6.5 with next clean water for better phosphorus retention. Not that they need loads of it now.

5 weeks from seed just passed 🍃
So for me- slow, low and easy growing blonde- it's the third week of vegetation done.
2-3 weeks left before I will swap to 14/10 on lights and start slow (hopefully 🙏) and low (hopefully 🙏) stretch.
That of course if I won't run out of space and will be able to slow them down a bit more.
Would love to grow more natural with room above their head but it is what it is.

week five: 18/6 light schedule/temp by day 25C , temp by night 20C, humidity kept at around 60%-70%, VPD kept in range 0,9-1,1, watered twice - once just water, once with fungus brew, foliar from seaweed (10ml/L), PH 5.8-6

Air pots were equipped into two sizes of zip tie loops and girls were finally hogtied 🐷 ➿➰down a bit as this shit is getting out of control - especially for accustomed to predictable results mainliner 🤣

They are hungry for light so I shall start to assemble 5x5 with full spectrum soonish just I will let them colonize new pots in old conditions. One shock at the time.

I took a peek 48h after repot today and all seems to be good in this little messy gang of pineapples. More or less 🤣
Looks like bunch of nettles now 💚 might make nettle soup with some hard boiled egg later

24 06 24

May God stay with you and protect your Devil Lettuce from unfortunes my friends 😉

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Weird tops collection?
FIM jobs update?
Bonzai cannabis?
I have it all 🌈
And a bit of time to clean grow area and check what I have done 🤣
I can feel net coming into play in 5X5 to help with this mess. Or two.

All 3 from first scissor butchered batch (still I have no idea what will happen - goes slow) were hogtied and can produce whatever is happening and bubbling inside their tops on the sides of the pots 👈👉



two probably FIMed



Now the second batch made by hand 👐

Lower than FIM - totally weird result.
This plant 🤌 I swear- If I will need space she goes first 👟🚪
Floppy, stunned after that lower FIM, always twisting her fans, doing weird shit.
Sometimes when I unzip the tent she just looks like she tried to escape minute ago and froze in freaky position 🤣
I will keep her for now- I wanna know what will happen with this weird top.
Looks like two, three mutated something thingy's, stem stopped growing up much after that super low FIM




Oh- I called her Flo- she reminds me of singer from the group Florence & the Machine lol


mexican sativa heritage is strong in her - purple dotted stems right up to the leaves cuffs. More yellow pigment. Might be a good smoke 👌


Same with Underdog- this one heard me talking about garbage, garden with snails and mites or nettle soup option, resigned from Candidates For Bin Committee and started to grow some.
FIM on proper level slow recovery. I removed some upper fans and hogtie her down after.
She joined Scissor Sisters ✂️


and Lettuce got herself my standard after topping divergence.
I create tension until I see small shiny knuckle and correct each other day until I see nice big hard knuckles there. she will need them 😂


I have also seen first Fungus Gnat.
She was sun tanning on the top of the plant under blue lights like Ray Winstone in the start of "Sexy Beast"


Little buggers.

Girls are almost dry after repot and hungry like hell
I am closing that mess, setting up controllers and going for 2-3 days on the coast to run and hike with the dogs and rabbits 🐶🐇

See you later 🫶👋


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Weird tops collection?
FIM jobs update?
Bonzai cannabis?
I have it all 🌈
And a bit of time to clean grow area and check what I have done 🤣
I can feel net coming into play in 5X5 to help with this mess. Or two.

All 3 from first scissor butchered batch (still I have no idea what will happen - goes slow) were hogtied and can produce whatever is happening and bubbling inside their tops on the sides of the pots 👈👉


View attachment 2202662

two probably FIMed

View attachment 2202663

View attachment 2202664

Now the second batch made by hand 👐

Lower than FIM - totally weird result.
This plant 🤌 I swear- If I will need space she goes first 👟🚪
Floppy, stunned after that lower FIM, always twisting her fans, doing weird shit.
Sometimes when I unzip the tent she just looks like she tried to escape minute ago and froze in freaky position 🤣
I will keep her for now- I wanna know what will happen with this weird top.
Looks like two, three mutated something thingy's, stem stopped growing up much after that super low FIM

View attachment 2202669

View attachment 2202670

View attachment 2202671

Oh- I called her Flo- she reminds me of singer from the group Florence & the Machine lol

View attachment 2202672

mexican sativa heritage is strong in her - purple dotted stems right up to the leaves cuffs. More yellow pigment. Might be a good smoke 👌

View attachment 2202708

Same with Underdog- this one heard me talking about garbage, garden with snails and mites or nettle soup option, resigned from Candidates For Bin Committee and started to grow some.
FIM on proper level slow recovery. I removed some upper fans and hogtie her down after.
She joined Scissor Sisters ✂️

View attachment 2202727

and Lettuce got herself my standard after topping divergence.
I create tension until I see small shiny knuckle and correct each other day until I see nice big hard knuckles there. she will need them 😂

View attachment 2202707

I have also seen first Fungus Gnat.
She was sun tanning on the top of the plant under blue lights like Ray Winstone in the start of "Sexy Beast"

View attachment 2202749

Little buggers.

Girls are almost dry after repot and hungry like hell
I am closing that mess, setting up controllers and going for 2-3 days on the coast to run and hike with the dogs and rabbits 🐶🐇

See you later 🫶👋
You got those little yellow sticky traps for sitting at the dirt level in your pots? I threw some in mine for the added security. They work if you aren’t battling a complete infestation, and they catch other little random things also. ✌️


You got those little yellow sticky traps for sitting at the dirt level in your pots? I threw some in mine for the added security. They work if you aren’t battling a complete infestation, and they catch other little random things also. ✌️

just ordered that crap as I run out. 150 for 12 bucks dad 🤣



If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
just ordered that crap as I run out. 150 for 12 bucks dad 🤣

Good! : ) Now go clean your room! And dont touch the thermostat for Christ sake! ♥️✌️


Buenos Dias ☘️

Now I know why I have first Gnats.
Girls 🕷️ upstairs in main attic are slacking off 🤣
I can see kamikaze holes 🪰😎 and that bottom line looks very sloppy 🕸️


and here- bit better, close to even floor, smallies are catching up.
Tuck away fans, move around, turn and LST corrections are the only things that I will be doing this week. Slow, low and steady.
As soon as I will hogtie weirdo in the back, of course 🐽
Then I will hit them with new light.
I have decided on Phlizon FD6000 640W to go in 5X5 just I am waiting if this 15% off juicy event is only for US or maybe for the rest of the world too? ha?

Girls are dry like Sahara desert in June and hungry that they are turning blue 😉
I guess I will go prepare the water so 🚰

27 06 24

¡Hasta luego! 🤟
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