Search results for query: broad mites

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  1. mobshit

    Please Help Me Tacoing leaves

    some varieties need shade, you may want to check for broad mites.
  2. F

    Topping at 8 week old old

  3. F

    Topping at 8 week old old

    ...pest so today I remove some leaves and put it under my microscope and see no critters use various leaves and various locations. If I had broad mites, when my nine other plants have been infected, they’re all started out 4 x 4 tent before moving outside once I’ve been treating everything with neem
  4. Beachbumm

    Topping at 8 week old old

    What do you mean they "started out that way" ? Broad mites don't spin webs. Use magnification, look underneath leaves. You won't see them without strong magnification.
  5. Docgrows

    So overwhelmed, I need a mentor! :) will get! I will help all I can, Im no expert but I have several years experience and have had about everything for fungus knats to broad mites and have been able to save the grows that had problems and salvage lots of time, work and money along the way. When do you plan on starting, I...
  6. cannafarmer420

    Compiled list of cannabis plant issues

    Grow with legit living soil and most of these don't exist.
  7. Lurpin

    Compiled list of cannabis plant issues

    ...Wilt Tobacco Mosaic Virus Cannabis Mosaic Virus Pests: Spider Mites Aphids Thrips Whiteflies Fungus Gnats Caterpillars Leafhoppers Broad Mites Russet Mites Hemp Russet Mites Grubs Deficiencies: Nitrogen Deficiency Phosphorus Deficiency Potassium Deficiency Calcium Deficiency Magnesium...
  8. Lurpin

    Compiled list of cannabis plant issues

    ...Wilt Tobacco Mosaic Virus Cannabis Mosaic Virus Pests: Spider Mites Aphids Thrips Whiteflies Fungus Gnats Caterpillars Leafhoppers Broad Mites Russet Mites Hemp Russet Mites Deficiencies: Nitrogen Deficiency Phosphorus Deficiency Potassium Deficiency Calcium Deficiency Magnesium...
  9. budsofgeorgia

    ga pie x runtz / red velvet x runtz grow

    yea i know all that but if ppfd is 300 to 600 for veg i just dont see how it could be light stress and my temps for this grows has not been over 82 and then it was only for 1 or 2 hours
  10. Bilber

    ga pie x runtz / red velvet x runtz grow

    Hey buds....everything im finding, points to light and/or heat stress.....wind was also mentioned.....broad mites had a picture like that......
  11. juanderer

    Leaf minors, spider mites, and aphids 😬 help!!

    Will a higher % iso be detrimental to the plant? I think I have a store-bought 80% spray bottle and was wondering if I could use that if I were in the situation.
  12. Letsgrowthroughit

    Leaf minors, spider mites, and aphids 😬 help!!

    Thank you I will look into that!!!
  13. Natep

    Leaf minors, spider mites, and aphids 😬 help!!

    Yeah if you can spray every single one.
  14. GNick55

    Leaf minors, spider mites, and aphids 😬 help!!

    ...i agree predator insects are good too but im not into maintaining or managing the plant to maybe get to a harvest,.. my grow now that i’ll be harvesting today/tomorrow was infected with spider and broad mites about 3 months ago,. the plants are stunningly beautiful (weekly updates on my...
  15. LoveGrowingIt

    Is this a bad seed or grower error?

    I just realized I goofed when I mentioned emulsifiers. OOPS! I've heard Neem oil can be a problem. I've never used it, though. I don't think alcohol leaves a residue. I've used it too, also without a problem. I've also never foliar fed. I've only thought about it a few times. I have sprayed...
  16. GNick55

    Is this a bad seed or grower error? used on a marijuana plant couldnt damage it unless used recklessly,. remember these plants i have growing right now were infected with broad mites not spider mites, broads are way worse,. i soaked my plants in 50-60% isopropyl every other day for 6 days, totally wiped the mites, and didn’t...
  17. GNick55

    What SOP would you implement for pests/disease/mold at a farmers market?

    got rid of broad and spider mites completely a month or so ago from my grow going now using 50/50 water/99.9% isopropyl,. plants are perfectly healthy,. 4th week flowering today,..
  18. Fromunda506

    Drinking from a Cattle Trough

    Dude, mites are the worst. Dealt with broad mites about three years ago and spider mites a couple years ago. Hell it was. Actually, Athena ipm got them cleaned out of the veg room (knocks on wood). I don’t use it in flower tho.
  19. B


    Ok! AGAIN! Only looking for comments to save the plants. If you don't have that type of input, please save ur time and don't reply. Thank you!!❤️🥰
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