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  • Users: Wavegem
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  1. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    I would like to learn as well...
  2. Wavegem

    Graywolf Terpenator success!!

    I went deep bro! Not as deep as some... This unit sits in my closest now as flammable solvents are targeted by law enforcement near me. I give all my material to a hash artist mr bond!! He washes everything and sifts it perfect!! full melt is 10000 times better than bho! To complicated for the...
  3. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    Glad you stopped by! Thanks brotha Soon I will know Haha shhhhh my little secret. I already started quoting 4 300 site systems 4 7500 sqft greenhouses and a team of Mexicans to help me grow it lol!! one day
  4. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    Harvest Time!! Lemon chocolate fuel Pre harvest Some of the colas were the size of my leg. Elephant trunks!! Post more pics soon!! MPB is the future my best run ever!!
  5. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

  6. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    about to flush
  7. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    Thanks bro! Pics def don't do them justice. The strain is bodhi wifi 3 x snow lotus , this is my first run with her in this system and have only grown her out one other time from seed in roots organic. I know for a fact I can push this girl harder than I did I was just cautious first round.
  8. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    Beg week 8
  9. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    Did I say this girl is special??
  10. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    Beg Week 6
  11. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    I had problems with clogging drains due to root mass size. But caught it in time ever before damage occurred.
  12. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    You guys ready for some trees?!?!! Week 4
  13. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    @gettogro I am gonna get you back growing in water ;)
  14. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    I only put black/white poly to reflect the sun, stainless gets real hot with direct sunlight. I put insulation on the sides I found this is absolutely necessary especially outside. 65 degree res temp
  15. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    Thanks for stopping by! @HairyRoots @Smokey503ski @med man End of week 3
  16. Wavegem

    "Clear Concentrate" praise and questions

    Boston bake shop are hacks, that advertise false information, inaccurate dose amount, as well as contaminated products like moldy gummies. They are strictly about money and have nothing to do with medical. All the knowledge they have is a fraction of what is needed to run a proper operation...
  17. Wavegem

    Let's See Your Frostiest Flowers

    Super Saiyan
  18. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    Super saiyan
  19. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

  20. Wavegem

    Stainless Steel Mpb - Ags

    I haven't grown her in over a year. But the cut is everywhere. All my Hollywood buds had huge calyx and little hairs. My new work with her is the super Saiyan
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