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  • Users: SAMCRO
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    I guess I am now the new kid. Feel free to pick on me.

    Welcome to the farm. You will learn a ton here. Enjoy and grow safe.

    Stop dispensaries in los angeles from shutting down.

    Time to show up boys and girls. Im gonna make the trip down there. Shall I bring you some coffee Capulator?

    Best time to take cutting for a new mother?

    Before you switch over. But you have about 7 days to take all the you need into flower. Me personally would never take plants into flower until I have seen the rooted clones kicking ass before I make that move to ensure we are ready to start a new batch.

    Feds Targeting California Pot Dispensaries; Told To Shut Down In 45 Days

    Herb pizza delivery sounds pretty good right about now. Damn good idea.

    Selling to Dispensaries in California.

    OH SO F'N TRUE! Damn the stories and experience we could all share about this one statement. OMG. Big time! True nightmare stories. Maybe should be a new thread. TRUSTING INDIVIDUALS THAT TURNED NIGHTMARE!

    WIFI Rockin In Coco Beds!

    LOL. Too funny. How about Zanex or Adavan. Dont know about the spelling. But they always help to go to sleep.

    WIFI Rockin In Coco Beds!

    They have this new thing called Coffee its pretty good for long nights and trim party sessions. You should try it. Starbucks and or Red Bull check it out by brand sometime it might help you out bro. :winking0067:

    WIFI Rockin In Coco Beds!

    :dance This is too funny with the porno chat. Love it. Nothing like a good tease to set you off. But Dr. Caligreenthumb the photos are taking way too long. Lets see your drama unfolding with heavy colas falling over already. Your too busy unpacking your new adjust a wings aren't you...

    Selling to Dispensaries in California.

    That ship already left the port man. Sorry to tell you. If I was you and really wanted to grow Id be waiting and watching what happends next here in Cali and then make moves based on the outcome on whats about the happen or not happen here. The game will be defined by the Supreme Court in...
  10. SAMCRO

    TK's What's in your fridge? Hidden Treasures

    Welcome to the farm. Thats not a list thats like collectors wish list of items. Some stuff ive never seen before. Wish there was a list like this with a photo next to em at the end of their cycle. Damn nice.
  11. SAMCRO

    Hot Chicks

    Sexy bitches for sure, welcome to the farm!
  12. SAMCRO

    OGRaskal picture fest!

    Excellent photos. Very impressive work. Good job! Truly inspirational.
  13. SAMCRO

    WiFi Med Grow 2kw Dual-Arc 1st Grow Log!

    :dance Straight up brown sugar there nMeeks.
  14. SAMCRO

    how much are dispensaries paying for a pound?

    I always enjoy reading this section/thread. But my favorite is "EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHER" is growing. The market is flooded etc. This might be true to a point and only temporarily but how many of these "EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHER" yahoo MMJ grower Millionares (new to the scene) is actually...
  15. SAMCRO

    how much are dispensaries paying for a pound?

    They are low balling the shit out of potent meds right now. They all have excuses now on low balling and slow paying. 10 days turns into 15 days reimbursement. Getting tired of the stories and scams they are running. They want it all for nothing and then act like you should be grateful they...
  16. SAMCRO

    How do YOU bring in equipment and get rid of your garbage? How do YOU stay stealth?

    Take all trimmings, soil, nute bottles and drive 16 miles away and dump into friends dumpster with 50 unit apt building and shared trash. dump late at night the night before the trash truck comes the next day or morning. always dump any trash right before pick up in somebody elses trash...
  17. SAMCRO

    What am I doing wrong???? Coco help

    Yes Im having the same problem myself. Going in at 5.8PH coming out at 5.3 PH the PPMs are always lower coming out.
  18. SAMCRO

    Coco and filtered water ph

    I even PH the RO water when flushing with my Canna Coco or just giving water on the alternate days when not feeding nutes. Untreated City water the PPM is around 280 PPM going in and Out the RO its between 10 and 30 PPM at 7.0 PH depending on the time of year and shifting TDS.
  19. SAMCRO

    Flushing Prior to Harvest with PPM

    Sounds good makingoo, thanks for your opinion, youve always had some good things to say on here, i appreciate it.
  20. SAMCRO


    I think this is the funiest thread on this board, got some real great laughs reading them all out loud to my girlfriend, you guys are too funny with your comments, all of which are true but exteremely funny tonight. Good job guys. Ill be watching next week and then following this thread for...
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