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  • Users: ogluver
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  1. O

    Bushmaster or phosphoload?

    is bushmaster still available in california?
  2. O

    an actually plug n play mini split

    just vent the hot air from the ac in the garage outside. You can put a duct on the back of the unit.
  3. O

    Going clone shopping. Help me pick the best strain. (Blue Dream, C99, Flo, Ice)

    looks like the list from PNC
  4. O

    The Best Nute Collection Thread

    dutch master bloom spray and veg mixed with penetrator is good
  5. O

    Where can I order a good pocket microscope?

    the radio shack one works well
  6. O

    How to deal with really high electricity use.

    san diego used power readings to get warrants a while back. 30000 in a house!!!????? good luck
  7. O

    Best Brand of Digital Ballast?

    how is the nextGen on interference? I know the lumatek messes up the tv, etc.
  8. O

    bottom leaves are turning yellow and dieing

    hopefully all better
  9. O

    having trouble calibrating my PH Pen

    i hate ph pens, but can't live without them
  10. O

    Strains from the Past

    GDPlover - what is the peacemaker bubba? lots of purple
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