2024 ONE GALLON CHALLENGE interest topic

Would you join in on a 2024 ONE GALLON CHALLANGE

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 87.2%
  • No

    Votes: 5 10.6%
  • I’d like to discuss other pot size options for the challange

    Votes: 1 2.1%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .


So these have done awesome in the past, and haven’t seen anyone bring it up in quite some time. let’s see if we have enough interest in it still to make it fun!. Last one I know about was in 2022 so, let’s see how many are interested!

If we have enough contestants we will start getting a topic ready and set up a submission date

Let’s see folks!

Poll is open for 5 days let’s see what’s up!


I did one a few years ago, ran a northern lights auto in organic soil. It was fun 🤩
IMG 1406


I did one a few years ago, ran a northern lights auto in organic soil. It was fun 🤩 View attachment 2205874
there was also a solo cup challenge, I think the 1 gallon gives a bit more freedom, the solos were fun to watch but a lot of us don’t have time to water multiple times a day, figured make it easy

Gotta figure out how we want it though to level the playing field

All entries must be the same so we gotta figure out the rules.

1: must be in a 1 gallon pot
2: must be (either seed or clone will determine which by consensus)
3: Must be soil / or peat based medium (growers choice but no DWC)
4: (considering) all neuts must be organic, but would be hard to enforce, I think most of us are respectable upstanding folks who would want to compete legitimately, and there no real prize here other than bragging rights,
5: have multiple categories best looking plant / frostiest / heaviest yeild etc

Lemme know what else you guys think to keep the challenge fair!

Also NO RULES ARE FINAL this is simply a brainstorming topic to see who’s interested and we can finalize the rules with the full roster of contestants


So these have done awesome in the past, and haven’t seen anyone bring it up in quite some time. let’s see if we have enough interest in it still to make it fun!. Last one I know about was in 2022 so, let’s see how many are interested!

If we have enough contestants we will start getting a topic ready and set up a submission date

Let’s see folks!

Poll is open for 5 days let’s see what’s up!
what exactly is this?


what exactly is this?
It’s a challange to see who can get the best plant in a 1 gallon pot, in the past we’ve done gallon and we’ve done solo cup, gallon I think gives more people the opportunity to join in, if it was solo cup I’d be out, I’m gone between 12-15 hours a day, no way I’d be able to keep her alive in a solo cup in flower lol, so anyone who’s not with their plants 24/7 Would be at a disadvantage.

There no prizes, just seeing what you can do in a small sized pot and competing against one another, just all in good fun!

I think a few people actually liked it and downsized pots in their normal runs

TBH some some awesome looking plants came outta the last one hoping we can get at least 15-20 people to join in


It’s a challange to see who can get the best plant in a 1 gallon pot, in the past we’ve done gallon and we’ve done solo cup, gallon I think gives more people the opportunity to join in, if it was solo cup I’d be out, I’m gone between 12-15 hours a day, no way I’d be able to keep her alive in a solo cup in flower lol, so anyone who’s not with their plants 24/7 Would be at a disadvantage.

There no prizes, just seeing what you can do in a small sized pot and competing against one another, just all in good fun!

I think a few people actually liked it and downsized pots in their normal runs

TBH some some awesome looking plants came outta the last one hoping we can get at least 15-20 people to join in
all mine were done in a 1 gallon.🤔


all mine were done in a 1 gallon.🤔
Yeah it’s not too common for most, but that means you’d be a great competitor!
how they going to prove what they grew, should be judged by how it tastes, makes u feel, the stoneyness of it...
Well, it’s more for a fun event, kinda honor system, kinda a team grow as everyone was checkin out eachothers progress etc

Once the entries are approved no more can join, I’d imagine the best way to judge so it’s independent would be to put up a poll of all members after harvest for best appearance, structure or whatever we decide to make each category, only those in the contest can vote, and you can’t vote for yourself.

There would be 2 topics one to post updates only (timed updates like you have to post an update (picture obviously) on this day etc) and the other is an open chat topic to discuss anything about our plants or for other to chat about it, was pretty fun last time just to watch so wanted to get another one going to get into as it’s been awhile

End of the day it’s all fun and games, and all those in the contest start at the same time so we all start at the same spot in our grows as we progress, no real reason for any of us to lie about the grow, some will go great some won’t, but that’s how it goes!

Could even set a time limit from sprout to flip, (like must flip to 12/12 25 days after sprout etc,

Just fun 🤣


I'm rather new around these parts but can i offer up some other suggestions for the challange? To seperate categories one for autos and one for photos. Folks can start as many plants as they want and only choose 1 plant be it auto or photo and enter only 1 of each on the final day with a photo of their entry plants. How's that sound?


This sounds interesting. I don't have any free tent space and just sprouted 3 more plants. I have 2 in their 4th week since the flip, so I'm about 6 weeks away from having space to do this. The most I can grow at a time is 5.

Would everyone grow the same strain?


there was also a solo cup challenge, I think the 1 gallon gives a bit more freedom, the solos were fun to watch but a lot of us don’t have time to water multiple times a day, figured make it easy

Gotta figure out how we want it though to level the playing field

All entries must be the same so we gotta figure out the rules.

1: must be in a 1 gallon pot
2: must be (either seed or clone will determine which by consensus)
3: Must be soil / or peat based medium (growers choice but no DWC)
4: (considering) all neuts must be organic, but would be hard to enforce, I think most of us are respectable upstanding folks who would want to compete legitimately, and there no real prize here other than bragging rights,
5: have multiple categories best looking plant / frostiest / heaviest yeild etc

Lemme know what else you guys think to keep the challenge fair!

Also NO RULES ARE FINAL this is simply a brainstorming topic to see who’s interested and we can finalize the rules with the full roster of contestants
@Mikedin maybe we should have separate categories for organics vs salt based nutrients, as well as autos vs photos vs clones. This would allow more growers to strut their stuff without any shady or questionable practices. What’s a good start date for you? I’m struggling with space issues currently but don’t want to miss out on the contest.


As a nubie to growing thus sounds very fun. But also as a nubie i would have no clue which genetics would be the best.
Would everyone grow the same strain?
This seems like a legit form of control for fun competition and a way to help steer peeps of my level. Im down to buy the shit i need and pick up genetics from a specific vendor if everyone agrees. Or is that too much?


I'm rather new around these parts but can i offer up some other suggestions for the challange? To seperate categories one for autos and one for photos. Folks can start as many plants as they want and only choose 1 plant be it auto or photo and enter only 1 of each on the final day with a photo of their entry plants. How's that sound?
See that’s why I opened this up, to see what everyone wants! Well finalize rules eventually but keep throwing them out and we’ll discuss at the end and see what everyone wants, I see no issue with autos having a separate category, at the end there will just be a bunch of polls to decide the winner

Keep ‘em comin!
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