
  • Thread starter epitome
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Please pass the peace pipe bruddah! What is the planet pop, next to the sun? Sounds interesting, do ya got a link? Glad your here sharing on the BGG any good reading stuffs on epigenetics? @Ecompost
ha sadly not today bro, I am mid way through a salt layer, if only the swimming pools hadnt already been dipped, so seawater it was, naked and dropped, so fire, then seawater, and now me :-) Of course fire needs to be extinguished, but I wish they had more access to fresh water here. It almost needs a word beyond that catered for currently by Sodic ;-) Large volumes of organics and a prayer or two :-)


Yes and the Dutch for the glasshouse right and any number of others for say ventilation and so on, India and around for Research and so it goes. I suspect and hope people all get on board. If the knowledge from these experts can be passed on to the Acoma people, then it will have been worth getting them in :)
For me, in a world where millions of jobs are under threat from technology, there needs to be a place and purpose for the people of tomorrow, this could be it for some
I'm not sure if epitome mentioned the training? Well it appears BGG will be 1st hiring locals and training them/us/nonlocals in high-tech high paid positions...time will tell but I agree with your emphasis on benefiting the local community.


casinos were a tad bit to close to western civilizations version of what assimilation entails without incorporating native tradition (an assimilitative noose) Bright Green Group will be the machete that cuts that noose by assisting in a way that incorporates our ancestors have been planting and cultivating up and down the Rocky mountains since the advent of orions belt leaving offerings for mother nature of gratitude for the sun, rains and winds that strengthen the hikuri/life force/spirit within us...
Yees brother, I feel this big time. You and the land are one, its time you got back to it, if I can help i will. Together we can fill the gaps in knowledge once owned. Righteous sentiments, I truly hope this works


Yees brother, I feel this big time. You and the land are one, its time you got back to it, if I can help i will. Together we can fill the gaps in knowledge once owned. Righteous sentiments, I truly hope this works
I know the dichotomic persuasion of synth vs organic...all aspects considered do you think an organic approach stands a chance against synthetics approach on BGG's scale? Considering the use of conveyors and assembly line structure, little room for root space....


Yes and the Dutch for the glasshouse right and any number of others for say ventilation and so on, India and around for Research and so it goes. I suspect and hope people all get on board. If the knowledge from these experts can be passed on to the Acoma people, then it will have been worth getting them in :)
For me, in a world where millions of jobs are under threat from technology, there needs to be a place and purpose for the people of tomorrow, this could be it for some
My cousin is worried that the benefit won't trickle down to the people who need it the most...


I'm not sure if epitome mentioned the training? Well it appears BGG will be 1st hiring locals and training them/us/nonlocals in high-tech high paid positions...time will tell but I agree with your emphasis on benefiting the local community.
we need to manage our day to day locally mate, we cant have decisions that need to be met on the moment, being made by a HQ in a distant land. We can not have a virtual manager, making unconnected changes to the land, just look at N Dakota Pipeline charade and the struggle to get a corporation to behave with respect towards those most likely to pay the highest cost. Enough is enough! If i can empower the Acoma people to take back what is rightfully theirs, then I will be overjoyed. We trusted others because they failed to educate us and prevented access to our real narratives and this has failed or is failing.
I would gladly come and give my time for free if you pay my expenses, eg flight, give me a floor to sleep on and some food to eat.
I cant be everywhere, nor can any one of us, so we need to bring the skills back to the people, and they need to go on projecting its messages with support and confidence


My cousin is worried that the benefit won't trickle down to the people who need it the most...
this would be from emperical observation of capitalism tho right. I understand why its hard to have faith, but we must have faith, and we must also know we have the knowledge, we dont need to ask to pass it on, we just need to do


I know the dichotomic persuasion of synth vs organic...all aspects considered do you think an organic approach stands a chance against synthetics approach on BGG's scale? Considering the use of conveyors and assembly line structure, little room for root space....
yes i do sir, synthetic nutrients have a limited arrangement which biological system dont lack. How does a synthetic system work, so how does it manage the times when we dont feed? can we mimic the simple reality that biology will hold many more nutrients in plant form next to a plants roots, than a man with a jug of synths can ever match, many microbes make mucho surface area, negative soils can hold x, negative soils and negative biology can hold X plus 1 ;-) There is no contest, only a blanket with which eyes have been covered.


yes i do sir, synthetic nutrients have a limited arrangement which biological system dont lack. How does a synthetic system work, so how does it manage the times when we dont feed? can we mimic the simple reality that biology will hold many more nutrients in plant form next to a plants roots, than a man with a jug of synths can ever match, many microbes make mucho surface area, negative soils can hold x, negative soils and negative biology can hold X plus 1 ;-) There is no contest, only a blanket with which eyes have been covered.have you read Beyond Boundaries by Miguel Nicolelis? @Ecompost
Imagine the bridge between nueroplasticity and epigenetic natural medicine grown by the patient for the patient with a little help from our robots, I think this can happen with out taking away jobs from people, we just have to work with our own creation, the robots. Caveman
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Imagine the bridge between nueroplasticity and epigenetic natural medicine grown by the patient for the patient with a little help from our robots, I think this can happen with out taking away jobs from people, we just have to work with our own creation, the robots. Caveman
hahaha, its not me worrying buddy. it is unlikely a single robot at least, will ever grasp the subtle nature of my work, but none other than Mark Carney, Central banker and Governor of the BoE that is warning us of the potential. I agree we should use technology to reduce waste, if this means we cut more sheets from a single piece because we can do so more accurately, or with less overall input, we need to move, but we need to think ahead about what we will do with the excess to save the threats posed by idle lives

There is certain danger in expanding a precariat class.


hahaha, its not me worrying buddy. it is unlikely a single robot at least, will ever grasp the subtle nature of my work, but none other than Mark Carney, Central banker and Governor of the BoE that is warning us of the potential. I agree we should use technology to reduce waste, if this means we cut more sheets from a single piece because we can do so more accurately, or with less overall input, we need to move, but we need to think ahead about what we will do with the excess to save the threats posed by idle lives

There is certain danger in expanding a precariat class.
I watched the first video and agree, I watched 5 min of the second video and agree that the ethical implications in front of us are no greater then the ones we have obviously put behind us. When I have more time I will finish the second video.


I watched the first video and agree, I watched 5 min of the second video and agree that the ethical implications in front of us are no greater then the ones we have obviously put behind us. When I have more time I will finish the second video.
yes I rather liked Guys summary of the conditions. While you rest i will dig out some texts beyond the locker room of DNA :-)


Premium Member
we need to manage our day to day locally mate, we cant have decisions that need to be met on the moment, being made by a HQ in a distant land. We can not have a virtual manager, making unconnected changes to the land, just look at N Dakota Pipeline charade and the struggle to get a corporation to behave with respect towards those most likely to pay the highest cost. Enough is enough! If i can empower the Acoma people to take back what is rightfully theirs, then I will be overjoyed. We trusted others because they failed to educate us and prevented access to our real narratives and this has failed or is failing.
I would gladly come and give my time for free if you pay my expenses, eg flight, give me a floor to sleep on and some food to eat.
I cant be everywhere, nor can any one of us, so we need to bring the skills back to the people, and they need to go on projecting its messages with support and confidence

I already respected you brother, and I want to say with a statement like that coming from you, knowing you truly mean what you say, you have risen to another whole dimension in my mind on what type of a man you are.

You have what would be called "Waste Chante" a good heart. Very nice man!!!


I already respected you brother, and I want to say with a statement like that coming from you, knowing you truly mean what you say, you have risen to another whole dimension in my mind on what type of a man you are.

You have what would be called "Waste Chante" a good heart. Very nice man!!!
Thanks, i think I react to the energy that is already present before i turn up. I would give everyone every detail I thought might be of value, just to know they might make a better job of it than i did. It is only progress that matters, and it works better if there is a greater mass behind it. So i am told :-) (hang on, I listened, it was me telling me this....oh well it must be OK then LOL)
i am grateful for your kind words and ever positive outlook brother. It makes being that little bit easier :-)


casinos havent done any good have they? Depression, domestic violence, alcohol and drug addiction, wide spread poverty. It is this that has helped destroy the fabric on reservations and even towns and cities outside too. I pray this keeps on track, it is a perfect answer, leading the Acoma back to the land :)
If you look at Maslow's heirarchy of needs, you find esteem of self and esteem by others above the physiological requirements of existence. When our physiological needs are met, that is where our mind goes.

Esteem of self, and esteem by others are intertwined and sometimes switch places, but we are pack animals that are concerned about our standing in the pack, as well as how we feel about our selves.

Native Americans had our free will taken away, and were not trained to be all we could be on the reservation. Casinos are service organizations, designed and operated to capitalize on one of mankind's vices, namely gambling, and trains its people in service roles, toward that end.

None that looks challenging or exciting to me enough to lay awake nights pondering, nor one that I would spend time bragging about to my friends. Also not one that pays enough to see the world or build the estate of our dreams around.

A better situation that one I observed in North Africa, where some countries pay for their citizens education through grade 16, and have multitudes of well educated citizens, but no jobs available for them, because the cottage industry is tourism. Lots of depression, anger, and boredom.

What Native America needs to escape the bonds that bind us, is to feel better about ourselves, so that we set higher standards and accept nothing less! I am me, hear me roar!

We are where we are, so that is where we are starting from, but developing our bag of tricks to include growth in the professions and trades that capitalize on our innate proclivities, not just white man's greed, is the way I see back into the sunlight for my Native American brothers and sisters.

Here in the 21st century, it is hard to visualize that as recently as my great, great grandparents, Native Americans (Injuns) were considered the lowest form of life on the planet, and were shot on sight in some locales. Less valuable than the black slaves, because they kept running away, unless they were sent to the East Indies as slaves, so they couldn't.

I'm a mongrel, because my European ancestors were dirt poor, and willing to be looked down on as a sqawman, in order to have a wife and family, cause white women were in short supply and choosey. Native American women were in greater supply, worked hard at the job, possessed a plethora of native skills, and charms, as well as pleasing personalities.

My great, great grandfather was actually the Native American on one side, who was shot and hung on his wedding night to a local white ranchers daughter, by Night Riders, and my great, great grandmother was abandoned by her English husband, so he could obtain a better paying job than was available to him as a sqawman.

By now my ancestry includes Welch and German, and except for high cheekbones, eye folds, and square mandible, my native ancestry goes un-noticed. For every generation after my great grandparents, we have been engaged in technical trades or professions and depression, domestic violence, alcohol and drug addiction are less of an issue, plus we've escaped poverty.

I say less, because those are conditions possible for all mankind, and it becomes numbers and degrees. Some of my hybrid family members still suffer from all of them, starting with either depression or addiction.

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