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arent we due to get that planet pop in to the system sometime soon, the one that is seen next to the sun? I have a pal that is convinced of this at least ...does anyone else know about this, or is it just my smoked out mate :)
Huh? did I miss a deleted post or sumting, smh


Good project brother BGG!

Besides being grey and often accused of having some canine proclivities, I'm a Euro/Native American mongrel. I selected Graywolf in honor of my Choctaw/Cherokee ancestors and their Way ya (American Gray Wolf) Clan.

I'm always glad to see my brother's take control of their destiny and I can't think of a more appropriate market niche for Native Americans to fill! Whooooop, lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Thanks for coming, wow, blessed.


If you look at Maslow's heirarchy of needs, you find esteem of self and esteem by others above the physiological requirements of existence. When our physiological needs are met, that is where our mind goes.

Esteem of self, and esteem by others are intertwined and sometimes switch places, but we are pack animals that are concerned about our standing in the pack, as well as how we feel about our selves.

Native Americans had our free will taken away, and were not trained to be all we could be on the reservation. Casinos are service organizations, designed and operated to capitalize on one of mankind's vices, namely gambling, and trains its people in service roles, toward that end.

None that looks challenging or exciting to me enough to lay awake nights pondering, nor one that I would spend time bragging about to my friends. Also not one that pays enough to see the world or build the estate of our dreams around.

A better situation that one I observed in North Africa, where some countries pay for their citizens education through grade 16, and have multitudes of well educated citizens, but no jobs available for them, because the cottage industry is tourism. Lots of depression, anger, and boredom.

What Native America needs to escape the bonds that bind us, is to feel better about ourselves, so that we set higher standards and accept nothing less! I am me, hear me roar!

We are where we are, so that is where we are starting from, but developing our bag of tricks to include growth in the professions and trades that capitalize on our innate proclivities, not just white man's greed, is the way I see back into the sunlight for my Native American brothers and sisters.

Here in the 21st century, it is hard to visualize that as recently as my great, great grandparents, Native Americans (Injuns) were considered the lowest form of life on the planet, and were shot on sight in some locales. Less valuable than the black slaves, because they kept running away, unless they were sent to the East Indies as slaves, so they couldn't.

I'm a mongrel, because my European ancestors were dirt poor, and willing to be looked down on as a sqawman, in order to have a wife and family, cause white women were in short supply and choosey. Native American women were in greater supply, worked hard at the job, possessed a plethora of native skills, and charms, as well as pleasing personalities.

My great, great grandfather was actually the Native American on one side, who was shot and hung on his wedding night to a local white ranchers daughter, by Night Riders, and my great, great grandmother was abandoned by her English husband, so he could obtain a better paying job than was available to him as a sqawman.

By now my ancestry includes Welch and German, and except for high cheekbones, eye folds, and square mandible, my native ancestry goes un-noticed. For every generation after my great grandparents, we have been engaged in technical trades or professions and depression, domestic violence, alcohol and drug addiction are less of an issue, plus we've escaped poverty.

I say less, because those are conditions possible for all mankind, and it becomes numbers and degrees. Some of my hybrid family members still suffer from all of them, starting with either depression or addiction.
I need a campfire and an oil laced blunt for this post...Danks for sharing.


yeah this is what worries me, we need to keep an eye on what comes in, and how this is managed for the benefit of the Acoma or not. In the past, many people have gone about dismantling cultures for the sake of progress


well, they are certainly the newest of Empire builders. They have culturally assimilated the south of France, and Africa. There are factories producing native arts, and art of the med in Beijing or other. So what you thought was African memorabilia, or the work of a starving French artist, is merely from the same people that make toys for happy meals. In light of the vastness of Chinese culture, it is a little inappropriate that they might spend all day capitalizing on the appropriation.


appointing a leading climate change denier as minister of the environment, is likely to end our time on earth faster than planet X but agreed, lets smoke anyway :)
I remember planet x from elementary statistics...I prefer the biggest random sample to study from for a thousand Alex

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