Do you cut all branches at same time?



I've got a plant growing and looking through my magnifier the top part of the plant is nearly ready for cutting and hanging. Trichromes at this part of the plant are 90% milky and maybe 10% are amber.
However, further down the plant i have many new 5mm pistils which haven't matured yet. There are few trichromes down at that part, but the pistils look good.

Is it ok to cut the top branches and dry them but leave the lower down ones (with new pistils) to develop further?

Or, should i leave the plant alone until all of the branches look ready to cut? I'm worried that if I do that i will pass the peak cutting time for the branches which look ready today.



You have do a top cola chop. Lower the light to get more time and light to the lower buds to let them finish longer. If this is what you are asking. Yes you can.

The new white pistils are not really to be added to the pistil amber count. That is kind of stepping backwards where you are going back to the first signal to watch, ~60% amber, before watching trichomes. Prolonged higher temps typically causes bursting new bud growth from perfectly formed buds. Once the buds bulk, fatten up and make formed colas, it is best to lower temps to prevent foxtailing, those new buds pushing out from the formed buds. Roughly week 6-7 is when temps can be lowered to slow that or stop it so she finishes and denses up instead of bushel out and get airy. So that new pistol growth is really not desired by quality standards. But it’s fine, I see a lot of people maintain the warmer temps up to harvest.


I've got a plant growing and looking through my magnifier the top part of the plant is nearly ready for cutting and hanging. Trichromes at this part of the plant are 90% milky and maybe 10% are amber.
However, further down the plant i have many new 5mm pistils which haven't matured yet. There are few trichromes down at that part, but the pistils look good.

Is it ok to cut the top branches and dry them but leave the lower down ones (with new pistils) to develop further?

Or, should i leave the plant alone until all of the branches look ready to cut? I'm worried that if I do that i will pass the peak cutting time for the branches which look ready today.

If I notice a plant is ripe at the top but the bottom branches need more time, I'll take the top buds and leave the rest of the plant to finish

I like to harvest when they're about 20% Amber, the rest being milky
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