First grow, struggling to solve issues with two plants (one growing only 3-fingered leaves; one stunted)



Hi all,

I decided to embark this year on the weird/wonderful world of growing. I have 4 plants going right now, at different stages of growth. All are now outdoors. My oldest/biggest plant is starting to struggle after it was growing beautifully. I have done a good amount of research/reading (especially on these forums) but I can't figure out what's wrong with it.

Another plant got damaged early and is stunted, I'm wondering if I should just abandon ship with it. Would appreciate any insights from you kind people.

Next time, I am trying autoflowers 😅

Plant 1 details

  • Strain/origin: bought a clone from a local grow shop, was told it is Island pink
  • Age: ? - I bought the clone the first week of May. I should've asked more questions but was not very knowledgable about clones/bought it on a whim (I was planning to sprout seeds and had gone into the shop to get soil- they had a bunch of cute little clones under grow lights in solo cups, I was enticed). When i got her, she was in a solo cup with 3-4 sets of fan leaves (they've always been alternating). It was showing a bit of (I think) heat damage on a few leaves, a little dry/crunchy. When I transplanted end of May into her final pot (outside), I cleaned up the dead parts. **Had 5-fingered leaves when i bought it
  • Pot size: After hardening off a few hours a day outside, I transplanted on the May long weekend, around May 20, from solo cup into a 7-gallon pot
  • Medium: Fox Farm Ocean Forest
  • Environment: Outside in an unobstructed area that gets full sun. I live in an area w/ 4 seasons. Temps from end of May til now ranged from about 14 to 28 celsius (with average being around 20-23), have had tons of rain. I have a tarp I put my plants under if it's raining hard or the wind gets too wild.
  • Nutrients: Marphyl every two weeks *only started this recently
  • Watering/pH: Was watering til runoff with untreated tap water whenever she felt dry enough at top of soil, have started treating the water as of a couple weeks ago with pH down when I was noticing signs of nutrient deficiencies and realized the tap water in my area has higher pH than the plants need (*this was a mistake, I didn't realize how important pH is, I do now)
  • Problem(s):
    • My girl was growing strong for a bit, seemed very happy. Nice and vibrant. Fan leaves still mostly 5 fingers
    • Early June- noticed new growth of fan leaves at the bottom of the plant were producing three fingers instead of five. However, higher up new leaves were still growing w/ five.
    • Mid-June- started seeing what I think are characteristics of a female plant (looks like calyx with little white pistils- photo below). Shortly after this, noticed a bit of discoloration on leaves and some of the new fan leaf growth was curled up and gnarly looking. This is also when the growth of only 3-fingered fan leaves started. I did some research and realized I probably had a nutrient problem. I started giving her Marphyl, which helped a bit, but I then realized the issue was likely that I had to start pH treating my water (especially given that I'm growing with Fox farm). Last week, I started treating the water with pH down then measuring w/ test strip.
    • The gnarly leaves and discolouration have resolved. However, the 3-fingered leaf issue has not.
I've read that a plant with 3-fingered leaves Is definitely stressed, unless it is one with genetics that just happen to produce three fingers (obviously not the case here, since my plant was originally growing five). I also read that three fingered leaves are often a sign of photoperiod stress. I'm confused about that because I have them in a spot that gets full sun all day and complete darkness at night. There isn't even ambient light in the area. I'm stumped. Does it maybe just need more time to recover from the nutrient deficiency? Help 😄


June 14 (pistils?)

First grow struggling to solve issues with two plants one growing only 3 fingered leaves one

A few days later (gnarly leaves)

First grow struggling to solve issues with two plants one growing only 3 fingered leaves one s


First grow struggling to solve issues with two plants one growing only 3 fingered leaves one s 3

First grow struggling to solve issues with two plants one growing only 3 fingered leaves one s 4

Plant 2 details

  • Strain/origin: Romulan, photoperiod, purchased feminized seeds (fave strain!!- sprouted two of them at the same time, one is doing very well)
  • Age: 6-7 weeks (seeds sprouted in mid-May)
  • Environment: Now outdoors, same as above
  • Pot size: *because of what happened to it when it was in its original seedling container (see below), I ended up tossing it in a fairly small pot, maybe 5 gals?
  • Medium: Fox farm
  • Nutrients: Marphyl
  • Watering/pH: As of recently, adjusting pH of tap water
  • Problem:
    • First week of June when plant was 2-3 weeks old (had first little true leaves then 3-ish sets of small fingered leaves), an animal (suspect squirrel) basically topped the plant. Partly severed the main stem right above the first set of (non-fingered) leaves. I was going to toss it, figuring it would die or might turn into a hermie, but figured why not make a clean cut with pruners just below where it was severed and see what happens.
    • At first, it grew a couple leaves with round edges but sure enough, it started growing fingered leaves and is kind of similar to the second romulan one I have that is doing well, except its like a mini version. The leaves are small but they have 5 fingers.
    • My question with this one is- is there any prospect of this one really producing anything? Is it risky to keep around my others w/ risk of turning into a hermie due to major early stress? I've included pics below, including one of its sister undamaged Romulan plant

June 13- after it was damaged, when it was growing round-edge leaves

First grow struggling to solve issues with two plants one growing only 3 fingered leaves one


First grow struggling to solve issues with two plants one growing only 3 fingered leaves one s 6

Other Romulan sprouted at the same time

First grow struggling to solve issues with two plants one growing only 3 fingered leaves one s 7

Thanks in advance!


Your plants look good to me. They could use more macronutrients. I'd also add Epsom Salt to their water.

So... I would grow them all, even the damaged plant. A lot can happen between now and flowering.


Your plants look good to me. They could use more macronutrients. I'd also add Epsom Salt to their water.

So... I would grow them all, even the damaged plant. A lot can happen between now and flowering.
Thank you. The top one is looking a bit unhappier today but the weather has been weird, hot. I will try more macronutrients/the epsom salts

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