First time from seed, Rockstar strain, need some input on NPK, how often, and watering info

  • Thread starter Organic13
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I have only used comfrey tea that I make and some fish emulsion on these once. I didn't want to burn them. They are still in Happy Frog soil. I have the ocean floor for when I up-pot them. I've seen so much information varying on what to feed and when. I'd like more info if someone doesn't mind. Also, I was watering these way too much when they were super young. I'm using a meter now to test the moisture level. It still is showing between 8 and 9 (wet) at the bottom of the pot and between a 3 and 4 towards the top. Should I wait for them to be more dry towards the bottom before watering again? I haven't watered them in 8 days. Thanks in advance for helping me. I've only grown from a clone once before. I did this outside when I was young, somewhere on a hill, and didn't fertilize or water them. So, from seed is very new to me, but gardening isn't.
First time from seed rockstar strain need some input on npk how often and watering info
First time from seed rockstar strain need some input on npk how often and watering info 2
First time from seed rockstar strain need some input on npk how often and watering info 3


Personally as it comes to watering, I let the top inch of soil dry out mostly before giving a watering. I avoid the moisture sensor cuz i get paranoid about hurting roots. As far as nutrients, I use a 24-8-16 NPK fertilizer during vegetative. Once your plants outgrow that pot you'll want to upgrade to get a better harvest. Bigger pot = bigger yield IME.


Personally as it comes to watering, I let the top inch of soil dry out mostly before giving a watering. I avoid the moisture sensor cuz i get paranoid about hurting roots. As far as nutrients, I use a 24-8-16 NPK fertilizer during vegetative. Once your plants outgrow that pot you'll want to upgrade to get a better harvest. Bigger pot = bigger yield IME.
I went to the very edge with the meter, but I feel the same. It pains me to stick the meter in, even on the very edge.

How often do you fertilize in the veg. stage? I was worried about overfertilizing, but now I'm concerned that I've underfertilized. There are so many options of what to purchase. I guess I just need to pull the trigger. I don't want to harm my plants with too much or too little.

I'm definitely uppotting when they get a little bigger. I wanted them in my raised beds, but I want them in as much sun as possible AND, I will need to be able to move them. Security lights would interfere with the darkness they will need when flowering.

Thanks for the insight. Again, there is so much information that it is overwhelming and often is contradictory to the previous information you've just read. Hard to decipher for a newbie.


In Happy Frog and Ocean Forest, I water slowly to runoff, only when the pots are very light. In my experience, both of those soils do better with longer dry-backs. I don't trust moisture meters or the finger test. As far as nutes go, I test my runoff, and feed with the next watering when the EC/ppms fall below 1.0/500.

Lots of ways to grow...that's just what's worked for me.


Thanks for the feedback.

My pots are definitely light. I need to determine which nutes I getting today. I'd like to get both (water and nutes) to them today.

I'm not sure what any of the info you posted about nutes mean. I'm sorry. Is this a specific type of testing that is done?


I'm not sure what any of the info you posted about nutes mean. I'm sorry. Is this a specific type of testing that is done?

If you're top feeding synthetic nutes, checking runoff TDS is a way to get a sense for how much nutrient remains in your pots.

...and 1.0/500 was a mistake. I feed when it falls below 2.0 EC or 1000 ppms.


I have only used comfrey tea that I make and some fish emulsion on these once. I didn't want to burn them. They are still in Happy Frog soil. I have the ocean floor for when I up-pot them. I've seen so much information varying on what to feed and when. I'd like more info if someone doesn't mind. Also, I was watering these way too much when they were super young. I'm using a meter now to test the moisture level. It still is showing between 8 and 9 (wet) at the bottom of the pot and between a 3 and 4 towards the top. Should I wait for them to be more dry towards the bottom before watering again? I haven't watered them in 8 days. Thanks in advance for helping me. I've only grown from a clone once before. I did this outside when I was young, somewhere on a hill, and didn't fertilize or water them. So, from seed is very new to me, but gardening isn't.
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they look very happy. I don't think your comfrey will burn them. always better to under water than creating root rot. go lightly on any synthetic nutes. i read that they (nutes ) are recommend at full health & vigorous. even a 1/4 dose or less will work, if the girls require feeding. The hardest lesson is patience . don't try to make them grow faster. its just June ... you have at least 12-15 more weeks . Check for pests daily / hourly ( just yanked a caterpillar feasting ) get your soil prepared, worm casting is very very good to add.


Thank you, @su98 .

I'm not the most patient when I'm unsure of things. My regular vegetable gardens/fruit trees have taught me patience, but I know what I'm doing there.

I have worm castings and some additional mycorrhizal to add when I change pots again.

Just picked some leafhoppers off and crushed them. They caused disease on my echinacea, so I don't want them near these plants. Is neem okay to use on these girls (I've only called them girls because I'm hopeful they will all be females)? If not, other than hand pruning, is there anything else you use?


I went to the very edge with the meter, but I feel the same. It pains me to stick the meter in, even on the very edge.

How often do you fertilize in the veg. stage? I was worried about overfertilizing, but now I'm concerned that I've underfertilized. There are so many options of what to purchase. I guess I just need to pull the trigger. I don't want to harm my plants with too much or too little.

I'm definitely uppotting when they get a little bigger. I wanted them in my raised beds, but I want them in as much sun as possible AND, I will need to be able to move them. Security lights would interfere with the darkness they will need when flowering.

Thanks for the insight. Again, there is so much information that it is overwhelming and often is contradictory to the previous information you've just read. Hard to decipher for a newbie.
I would use a fast release fertilizer with higher nitrogen than p or k during veg stage. Follow the directions on the package, I usually fertilize every 2 weeks though but every fertilizer is different.


Thank you.

2 weeks is at least a gauage for me. What would I look for on my plants as a sign that they aren't getting enough nutrients aside from nitrogen deficiency, unless that looks different for these plants than all others?


Thank you.

2 weeks is at least a gauage for me. What would I look for on my plants as a sign that they aren't getting enough nutrients aside from nitrogen deficiency, unless that looks different for these plants than all others?
np <3! This is where I go to first if I have an issue. Nitrogen deficiency in cannabis looks like lower leaves yellowing and browing at the tips ime (nutrients being use up). The website should have other deficiencies listed. Growing organically the most likely deficiency is N not really as much IME with P and K.
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