First Time Grower GG#4 Outdoor Grow

  • Thread starter Dmoney2425
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Hi there!

I am a total newb to growing and i just started my first plant this summer. My plant is about 4 weeks old right now and is a GG#4 autoflower. I originally started 3 seeds, two of which were regular feminized photoperiod seeds and one was a GG#4 autoflower that i received as a gift for purchasing seeds from Unfortunately my photoperiod seeds stretched too far and died but my autoflower seed ended up making it. I felt like the growth was somewhat stunted from the start and was not growing as quickly as it shouldve been since i started it indoors with a low quality grow light. It’s been outside for about 2 weeks now and is starting to grow quite a bit more as of the last week. I was curious if anyone knew if i was on par for being 4 weeks in on a GG#4 autoflower or if it was going to produce very little bud. Ive heard mixed opinions on autoflower seeds so i am not sure what to think. I am looking for any advice moving forward and any help would be greatly appreciated. I have her growing in a 10 gallon mesh pot with half happy frog and half ocean forest soil. It has been watered with 6.3 pH water every time and just received its first feeding with some cal/mag and fox farm grow big pH at 6.3 as well. If anyone has any tips or advice about anything that i could be doing different to maximize my outdoor grow i would love to hear it. Again i am a novice grower here looking to learn a new skill and enjoy the process of learning new things so don’t hate on me too hard! Again thanks for reading and blaze up my friends!
First time grower gg4 outdoor grow
First time grower gg4 outdoor grow 2
First time grower gg4 outdoor grow 3


Thank you! You as well. Your ladies are looking solid. Hoping mine isn’t too small for this stage of the grow


Thank you! You as well. Your ladies are looking solid. Hoping mine isn’t too small for this stage of the grow
You have all summer, why not use a non auto flowering strain, Allot of hybrid strains these day have 65 day flowering times


very true! I started 3 seedlings total in the beginning but sadly only the autoflower survived because the grow light I had then was only like 25W so they stretched and toppled over. I have a new light and a kosher kush seedling under it that’s about 2 weeks old. Definitely looking better at this point!


GG4 is one of my all time favs. And it's where my peaceblaster lineage started several generations ago. There's a pretty big pile of genetics in the peaceblaster, but the single most recognizable charachter that shows in them, to this day like 5 F1 gens later, is still GG4.

Very robust, very dominant genetic character in gg4 lol. One of the only modern smiley, high test sativa dom hybrids (at least in growth its sativa dom lol) around that dont encourage anxiety in those with lesser tolerances to thc. All sunshine, chinese eyes, and smiles 😁

She looks quite happy, and dont worry about her size much as long as you keep her happy, youll end up happy. And youll keep having better grows as long as ya learn from the mistakes

gg4 and afghani are my two favorite ridge/margin geometries to see in a plant and tbh thats one of the first "gg4 autos" ive seen that actually screams "gg4" 🤙
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GG4 is one of my all time favs. And it's where my peaceblaster lineage started several generations ago. There's a pretty big pile of genetics in the peaceblaster, but the single most recognizable charachter that shows in them, to this day like 5 F1 gens later, is still GG4.

Very robust, very dominant genetic character in gg4 lol. One of the only modern smiley, high test sativa dom hybrids (at least in growth its sativa dom lol) around that dont encourage anxiety in those with lesser tolerances to thc. All sunshine, chinese eyes, and smiles 😁

She looks quite happy, and dont worry about her size much as long as you keep her happy, youll end up happy. And youll keep having better grows as long as ya learn from the mistakes

gg4 and afghani are my two favorite ridge/margin geometries to see in a plant and tbh thats one of the first "gg4 autos" ive seen that actually screams "gg4" 🤙
Thank you for the info! Love learning more. I’ve worked at a few medical and rec grows in Oregon for a few years but didn’t understand all the small details from seed to harvest. I’ve never grown myself but I’m learning and it’s been fun. Just hope she produces well!


Updates on the GG#4 autoflower. Definitely a smaller plant but it seems pretty healthy and happy. Hope she has some decent buds. Not sure how much longer I have left till she’s ready to harvest. Anyone have any idea?


Look good! the smaller ones surprise us with some amazing buds.
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