[Indoor] [Led] [Soil] [SCROG] Green Crack Auto - Fast Buds



Hello everybody !

Nice to meet you, this is gonna be the grow diary of my very first grow ever !

Fist of all, let me say that I'm no English native, nor do I live in an English speaking country.

So I apologize in advance for my English mistakes 😅

On to the grow !

I germinated my Green Crack seed on the 19th of June.

Planted on soil on the 21th after the first root got 1 cm big, and day 22 of June, the first leaves emerged from the soil !

Composition of the soil :
  • 30% PEAT
  • 30% PERLITE
This is Sylvia on Day 1 - Yes, I've named my plant Sylvia :

Indoor led soil green crack auto   fast buds 2

I started the grow on my balcony.

But after 1 week of growth, my plant was looking like she didn't have enough light.

So I bought a quantum led panel made using samsung leds and 2 settings : 1 for grow and 1 for bloom.

Here are the specs :

Indoor led soil green crack auto   fast buds

Total : 227 leds

I've been using it for 3 days and I feel like my plant is liking it !

My grow tent is arriving between tomorrow and Thursday, I'm anxious to put her in a real nice grow environment.

I also bought some fertilizers :
I was planning on start using them around week 2 of the grow, but I've read people who started using it very early on on this strain.

What are your opinions about it ?

Let's finis this post with a pic of Sylvia at G+8 (8 days after germination) :

Indoor led soil green crack auto   fast buds 3

After reading for a while, I decided to order a grow tent (80x80x160 cm), an exhaust fan and 2 oscillating fans (1 on top of canopy, on bellow canopy)

As I live in a tropical country, I think the humidity should be good, as well as temperature, but I'll have more information about this later this week, as I've ordered a hygrometer to get those datas.

And for the growing tech, I've decided to try to do a SCROG as I'll just have this plant, I'd like to maximize its yield and fill up my tent with these beautiful flowers !

Eager to learn, share & read your comments !

Any comment, advise or criticism is most welcome :)

Peace ✌️
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Yesterday, first time using fertilizers on Silvia !

0.03 ml of sensi grow
0.05 ml of Bud Candy

Just to see how shed react.

Here are some pic this morning at G+11 :

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WhatsApp Image 2024 07 02 at 133241
WhatsApp Image 2024 07 02 at 133242 1
WhatsApp Image 2024 07 02 at 133242 2
WhatsApp Image 2024 07 02 at 133242

Good grow to y'all

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