Let's See Your Frostiest Flowers

  • Thread starter hammerhead
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Tahoe Snow
IMG 4953

IMG 4951

Wadding Cake x Banana Butter Cups
IMG 4959

Lit Marker
IMG 4966

All 7 weeks or so from flip


couldn't really say. i had collected a couple seeds i found in the cannabis i had bought over a 10 year period (i must have sampled hundreds of strains)
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. i had serious doubts that i would ever be in a situation where i could plant them. i finally got a chance to actually see if they would grow. two of them look very similar to the bud structure you have. although they both appear to be similar i would say the #4 is the closest visually from what i can see.


took some down premature in order to get my drying down. i like to approach things in a somewhat unorthadox fashion so i'm dialing in my personal technique. was somewhat surprised. been drying for several days. drying was uneven as the stem area of the bud leaves weren't dry while much of the outer bud structure was what i would consider overdry. very smooth smoking. very slight (almost imperceptable) homegrown taste. high was impressive for something weeks away from being ready to harvest. creeper, no paranoia yet a notable spacey effect.

would have liked to let it mature but it served a purpose and it's good enough to smoke. very nice pleasant high.
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