Making seed ... question on timelines.

  • Thread starter ReallyOldDude
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So the question is, at what point is seed production for the plant the point of no return and the priority for the plant. I'll fully explain.

I have a veg room and a 4x4 flower tent. I have many different F1, F2, B1, and S1 crosses to do , like 40+, so will keep me busy for many years ... rest of life? So info will also be pertinent for years

Im officially a scientist so I don't mind experimenting, its what I do. But if info is out there, I'll like to know as my research is a bit empty here. And I don't like wasted time.

Right now I have a male and female durbam poison making seeds in my 4x4 flower tent. Been in 12/12 a month. I've been collecting polin for crossing and have enough for sure. Believe the male is near done (may be wrong?) But sure the female is polinated, just not mature yet.

Problem is i have 5 other plants over-ready for flowering I want to put in tent (4 of them as wont fit 5). At what point can I take the polinated durban female out of tent, back into veg room, and still be able to harvest seeds?

Not trying to re-vedge here, just want seeds (and polin) and to get other plants into tent ASAP.

Yes, I fully plan to clean and bleach tent before i go back into flowering mode. But have no problem purchasing a new tent but can only have one up.

Point here is I want the durban×durban seeds but don't want to waste tent time. Have more veg room space than tent room. And I want to be expediant yet successful.

My general opinion is the plant will still want to get thoes seeds done ... that's what life is all about. And probably a point of no return--when is that? I don't want to wreck what I started -- you all know it takes time and not wasted time! Anyone have info here or can validated my hypothesis ... or more importantly not! It would be appreciated as always! Any other comments on other aspects respected and apreaciated to. Thanks in advanc


You can’t put a pollinated female back into veg to harvest seeds. You have to see it through to finish.

If the female pollen recipient (Durban) is already carrying seed, then all you can do is spray it down with water to kill any rogue pollen left in the plant and start flowering the other 4 pollen recipients for the next project along side it.

You can flower males 1/2 way through flower to collect pollen and put them back into veg to revert them and stop pollen production. But you can’t do that with females to collect seed.


I wouldn’t dare put a plant you just want to flower in there. I think you will never be able to get all the pollin out of the tent. It’s in everything in the tent. Is there a reason you are making straight run seeds?


I wouldn’t dare put a plant you just want to flower in there. I think you will never be able to get all the pollin out of the tent. It’s in everything in the tent. Is there a reason you are making straight run seeds?
Yup, I forgot to also mention pulling all the plants and lights (and everything) out and giving the tent a good washing too before starting any other breeding projects in the same space.

A good science / lab tech would know how to practice “sterile technique” in the lab

Im officially a scientist so I don't mind experimenting, it’s what I do. But if info is out there, I'll like to know as my research is a bit empty here. And I don't like wasted time.

Aye… I’m officially a scientist too.
IMG 2657

No lie, I used to own a biotech company and I have 16 non-provisional patents in my name (8 filed in the USA & the same 8 protected under a PCT in other countries). But then I gave it all up to go back growing my own weed (after nearly a 15 year hiatus) and doing nothing but chillin’ again

Here I am extracting DNA from a novel species of mushroom in my living room 😂.


I had said: "Yes, I fully plan to clean and bleach tent before i go back into flowering mode. But have no problem purchasing a new tent but can only have one up."

So, maybe i wasn't clear, but I already though about polin contamination, why I mention just purchasing a new tent. But I want to point out 1) bleach is great greenhouse cleaner and will kill polin. Water will kill polin. 2) polin has limited life. So I was thinking sanitation, thoughal sanitized

Was now thinking it's experiment time. That is sanitise tent, vice a new one, and report back results. This will still be invalid as intent on next runs is still seeds. Yea I was going to bag and hand polinate a few branches but polin contamination can still occure ... so it's invalid *unless* there are no seeds in remainder of plant i.e. no polin contamination AND successful sanitation.

"If the female pollen recipient (Durban) is already carrying seed, then all you can do is spray it down with water to kill any rogue pollen left in the plant and start flowering the other 4 pollen recipients for the next project along side it."

Think I'll have to try that. I normally SCROG with 4 but I have 5 plants ready plus the polonated durban. So scrap the SCROG, I'll try that!

And I think you answered the full photoperiod is necessary for seeds ... thanks!

"I wouldn’t dare put a plant you just want to flower in there. I think you will never be able to get all the pollin out of the tent. It’s in everything in the tent."

Well, worst case is the tent isn't used for straight flower for a period of time but need not be never. I can however see if it's a tent can be adequately sanitised.

"Is there a reason you are making straight run seeds?"

Yes, I don't smoke it and therefor seed is the goal. I don't think the current set of breeders are recording dominate and recessive trates adequately... only exception is recessive autoflower. I may not be able to generate adequate statical sample size either but I have ideas.


I had said: "Yes, I fully plan to clean and bleach tent before i go back into flowering mode. But have no problem purchasing a new tent but can only have one up."

So, maybe i wasn't clear, but I already though about polin contamination, why I mention just purchasing a new tent. But I want to point out 1) bleach is great greenhouse cleaner and will kill polin. Water will kill polin. 2) polin has limited life. So I was thinking sanitation, thoughal sanitized

Was now thinking it's experiment time. That is sanitise tent, vice a new one, and report back results. This will still be invalid as intent on next runs is still seeds. Yea I was going to bag and hand polinate a few branches but polin contamination can still occure ... so it's invalid *unless* there are no seeds in remainder of plant i.e. no polin contamination AND successful sanitation.

"If the female pollen recipient (Durban) is already carrying seed, then all you can do is spray it down with water to kill any rogue pollen left in the plant and start flowering the other 4 pollen recipients for the next project along side it."

Think I'll have to try that. I normally SCROG with 4 but I have 5 plants ready plus the polonated durban. So scrap the SCROG, I'll try that!

And I think you answered the full photoperiod is necessary for seeds ... thanks!

"I wouldn’t dare put a plant you just want to flower in there. I think you will never be able to get all the pollin out of the tent. It’s in everything in the tent."

Well, worst case is the tent isn't used for straight flower for a period of time but need not be never. I can however see if it's a tent can be adequately sanitised.

"Is there a reason you are making straight run seeds?"

Yes, I don't smoke it and therefor seed is the goal. I don't think the current set of breeders are recording dominate and recessive trates adequately... only exception is recessive autoflower. I may not be able to generate adequate statical sample size either but I have ideas.
I would be worried about it coming out of the fans.


Yes, I don't smoke it and therefor seed is the goal. I don't think the current set of breeders are recording dominate and recessive trates adequately... only exception is recessive autoflower. I may not be able to generate adequate statical sample size either but I have ideas.
So, what traits are you breeding for?


Breeding for particular traits is diferent, but is not to say this will not be a secondary study/experiments ... thst is easily done.

So, in answer to your question, I'm not breading for particluar traits at this time, rather, to identify probability of what traits are recessive and which are dominant. Now, Auto being recessive is known but I have found no other documentation on traits that have been identified as either recessive or dominant. So it's breading of known and diferent traits to see probababitity of thoes traits, adequate sample size of course, that appear in F1 (dominant), F2 (recessive), etc. And, of course, documenting thoes statical probabilities.

I experiment, it's what I do, and I wouldn't be doing this if I have found it already documented. Experimenting is discovery! I learn. If i was able to find such info, if it even exists, I wouldn't be doing this. If it exist, it's tightly held by breaders. Yea, this is by no means a short term project for sure.

as for my question, I have a observed a number of observations about reveging early but i have not had aprotunity of reveging late. And I know people have revegitate after harvest. Basically, my observation are if flowering goes on hold in early stages and yes, reveged. But is there a point the plant says I'm going to finish up with seeds I've put energy into and produce seeds. What I'm getting is NO, that flowerin process haults egardless of maturity, a dormancy like period, untill reveging occures ... thats partially on my observation and supported what has been said so far in this thread. I would like to hear more!
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