Medicinal Use



Greetings, I plan to grow a plant for my wife's hypertension and depression. Hoping you will welcome a new beginner grower like me.
Seeking here your knowledge and experiences your ideas tips on growing and what best strains suited for my wife's condition. Never grow the plant ever your help ideas and tips will be appreciated. Thanks.


welcome 🤟 loads of medicinal use growers here so you're in the right place
for depression I was growing for my mother - she was vaping usually 1:1 strains where you have same amount of CBD to THC. Cannatonic was nice. When it got worse with bad thoughts and she needed to have munchies her favourite strain was Dosidos and she loved Jack Herrer. Like mother, like daughter 🤣
You can also research Granddaddy Purple- as I have friend that is growing this strain for his wifey and vaping it she got off her antidepressants

With hypertension 1:1 would be what I would go to and sativa leaning as strong THC content and Indica "hammer" might make it worse 😉
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