Newbie In Circles And Nutrients

  • Thread starter Jokester619
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Hello Everyone! First time grower here trying to do it good my first run. Running a 4x4 tent with a 600 watt LED supposed to be comparable to 1000 watt HPS (Optic 6 LED).

Gonna try to do 6 plants 2 from seed and 4 clones. SOIL grow going with Roots Organics.

After watching numerous youtube vids, reading reviews and posts on numerous forums, the nutrient recommendations go in circles. I was leaning on Advanced Nutrients or Foxfarms and it seemed the go to, until I went to my local shop and House and Gardens and some other brands were reccomended . Being that it's now 2017 and a lot of things I've read were dated back in 2010-2015, what is the new consensus. I'm not really on a budget but I am definitely not one to waste money. If the best stuff is really the cheapest stuff, I'm all for it. What a lot of people told me at the Cannibus cup, hempcon, is not to believe all the fluff on the internet. A lot of people do teas n stuff but as far as nutes goes, what's the best stuff for your money. H&G seems comparable to AN but anyone lately with experience. Maybe solutions now are made different??? Any recommendations for a good price but good quality stuff now in 2017. Let me know. A simple lineup would be cool. Read some stuff about terpinator too. Might as well ask about it now.

Gonna drop some money soon as my tent is set up waiting a day or so for clones, but I'm ready. Please some simple but knowledgable recomendations. Growing in San Diego.

Thanks in advance and excited to be part of the community!


i use maxsea plant food. veg/bloom. its balance perfect for herb it would appear!

this blue cookies tester thing.. the boss says it looks like it has a "blue berry structure". so, there ya have it cheap food. maxsea, micros/etc, dirt, light, air flow! rock n roll!
IMG 6275
IMG 6276

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I find its best to ensure you're using a complete base nutrient and calmag before anything else. Either of the brands you said should be fine but i prefer the general hydroponics flora trio, dyna-gro, or something similar. For supplements, its best to break each down by ingredient. There are proven biostimulants, but if you don't know which is in what bottle, you might not be using any or too many of some. I'm going to just lay out some commonly accepted ones and leave out hard hormones and harpin proteins, etc. The list of generally accepted proven "boosters" for cannabis is silica, kelp extract, yeast extract, humic and fulvic acid, amino acids, sugars, triacontanol, and microbes. Some i consider on the outside of proven but common would be yucca, chitosan, and similar. You don't need to use all or even some to produce quality cannabis. All you need is a balanced nutrient and probably calmag depending on your water and nutrient choice. Advanced nutrients has very convoluted products in that those ingredients are spread but in everything. Almost like every product is a standalone product. That doesn't mean theyre bad, in fact i would recommend a few of their products to anyone. The most noticeable supplements are kelphumic, sugars, silica, and microbes. Microbes kind of breakdown into different categories and there's scores of information on it. If youre planning to go with advanced nutrients the supplements to buy would be their kelphumic, nirvana and their sugars product, bud candy. Their silica uses the same ingredient as others but is more diluted. Because of this you save money by buying protekt from dynagro or armorsi from general hydroponics. The og biowar products tested best in my gardens for microbe products and so i use them. If you absolutely have to use advanced, voodoo juice and whichever one is myco are the choices, i think piranha. You will get better results with og biowar root and nute packs though. This post kind of got away from me but I'll leave it at that for now. If you let me know what you're thinking after reading this, ill gladly answer any questions or whatever.


Xenon, thanks for the info. Yeah, I know I'm gonna need to get some stuff but it's super hard to decide what to go with especially with little knowledge.

I understand the base part and calmag like you said but things start going sideways when you start adding the additives. Advanced was just one of the many companies I read or heard about along with H&G, fox, etc. I'm really cool with anything good but from peoples knowledgeable experience I'm trying to to all the guesswork out as much as I can.

If I'm starting with the base nutes, and calmag, what are good ones to start with. Are base nutes different from company to company. With that already comes the GH line, GO gobox, foxfarms, H&G soil A and B. Advanced has this sensi grow, then some PH control ones. Don't know the difference or are they all the same as far as bases. I know if you pick for say AN, like you said there's a few additives in the line that provide other necessary things needed. But that comes with an added price tag. Leaning towards H&G bases or GH as the prices seem a little nicer on the wallet for the lineup and less bottles but please let me know. Gonna be using RO water just FYI.


Xenon, thanks for the info. Yeah, I know I'm gonna need to get some stuff but it's super hard to decide what to go with especially with little knowledge.

I understand the base part and calmag like you said but things start going sideways when you start adding the additives. Advanced was just one of the many companies I read or heard about along with H&G, fox, etc. I'm really cool with anything good but from peoples knowledgeable experience I'm trying to to all the guesswork out as much as I can.

If I'm starting with the base nutes, and calmag, what are good ones to start with. Are base nutes different from company to company. With that already comes the GH line, GO gobox, foxfarms, H&G soil A and B. Advanced has this sensi grow, then some PH control ones. Don't know the difference or are they all the same as far as bases. I know if you pick for say AN, like you said there's a few additives in the line that provide other necessary things needed. But that comes with an added price tag. Leaning towards H&G bases or GH as the prices seem a little nicer on the wallet for the lineup and less bottles but please let me know. Gonna be using RO water just FYI.
For learning and ease of use i recommend people get general hydroponics flora micro and flora bloom. That's your base and its complete and you can tailor a feed schedule pretty much however you want with those 2. I then recommend their calimagic for your calmag. You'll want to use a half tsp. With every gallon of ro water. Their armorsi is a great silica and if you're going to be shaping your plants at all you should grab this also. That's a compete food line and the benefits of silica are great and noticeable. Those products are all fairly priced also. I can also give you a solid outline for using those products. If you wanted to add anything to that, it is extra, but the two most noticeable would be a kelphumic product and a sugar product. Advanced does make good versions of both and their sugar is basically the sugar all others are held against, bud candy. Using sugars will add weight and stickiness, but also impart a flavor. Some hate this flavor, some enjoy it, a lot don't notice it, but in the end using a sugar is your choice. I prefer my own buds without a sugar but a lot of my clients prefer it with sugar. There are countless kelphumics out there but liquid karma and advanced nutrients nirvana are particularly complete with both including yeast and amino acid complex components. Nirvana contains pretty much every organic biostimulant including the ones not proven to work but common like azomite, additional saponins, etc.

Here's a breakdown.
Absolutely necessary: calimagic, flora micro, flora bloom

Should use: Armorsi but not required.

Will decrease veg time and noticeably improve flower quality: Nirvana, bud candy or any other companies version of the same products.
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