organic 6xwhite widow 1xdouble berry and Sensi star 12 site sea of green

  • Thread starter organicsaregreen
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im still a little cautious of growing in my home because I had a break in after I went to hang out with my cousin and someone didnt fucking take much but they puked in my hydro Rez and fucked with my plants and my nutrients. its ok I now I think but you never know now, its the fucking neighbors pissed off cause I grow weed

anyways, I have a 6x6 tent with a 5x5 grow led with 6 greenhouse white widows and one double bubbleberry, might throw in another seed (maybe purple #1 or super skunk) because one gh ww isnt sprouting, also a 4x4 grow tent with a Sensi star feminized seedling im mothering out with 1 led light, a 2x4 with two 2x2 grow lights and a 2x4 flood/drain table (I still gotta clean it out, washed my table twice so far and theres some sort of bacteria forming on the top)

for the organic tent im using
bone meal
blood meal
high n/p guano
kelp meal
Dolomite lime
worm castings
humic granuals

all top dressed every 3 weeks and watered with plain hose water

and the hydro tent im using (hopefully my nutrients are ok, will check later after I sleep)
flora nova bloom/grow
flora duo
big bud
bud candy
rapid start
and a few others

I also hace two 2x4 drying tents

I have a 5000btu ac cranked up for the entire grow since its summer, its sitting on a table blowing its exhaust out so I dont have to mount it, the condenser tray sounds like it leaks though, but most of it is pointing outside and I haven't gotten leaks yet, but ymmv

heading off to bed soon so I cant take pics, ill take some in the evening when I wake up

here are some pics from my old grows
Organic 6xwhite widow 1xdouble berry and sensi star 12 site sea of green
Organic 6xwhite widow 1xdouble berry and sensi star 12 site sea of green 2
Organic 6xwhite widow 1xdouble berry and sensi star 12 site sea of green 3
Organic 6xwhite widow 1xdouble berry and sensi star 12 site sea of green 4
Organic 6xwhite widow 1xdouble berry and sensi star 12 site sea of green 5
Organic 6xwhite widow 1xdouble berry and sensi star 12 site sea of green 6
Organic 6xwhite widow 1xdouble berry and sensi star 12 site sea of green 7
Organic 6xwhite widow 1xdouble berry and sensi star 12 site sea of green 8


update, most of the green house white widows are dwarves

double bubbleberry
Unnamed 4

wonder woman

Unnamed 5

sensi star

Unnamed 6

and here are the dwarf white widows, some look somewhat normal, some are kinda dwarfish. these might get pulled for something like blue mystic, or b52
Unnamed 10

Unnamed 9

Unnamed 8

Unnamed 7
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