Organic Ore Chem Nutes Prefer? Remo Nutrients Questions!

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I am growing in Soil 2 years with Biobizz. I like Remo watching his Videos on YouTube and he is a Master Grower and he creating a new nutrients line "Remo Nutrients" maybe I want to try them out i here good thinks from that. But from the Health standpoint is organic better for the end product?

Maybe I want to try Coco out than I can't go with Biobizz nutes..

Hope for good answers.


I Would recommend switching from soil to Coco.

Compressed Coco eliminates 90+% pest problems. the ONLY downside is you will need to use Cal-Mag.

in my grow I used Coco to grow four plants.

I used both hydroponics and natural nutrients I mixed coco ,Perlite and rabbit pellets in the bottom third of the pot then Coco and Perlite in the top 2/3.

Didn't know if rabbit pellets would cause note burn or not but I wanted the plants established before finding the rabbit pellets.

I used General Hydroponics nutrients as well.

my next grow will be Sensi Grow PH perfect in Coco.


I am growing in Soil 2 years with Biobizz. I like Remo watching his Videos on YouTube and he is a Master Grower and he creating a new nutrients line "Remo Nutrients" maybe I want to try them out i here good thinks from that. But from the Health standpoint is organic better for the end product?

Maybe I want to try Coco out than I can't go with Biobizz nutes..

Hope for good answers.


Pest problems sucks.... That's a great think if I can eliminate that. How is the taste from the buds? Canna Coco A+B maybe also good Nutes but Remo kicks ass I think and he has cal-mg in his line as well..

Ph and EC is important right? Than I need a ec pen also


pest problems are awful. I think your nutes a good flush, and great curing process has more to affect flavor than the soil YouTube Closet med grower he uses Coco exclusively, and he won a cup a year or so ago.

Pest problems sucks.... That's a great think if I can eliminate that. How is the taste from the buds? Canna Coco A+B maybe also good Nutes but Remo kicks ass I think and he has cal-mg in his line as well..

Ph and EC is important right? Than I need a ec pen also


Correction the name is nvclosetmedgrower

This is a link to one of vids.
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