Papa's Propagation Playland

  • Thread starter Papa Indica
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Papa Indica

Papa Indica

What are stakes for again?
Don't hold them up... tie em down
My bondage starts early.
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It leads to buff stems early on.
They seem to harden up within a few days of applying lst.

I have to tie them down as soon as a pipe cleaner fits over the new growth tips safely. You lose your window the longer you wait.

Then later in flower they can support anything.

Just gotta keep em restrained. These branches are spring loaded growing under resistance lol. If I unhooked them the cola's would all clump to the center haha.
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View attachment 650116
Dude, why did you change what I said? There was no mistake there. :facepalm:
Kinda like in Lord of War, like you're telling me, "Thank you, but I like my way better".
lmfao! :joyful:

Try some silica.
I have some, I probably don't use it enough but, it's never struck me as doing an awful lot for me either, so I guess it kinda went on a back burner in my head. Think I'm gonna get a couple tomato cages to use for stuff like the GG #4. Actually, I don't have anything else like the GG #4 but hey, who knows what some future seed popping might bring?!
They do have some insane branching going on, just freakin' branches on branches on branches! lol Sometime in the next 3-4 days or so I'm gonna have to do a little lollipopping on them, I've just been letting them go crazy and do their own thing up until this point other than topping them once and they grew out from that kinda funky.
It's all good anyway, I'll have them under control enough to harvest some nice buds from them. :smug:


The Beast Slayer
Dude, why did you change what I said? There was no mistake there. :facepalm:
Kinda like in Lord of War, like you're telling me, "Thank you, but I like my way better".
lmfao! :joyful:

I honestly didn't think you'd notice:)

I'm not sure why I changed it.
I was high and my ocd got the best of me. Then before I know it it was done and it felt good to read lol.

Funny thing is that. Grammar was what I scored lowest on in my IQ test. lmao.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

I honestly didn't think you'd notice:)

I'm not sure why I changed it.
I was high and my ocd got the best of me. Then before I know it it was done and it felt good to read lol.

Funny thing is that. Grammar was what I scored lowest on in my IQ test. lmao.
Grammar has always been a strong suit for me but, really only when I'm writing. I don't worry so much about these things when I'm carrying on conversation with anyone around here but, when I'm writing I can't help but want to do things right. I've done well in letting go of that a little bit, I was ridiculously picky about my grammar when I first hit the forums.
My text messaging is ridiculous, it seems pretty rare for people to use proper grammar in text messages but, I have to do it, I just can't help myself! lmao! I try to relax about it but, I just can't! :facepalm:


Grammar has always been a strong suit for me but, really only when I'm writing. I don't worry so much about these things when I'm carrying on conversation with anyone around here but, when I'm writing I can't help but want to do things right. I've done well in letting go of that a little bit, I was ridiculously picky about my grammar when I first hit the forums.
My text messaging is ridiculous, it seems pretty rare for people to use proper grammar in text messages but, I have to do it, I just can't help myself! lmao! I try to relax about it but, I just can't! :facepalm:

Wuz good cuz, so I saw this shawty the otha day and I was lyke hey boo whatcha doin. She like yo don know me nigga..

When I see that shit on facebooked I'm just like omfg this young generation is full of fuck tards.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Wuz good cuz, so I saw this shawty the otha day and I was lyke hey boo whatcha doin. She like yo don know me nigga..

When I see that shit on facebooked I'm just like omfg this young generation is full of fuck tards.

The generation before us felt the same way about us lol
Yup x 2! Every generation thinks the one behind them is all fucked up and the truth is they always are! How do you think we got to such a fucked up place in the world?
Advancement in technology doesn't always mean advancement for the species. In fact, I personally believe it's been a hell of a long time since there were any advances in technology that meant any true advancement for our species.
What the hell do I know? I'm just a stoner on a stoner forum.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Grabbed some pics a couple days ago, finally getting around to posting them.

My two Jack Herer's.
IMG 20161204 105008
IMG 20161204 105003

My Bubba Purple Chunk.
IMG 20161204 105012

My Sauron, really not a good shot, you can't see much of it at all. Of course, it's not a very big plant but, gonna have massive buds. My cousin told me it grew crazy fat buds and right away I could see it about tripling the size of the Jack's buds, anxious to see how it finishes out.
IMG 20161204 105211

Finally, the two GG #4's that I just flipped. Got a couple of leaves with some funky coloring that popped up on me a while back in veg, probably should've just popped them off by now but, fuck it, they're not hurting anybody. lol
Gotta get some tomato cages for these out of control girls! Just as long as I don't end up with tomato's. lmao
IMG 20161204 105021
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Those GG's are some stupid looking things! lmao! I don't know why I'd even put up pics of them! I guess I must figure self deprecation is a redeeming quality. lmao
Fuck it, that I grow at all in my condition is a win, let alone the things I've seen to convince me that I'm doing better than a lot of other people and I'm never out of weed.


Those GG's are some stupid looking things! lmao! I don't know why I'd even put up pics of them! I guess I must figure self deprecation is a redeeming quality. lmao
Fuck it, that I grow at all in my condition is a win, let alone the things I've seen to convince me that I'm doing better than a lot of other people and I'm never out of weed.
Whatchu talmbout Willis? They look good as hell to me


Lmao! That's my plan actually! My cousin's gonna pick up some soil and stuff for me and I'm gonna have him grab me a couple. Sounds like he found the idea quite appealing himself.

Depending on how big your finishing pot is I like the square ones that you can open up. makes it make easier to get around the plant if you forget to do it early on. The colored round ones are good too.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Depending on how big your finishing pot is I like the square ones that you can open up. makes it make easier to get around the plant if you forget to do it early on. The colored round ones are good too.
He went over today and they didn't have shit for decent cages so, gonna have to make due with stakes for now I think, although he did mention going to Lowe's next week and could maybe get them there. I don't know, whatever.
I don't go any bigger than 3 gallon with my pots. For my purposes and with my condition I don't see any need to go bigger. I'm not sure but, from what little I have seen of them, I imagine you'd have to go bigger than that even if you're using square pots, which I'm not. Again though, I really don't know how big those square cages are.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

So, recently I bought a gallon of cal-mag from Amazon, good price so I went for it even though I hadn't used it before.
I checked it yesterday and using it on the light side of what's recommended it's boosting my ppm's by over 1400!
I also picked up some of this stuff thinking that it had active enzymes in it only to find out after I got it that it doesn't but, using as directed my plants do seem to like it.
Mixing just the cal-mag, the Bio-Cozyme and a teaspoon of the OG Tea Veganic Special Sauce had my ppm's well over 2100 and I'm starting with a base of 29 ppm's.
The 1400 ppm's just for the cal-mag really blew my mind though.
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He went over today and they didn't have shit for decent cages so, gonna have to make due with stakes for now I think, although he did mention going to Lowe's next week and could maybe get them there. I don't know, whatever.
I don't go any bigger than 3 gallon with my pots. For my purposes and with my condition I don't see any need to go bigger. I'm not sure but, from what little I have seen of them, I imagine you'd have to go bigger than that even if you're using square pots, which I'm not. Again though, I really don't know how big those square cages are.

Stakes work bro :) I've used them many times. I sometimes take like 4-5 around the pot and lean them out and then wrap garden twine around them in a circle and then I just let everything fall into it. It works :)

So, recently I bought a gallon of cal-mag from Amazon, good price so I went for it even though I hadn't used it before.
I checked it yesterday and using it on the light side of what's recommended it's boosting my ppm's by over 1400!
I also picked up some of this stuff thinking that it had active enzymes in it only to find out after I got it that it doesn't but, using as directed my plants do seem to like it.
Mixing just the cal-mag, the Bio-Cozyme and a teaspoon of the OG Tea Veganic Special Sauce had my ppm's well over 2100 and I'm starting with a base of 29 ppm's.
The 1400 ppm's just for the cal-mag really blew my mind though.

Fuck that's some crazy high PPM! I dk if I've even gotten that high on my feeding lol. If it works who gives a shit right?!
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Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Stakes work bro :) I've used them many times. I sometimes take like 4-5 around the pot and lean them out and then wrap garden twine around them in a circle and then I just let everything fall into it. It works :)

Fuck that's some crazy high PPM! I dk if I've even gotten that high on my feeding lol. If it works who gives a shit right?!
I like the Bio-Cozyme, it says to only use it every couple weeks so that's what I've been doing and I can definitely see that they like it.

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