Perpetual, permanent, perennial grow diary... 🙃

  • Thread starter lenhug
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Oh and the Pinot Noir (seed 2) of course popped out in a more normal 3/4 days and is currently waking up in the propagator some more. She was having a bit of a fight with half a seed shell but a few drops of water sorted that finally. 💪


Aaaand we're off, put the ladies in to their new home this afternoon.

Everything is hooked up, running and feeding in to the controller and just need to do some cable and rope tidying once it's all settled.

Trying to hit 73'C / 70% humidity at the moment as they're not really in veg yet so still technically seedlings (the eternal debate). Anyway, I can hit the humidity target but just can't reach the temp (tops out at 72') with that 700W oil heater so going to have to swap it for a larger one (1500W) as I'll need it warmer still very shortly. Using the old light as discussed till the new one turns up in April.

I am very excited to see how this all goes. 🙃

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They’re nothing quite like the smell of a new tent. Looking really nice man. Keep up the hobby.
Also I’m glad the last see popped. Was it the total dark that did it?


Thanks man. I am very excited, like I said, to see where I can get to with this new setup and knowledge gained. Half the battle or more is getting that environment dialled in and stable, imo. Feeling much more confident in my abilities...famous last words! 😄

And yes, it was total darkness that did it, with a bit of warmth! 🤗


Was having a think whilst away on what to do with that second Pinot seedling and thought might be quite an interesting idea to try growing it in some different soil to compare with what I've always been using so far.

So was looking at this and maybe add some extra perlite to it:

Purple Cow Organics IndiCanja 1 Cubic Foot Bag, Organic Living Soil, Clean & Natural Plant Based Water Only Super Soil for Professional Indoor & Outdoor Growers

Anyone have any experience with this or any advice or recommendations?
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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Half the battle or more is getting that environment dialled in and stable
I completely underestimated this aspect of indoor growing! With my experience it was dealing with a turn key set up and I had no real understanding of actually what went into it. Learning HARD right now hahaha!

I think your soil experiment is worth the punt! : )


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
What set up were you using that was turn key?
The guy I was working for had already built and dialed in rooms all over the place so I would just fallow him around like a lost puppy ( this was an “extra work” scenario) we did other things for legit money : ) I helped him on a couple of the indoor builds but that was limited so I never got the “full picture”.


So a small update on day 20 and looking good I think. They've been in the tent a week now and time to move fully to veg conditions tomorrow which is good timing as the larger heater turned up today.

I shall move the lighting dial up to 3 in the tent (and 7 in the propagator) after taking some PAR readings last week and feeling a little gun-ho and then promptly got the f e a r and remembered @Captspaulding wise words of not overdoing it at the start so turned them both down a notch. I can't wait for the new light to turn up though!

Speaking of the propagator, the Pinot Noir #2 is coming along nicely and should be able to hang on till the end of the week and the new soil arrives. I'll post up what I've ordered tomorrow. Quite excited about it tbh.

Anyway, some pics, hope everyone else's grows are coming along nicely. 🙃

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So the new heater is here and will be switching over to the veg environment later today when the lights come back on at 5pm.

I'm aiming for these values as a vague average from the far too many I have read:
Temp: 75'C
Humidity: 60-65%

Anyone disagree or think/advise otherwise? Or sounds ok? I think more of a start them off and just keep an eye that they are happy in the environment really.

As a reference the seedlings were on:
Temp 73'C
Humidity: 71%


Hmm, well that hasn't gone well. New heater just keeps hitting the temp then shutting off so swinging wildy up then down. Tried all the settings so think it must be broken which is a little frustrating.

Gone back to old one for now which can put it to around 65'-71' depending on the ambient (which has been cooler last few days). Still, not where I want it.

I am worrying too much?


Also, took some more PAR readings and I think still too low in the tent but fine in propagator

Tent light level 3 (at just under 2ft canopy height to light) which = 216PAR
Propagator lvl 7 = 210PAR

Using these guidelines below:

Seedling: 100-300 PAR
Veg: 400-600 PAR
Flower: 800-1000 PAR

So tent is way off but I'm just wary when they are so young! Moved tent light to level 4 this morning so now hitting 261 PAR and will maybe lower the lights later to increase it further in to the 300's. Or am I being too wary and just whack it up in to the 400/500's now?

I really, really want my new light! Now saying end of April due to a supply chain/production issue.


I always do light increases slowly. Inch up your intensity 5% every couple days if you're worried. They harden up a bit and it isn't such a shock. I don't really check PAR the way some people like to. Just watch for signs of stress as you increase and it should be fine.


New soil has arrived so need to mix that up for Pinot #2. Might give it another day or two in the propagator but it is nearly there as lots of roots now. Just wary of sticking it in the tent when it's quite a bit behind the others and is a jump in light level etc. I'll turn up the propagator to get it closer and just monitor it as it has to go in sometime.

I already turned up the propagator and tent lights yesterday or was it day before (checks notes)? Plants seem happy with it. 🙃

Replacement radiator #4 (😳) arrives today, don't ask, ridiculous saga but should hopefully, finally resolve temp issues.
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And now on to a different subject, outdoor, photo grow #1 for me!

Looking for some advice on size but more importantly, strain. I'm thinking either 5 or 10 gal, keep changing my mind. Was set on 10 but now leaning towards 5.

And strain wise, I'm in SoCal so desert conditions and hardy would be the order of the day? I was thinking of maybe a classic from my days of yore so Northern Lights or maybe a Pineapple Express but more than happy to be given any other suggestions. I am scouring NASC as we!



Right, back to the main event, new radiator is in so let's see if it holds the overnight temps better. It should.

Gave them all a small watering tonight as soil getting nicely dry and loose. Two quarts between five of them, just around the main stem and outwards then a quick dampening of the pot edges. All look great except...

...the God Particle. Got some mottling of the leaves which you can see here. She looks healthy enough but noticeably slower/less growth than the others but hey, different genetics etc could be that but that doesn't explain the mottling. Could it be too much light intensity from recent changes, nutrient deficiency? I don't think it's over or under watering as been very careful with that and on same regime as others. I've moved her out of the main light area so will be less on here and see how she goes. Any advice here very much appreciated.

God Particle
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Other four looking happy and healthy:
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And now on to a different subject, outdoor, photo grow #1 for me!

Looking for some advice on size but more importantly, strain. I'm thinking either 5 or 10 gal, keep changing my mind. Was set on 10 but now leaning towards 5.

And strain wise, I'm in SoCal so desert conditions and hardy would be the order of the day? I was thinking of maybe a classic from my days of yore so Northern Lights or maybe a Pineapple Express but more than happy to be given any other suggestions. I am scouring NASC as we!

I've never grown cannabis outdoors...yet.. but from my experience moving house plants out in the warmer months, be careful with smaller pots. A tree I had in a 5g pot would get watered once a week in my livingroom... outside that fucker was bone dry in a day. I'd imagine in the desert it would dry back even faster!

Take that with a grain of salt, the plant i am talking about was NOT cannabis lol


Not sure what is up with the God Particle. I’ve seen that sort of discoloration before and chocked it up to inconsistent watering though that may not be accurate.
I know it’s not your style, but I would advocate for you to put the Pinot seedling in a 3x3 or small planter container (cut off bottom of a 2 liter soda bottle) to get the multiple transplants going. Even if you don’t do it every time it’s a nice learning experience and you get a feel for how fast root development occurs.
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