Please help! Lower leaves tacoing

  • Thread starter Progeria
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I planted in fox farms ocean forest on June 7th, so I still have some time with the nutrients from my understanding (I wasn’t aware that FFOF had nuts when I first got it) so I fed it half a feeding of grow big and big bloom right after transplant. My temps are 78-82 during lights on and 75-78 during lights off. My humidity stays 70-75. I have an EXE-1200TW exlevnce on the veg setting 22 inches above.

At first I had thrips and am still dealing with them I believe, but I have them under control and now faced with another issue. That leaf was tacoing a day or two ago and now it’s only gotten worse. The leaves under it are pretty droopy compared to all the rest above. I’m noticing a slight browning on the tips of the leaves at the top (only one or two leaves) but I assume that was from me feeding it when it didn’t need it. It’s only really concerning to me because I just topped it last night so I don’t want to put any more stress on her.
Please help lower leaves tacoing


Your plants are looking green like a plastic kind of green in the picture. That would indicate to much nitrogen. So a nitrogen toxicity. I would back off on nutrition for a week and just use water and cal mag once a month. That should help bring the color to a nicer shade of green.


Your plants are looking green like a plastic kind of green in the picture. That would indicate to much nitrogen. So a nitrogen toxicity. I would back off on nutrition for a week and just use water and cal mag once a month. That should help bring the color to a nicer shade of green.
I should be on track to water tomorrow, so I should cal mag with my watering tomorrow despite the soil being fairly new? Just making sure because I have researched if I should cal mag at this point and haven’t got a clear idea.


If you never added it the plant will be lacking and could lockout other nutrients. I think it’s fine since the soil is new for the couple weeks to go nothing just water. No cal mag within that time unless you see leaves turning yellow with brown spots.


If you never added it the plant will be lacking and could lockout other nutrients. I think it’s fine since the soil is new for the couple weeks to go nothing just water. No cal mag within that time unless you see leaves turning yellow with brown spots.
So could the leaves tacoing be my PH issue?


If you never added it the plant will be lacking and could lockout other nutrients. I think it’s fine since the soil is new for the couple weeks to go nothing just water. No cal mag within that time unless you see leaves turning yellow with brown spots.
Lmfao I didn’t realize this was you on both posts, I’m a lil high.


I feel that ha. Get photon as well that will help you dial in the lights. Get it within ppfd range. To much light and more nutrients will be needed. To little and the top leaves will reach towards the light.


It is from to much nitrogen
Thank you for all the help,
I feel that ha. Get photon as well that will help you dial in the lights. Get it within ppfd range. To much light and more nutrients will be needed. To little and the top leaves will reach towards the light

I have a cheap meter I got from ace hardware, I dialed it in with that but then noticed the tacoing and brown tips on a few of the leaves so I raised it back up to manufacture recommendation which was about 8-12 inches higher. I was looking at the KS3000 as a replacement since I got this light as a package deal and it’s just really blurple. I wanted to add a clone I got yesterday to the tent as well too, so I figured that tiny light wouldn’t be enough for more than 1 plant.


The one I have now is this apparent fire hazard. The temps keep creeping towards the 85 mark staying around 82-83 so i also would imagine the newer light would have significantly less heat output.
IMG 2594
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