Purple Fade or Bad Problem??



This is my second ever grow and my first time growing outdoors. I have an Easy Bud strain (from Royal Seeds) autoflower that has begun to develop what look like black/purple blotching on the fan leaves. They are not all over but on several spots, though one bud site (pictured) seems to have it the worst.

Is this normal for this strain or is there a nutrient issue?

I am using Ocean Forest soil in a 5 gallon fabric pot. I water the plant when the medium appears dry (or reads dry on a soil tester). I feed using FoxFarm Cultivation Nation recommended amounts. This plant is only on their Bloom though I do feed it some Cal Mag occasionally. I use RO water PH’d between 5.5 and 6.

Many thanks for your help!
Purple fade or bad problem
Purple fade or bad problem 2
Purple fade or bad problem 3
Purple fade or bad problem 4


This is my second ever grow and my first time growing outdoors. I have an Easy Bud strain (from Royal Seeds) autoflower that has begun to develop what look like black/purple blotching on the fan leaves. They are not all over but on several spots, though one bud site (pictured) seems to have it the worst.

Is this normal for this strain or is there a nutrient issue?

I am using Ocean Forest soil in a 5 gallon fabric pot. I water the plant when the medium appears dry (or reads dry on a soil tester). I feed using FoxFarm Cultivation Nation recommended amounts. This plant is only on their Bloom though I do feed it some Cal Mag occasionally. I use RO water PH’d between 5.5 and 6.

Many thanks for your help!
raise the ph to 6.5


So it’s not taking up nutrients properly?
well kinda your ph is low for flowering,. and possibly could or could of used more PK,.. too much nitrogen can also cause that but i doubt that’s the issue here,.
though the method of growing your using, you shouldn’t of been ph’ing but because you have been you must continue till harvest,.


well kinda your ph is low for flowering,. and possibly could or could of used more PK,.. too much nitrogen can also cause that but i doubt that’s the issue here,.
though the method of growing your using, you shouldn’t of been ph’ing but because you have been you must continue till harvest,.
Sorry if these are dumb questions—why wouldn’t I want to PH? Because I’m growing outside?


Sorry if these are dumb questions—why wouldn’t I want to PH? Because I’m growing outside?
no because you are growing in an organic medium with organic nutrients,.
i don’t ph or anything as my medium has ph buffers in it to begin with,. (dolomite lime) is a ph buffer


Any unusual cold nights lately? That can cause some purplish coloration in leaves and stems. Especially if it's a pretty big temp swing from day to night.

Could be that it's a purple strain or has some of those genetics. What does RQS say about the strain?

Everything else looks healthy. I saw some orange hairs. She's probably getting close to finishing. Keep an eye on it for a few days for any changes.



Not familiar with the strain so thanks for that. 👍
i thought the same at a time than learned if it’s genetics it will start to colour the bud first than starting at the base of the leave eventually turning the leaf purple,,
purple in the veins most times is a K def,, though the cold can do that as well (slowing the uptake of K?) and even too much nitrogen can do that but pretty sure i’ve never seen that in person.


Thanks everyone for your helpful comments. Appreciate it!

On the subject of strains--I did get this seed along with a few others, and one of the strains I purchased seeds of was Purple Kush. I was VERY careful about labelling everything correctly but, I suppose it is possible that a seed got mixed up. I wonder if indeed this plant is actually Purple Kush Auto and NOT Easy Bud....but, as previously written, I am not seeing purple coloring on the buds. At least not yet...

I am in Northeast Ohio. We haven't had any huge weather swings at least on the cold side. We had about 2 weeks of VERY hot weather (90+) and I did cover the greenhouse in black filtering fabric during that time to reduce sun light coming in (I believe it filters about 75% or so).
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