Samsung LED…LM301B v LM301H v LM301H EVO v Bridgelux

  • Thread starter Canna_Digz
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Ok sounds great that’s what I’m looking for tbh….i WAS looking at the G5000 but turned off by Bridgelux diodes & i was only just looking at both the quantum board SF4000 with 301H Evo + SE bar style with 301B diodes & cost isn’t really my main concern,only the efficiency & when it comes to adding supplemental lights its not possible with the board style so i guess its the SE5000 for me 🤷‍♂️
Just an opinion, but I have the SF SSe5000 and the MH FC4800 and TBH the are very similar I believe the both have the same leds LM301B I get a very slight increase in intensity with the FC4800, but I don't run the light at 100%, I don't have my driver outside the tent atm but both drivers are barley warm to the touch.
On paper the FC4800 claim 1366 μmol/s,and the SF5000 list 1333 umol/s so not much of a difference, and you obviously have done your research there.

I am in Canada and ATM the price difference on Amazon of the 2 is $100 favoring the SE5000.
If I were to purchase another and they were both at the same price point I would still chose the SE5000 for warranty issues and also support, as well as Spider Farmer are sponsor on the board which actually makes it convenient if you have an issue or need an answer about the product they offer.

I am sure you will be happy with either they are both great performers. happy growing. 👊


Just an opinion, but I have the SF SSe5000 and the MH FC4800 and TBH the are very similar I believe the both have the same leds LM301B I get a very slight increase in intensity with the FC4800, but I don't run the light at 100%, I don't have my driver outside the tent atm but both drivers are barley warm to the touch.
On paper the FC4800 claim 1366 μmol/s,and the SF5000 list 1333 umol/s so not much of a difference, and you obviously have done your research there.

I am in Canada and ATM the price difference on Amazon of the 2 is $100 favoring the SE5000.
If I were to purchase another and they were both at the same price point I would still chose the SE5000 for warranty issues and also support, as well as Spider Farmer are sponsor on the board which actually makes it convenient if you have an issue or need an answer about the product they offer.

I am sure you will be happy with either they are both great performers. happy growing. 👊


if you look amongst the most used and rather cheap led brand. they all are rather equivalent.

each brand will have their tweak regarding the spectrum, led layout and whatever ... each brand will claim their tweak are the best ... but truth is when it come to comparing the end product in term of quality and yield you won't notice a signifiant difference amongst the fixture equivalent in power from different brands.

you will observe much more dispersion regarding yield depending strains and phenotypes within a strain than using this or that fixture from this or that led manufacturer when it come to equivalent models in term of power
I agree with you wholeheartedly my friend 😉


Cree Jb2835 g class for the win... Lol I know it's not one of your options listed but I do believe this particular diode never got the attention it deserved. Same efficacy as lm301h, triple the max power. And so very many different color options. Price a bitch tho.
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