Schwiftys RS11 x Okie Tenguseed Co Journal

  • Thread starter SchwiftyGrower
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Chopping day and right on track with mostly cloudy trichomes! This new AC is really struggling and lowest I can get temps down to is 67 with 60% humidity so I’m content with that. With a standby look and a guess, I’m going to guess right around 250-280 grams. At 70% intensity I’m hoping I’m getting 1gpw or a little over.

@Trustfall huge shout out to you on this strain, really happy to try this one out and a really resilient strain!!
Great work! Looking forward to the clone run!


24 hours later and looking good so far for the #3 keepers.

2 of the #1, are still up in the air on survival. They’re alive, but don’t think they’re worth keeping with the amount of repair they need to go through.

All of #2 are alive and healthy, just not as even and well rounded as the keeper.

Got them in 1 gallon bags and 100% happy frog.

Temps: 78-80
Humidity: 72-74

Happy growing! ✌️
IMG 0533
IMG 0534


Clone run update:

As you can see in the video, all of the original/older growth is discolored and disfigured. This was due to be spraying the plants while the lights were on to try and maintain humidity as much as I could until I could get a new humidifier installed. I’m not to worried about it because all of the new growth is health and beautiful on almost all of them now.

I am going to commit and pull 3 of the #1, and that will leave me with 15 total clones for the run.

One of my ACI Fans died and the other stopped oscilating so I have 2 more arriving today to help with the airflow.

Also have a 3x3 bed liner for the tent set to arrive in a couple of weeks too to help keep things even cleaner.

Happy growing everyone! ✌️


Fans are now installed and I must say I really love the new 2nd gen of these fans. Quality seems really great and a better assembly to help prevent oscillating issues! Got 3 fans in here now and have much better airflow in here now.

Culled the other 3 stragglers and rearranged. My trellis nets arrived and should be all set for the rest of the grow!

Plants are healing up great and will veg these out for another week and a half and flip them.

Do yall think I should top each one before I flip?


To top, or not to top? That's always the question. Haha I always top 'em.

Beautiful plants. I really like the bags.

I'm a fan of excess fans. I got the ac gen2 fan upgrade too. Have you used that natural wind feature? I haven't tried it since I have mine in a daisy chain with the old one in line first... because I didn't want to rewire it 🤣.


To top, or not to top? That's always the question. Haha I always top 'em.

Beautiful plants. I really like the bags.

I'm a fan of excess fans. I got the ac gen2 fan upgrade too. Have you used that natural wind feature? I haven't tried it since I have mine in a daisy chain with the old one in line first... because I didn't want to rewire it 🤣.
Thanks bro!! First time using the bags and so far I’m loving them. I don’t usually top, and with the small veg time not sure if it’s worth it or if I should extend my veg time. Hard to tell with this many plants in a 3x3 😂
How long do you plan on vegging?
I was hoping for only a 2 weeks at most, I figured that would be enough veg time for the amount of plants in the space.


Thanks bro!! First time using the bags and so far I’m loving them. I don’t usually top, and with the small veg time not sure if it’s worth it or if I should extend my veg time. Hard to tell with this many plants in a 3x3 😂

I was hoping for only a 2 weeks at most, I figured that would be enough veg time for the amount of plants in the space.
If you do top of wait a week to flip after doing it.👊🏻


I think with the variety run I’m going to just flip these to flower and get some quick bud, not really concerned about the weight right now.

Think after week 4, I’ll take another 20 clones of the keeper #3 and take some extra veg time to top the healthiest!

I don’t normally top, but I’d like to start adding that in my repertoire because I definitely see some nice even canopies!

In the meantime, girls are still rocking and rolling! Trimmed up all the dead leafsets. Still unsure of when I’ll flip, I’ve still got vertical space but also don’t want to wait too long. Maybe another week, maybe 2?
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