Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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Just be careful not judging or anything I've done shit like that in the past, too, but I have a friend who works for walmart's loss prevention and they watch that shit like hawks. You may not get in trouble for it the first time, but they can and probably will use it against you next time you try it. The thing is, they have now installed facial recognition cameras at the entrances to all of their stores, now, and they have hidden cameras watching every angle on the self checkouts. So, next time you go into that walmart, there's a chance they will know who you are and be watching you the second you step through their doors.

Welcome to the New World Order 😡🤬
if the walkers catch you doing that in store, and the value exceeds $100, there will be a police officer waiting outside the walmart by the time you leave to charge you and give you a court date.

If it's over $500 that police officer will be taking you to jail.

The average walmart employs about a dozen walkers during busy hours, and their entire job is to be dressed like a normal person, carrying a basket or pushing a cart with stuff in it, and to watch for suspicious activity and theft.

Source: It was my job for about a year right after high school. No judgement, but the only thing i saw getting stolen that i turned an blind eye to, was women that were stealing food, or baby stuff. If i saw someone switching a $200 tag on a vacuum for a $400 tag, i mean no offense, and no judgement, but @MartyMcFly42oh absolutely would have had a police officer waiting on him outside the store within 5 mins of me seeing that happen lol. And would have been just doing the job i got paid to do.

Personally, i dont care what you pull with a faceless rich corporation with insurances that covers their thefts. On several occasions i refused to report the theft of food i saw, and just purchased the merchandise for the person trying to steal it.
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Thread will be 1 year old in three days. I still find it humbling how this thread has worked out for the greater good while maintaining that jackass tomfoolery quota we all come to love an expect from each other. We have seen a lot of folks come and go, as well as the damned badass wreck heads who have been rocking with me jump street! It’s been a boondoggle of knowledge and new tricks, connections with some damn fine humans and some levity on tap.

Thanks for making this thread great my friends👊🏻🤡

1 year
1700 pages

I think it worked 😂
Here’s pics of an older setup I ran
Which way to doubles square footage.
That run was banana kush and
White widow. Though it was good herb, that shit was not near to any of my wheel housesbht
This thread has become a staple in my daily life, I can’t think of anywhere better on the entire social media universe than this, it is at a level of perfection that only a genius could have achieved. Here’s to the Captain!! And to all of you weirdo’s thanks for making this place great.


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if the walkers catch you doing that in store, and the value exceeds $100, there will be a police officer waiting outside the walmart by the time you leave to charge you and give you a court date.

If it's over $500 that police officer will be taking you to jail.

The average walmart employs about a dozen walkers during busy hours, and their entire job is to be dressed like a normal person, carrying a basket or pushing a cart with stuff in it, and to watch for suspicious activity and theft.

Source: It was my job for about a year right after high school. No judgement, but the only thing i saw getting stolen that i turned an blind eye to, was women that were stealing food, or baby stuff. If i saw someone switching a $200 tag on a vacuum for a $400 tag, i mean no offense, and no judgement, but @MartyMcFly42oh absolutely would have had a police officer waiting on him outside the store within 5 mins of me seeing that happen lol. And would have been just doing the job i got paid to do.

Personally, i dont care what you pull with a faceless rich corporation with insurances that covers their thefts. On several occasions i refused to report the theft of food i saw, and just purchased the merchandise for the person trying to steal it.
But I didn’t do anything 🤣🤣🤣. I just said it makes me want to steal. I don’t even have a new vacuum cleaner.


But I didn’t do anything 🤣🤣🤣. I just said it makes me want to steal. I don’t even have a new vacuum cleaner.
i dont care man, no skin off my back, and no skin off any living individuals back either.

Thems just the facts of the situation lmao. And most the walkers i knew in person came at the job that exact same way. Def worth knowing.

There were some women who continuously denied the theft even after i told them id pay and not report it, i understand. Those women got banned from the store and charged by the police. And they chose that route themselves willingly in my opinion lmao.


if the walkers catch you doing that in store, and the value exceeds $100, there will be a police officer waiting outside the walmart by the time you leave to charge you and give you a court date.

If it's over $500 that police officer will be taking you to jail.

The average walmart employs about a dozen walkers during busy hours, and their entire job is to be dressed like a normal person, carrying a basket or pushing a cart with stuff in it, and to watch for suspicious activity and theft.

Source: It was my job for about a year right after high school. No judgement, but the only thing i saw getting stolen that i turned an blind eye to, was women that were stealing food, or baby stuff. If i saw someone switching a $200 tag on a vacuum for a $400 tag, i mean no offense, and no judgement, but @MartyMcFly42oh absolutely would have had a police officer waiting on him outside the store within 5 mins of me seeing that happen lol. And would have been just doing the job i got paid to do.

Personally, i dont care what you pull with a faceless rich corporation with insurances that covers their thefts. On several occasions i refused to report the theft of food i saw, and just purchased the merchandise for the person trying to steal it.
No shit!!?? That is so freaking bizarre. I mean allegedly they installed self checkouts to save money on labor right? And the technology implementation surely was astronomical. And you’re telling me Walmart is PAYING “walkers” to look for theft, which is clearly increasing as a RESULT of the self checkout line!!??

This whole thing does not add up logically at all. Take out the self checkout lines, pay the walkers to be cashiers instead and the bottom line would increase. It’s a no brainer right? These corporations care about nothing but the bottom line. It makes no sense to spend billions on a technology that increases the instance of theft and then just swap the cashier labor over to “walkers.”

The vacuum thing I did would have been absolutely impossible going through a regular checkout line..


dont try to dip out if they met you at the door to let you know they know about the theft. That used to work, but now a days walmsrts dont even approach you until an officer is already on scene.

If you left without getting stopped, doesnt mean they dont know either. They might not, but you may have also just left before an officer was on scene. In that case the walmarts use facial recognition software and will ban you from all stores no matter what walmart you go to next, as long as it has the same facial recognition software and recognizes you. Walmarts absolutely 100% keep track of the theft they couldnt stop as well. And it bites people in the ass later on all the time.


No shit!!?? That is so freaking bizarre. I mean allegedly they installed self checkouts to save money on labor right? And the technology implementation surely was astronomical. And you’re telling me Walmart is PAYING “walkers” to look for theft, which is clearly increasing as a RESULT of the self checkout line!!??

This whole thing does not add up logically at all. Take out the self checkout lines, pay the walkers to be cashiers instead and the bottom line would increase. It’s a no brainer right? These corporations care about nothing but the bottom line. It makes no sense to spend billions on a technology that increases the instance of theft and then just swap the cashier labor over to “walkers.”

The vacuum thing I did would have been absolutely impossible going through a regular checkout line..
thats part of why many walmarts are trying to move away from self checkouts now that theyre engrained into our society (lmfao). It increases theft and labor costs both in the end.

It was not a properly thought out move economically at all.


i dont care man, no skin off my back, and no skin off any living individuals back either.

Thems just the facts of the situation lmao. And most the walkers i knew in person came at the job that exact same way. Def worth knowing.
We shop there a couple times a month so they know us and if they've ever been watching us closely they no longer do. I can't accidently walk out without paying for anything. Just the way it is, but I like it😘


Just be careful not judging or anything I've done shit like that in the past, too, but I have a friend who works for walmart's loss prevention and they watch that shit like hawks. You may not get in trouble for it the first time, but they can and probably will use it against you next time you try it. The thing is, they have now installed facial recognition cameras at the entrances to all of their stores, now, and they have hidden cameras watching every angle on the self checkouts. So, next time you go into that walmart, there's a chance they will know who you are and be watching you the second you step through their doors.

Welcome to the New World Order 😡🤬
Last I knew they were tallying it up until you hit grand larceny then they press charges


This thread has become a staple in my daily life, I can’t think of anywhere better on the entire social media universe than this, it is at a level of perfection that only a genius could have achieved. Here’s to the Captain!! And to all of you weirdo’s thanks for making this place great.
Si. I'm being careful not to wonder too far or I get myself in trouble on other pages🤣 I'd rather hang out here. Thanks @Captspaulding 😘


We shop there a couple times a month so they know us and if they've ever been watching us closely they no longer do. I can't accidently walk out without paying for anything. Just the way it is, but I like it😘
ive accidentally not payed for things at walmart before, and i go back and pay for them at customer service. Ive had personal first hand experience with how their systems work.

If youve stolen from walmart in the last 10 years or so, they probably were aware and the people working chose not to deal with it. Your facial features are probably catalogued in their system. Some walmarts even catalogue repeat offender thefts, and nab em right before statute ends on the first known theft. and theyll charge you for everything you took over the last several months all at once.


This thread has become a staple in my daily life, I can’t think of anywhere better on the entire social media universe than this, it is at a level of perfection that only a genius could have achieved. Here’s to the Captain!! And to all of you weirdo’s thanks for making this place great.
yea this thread is like 90% of my social experience in life right now. 🤣


i try not to delve to deep into much of what i eat. my luck and i would end up not being able to eat anything other than peanut butter...... then again who knows what's really in peanut butter.🤔
there is a legally allottable amount of insect and arachnid body parts allowed to be present by weight inside peanut budder for it to be considered legally safe to sale and consume. And the hydrogenated oils they use in cheap peanut butter so it doesnt separate, are basically concentrated colorectal cancer.

Peanuts grow under ground in the dirt too lol.

Your welcome! 🤣 🤣 🤣

yay for epic triple post, eh?


i dont care man, no skin off my back, and no skin off any living individuals back either.

Thems just the facts of the situation lmao. And most the walkers i knew in person came at the job that exact same way. Def worth knowing.

There were some women who continuously denied the theft even after i told them id pay and not report it, i understand. Those women got banned from the store and charged by the police. And they chose that route themselves willingly in my opinion lmao.
No, I am saying that you confused me with the person who posted about this originally. I haven’t shoplifted since I was twelve years old and I got caught. I’ve been paying for my shit ever since. Just like the chorus of this song 🤣


No, I am saying that you confused me with the person who posted about this originally. I haven’t shoplifted since I was twelve years old and I got caught. I’ve been paying for my shit ever since. Just like the chorus of this song 🤣
yea i do that often on this thread. my bad lol.

the only thing i stole since i was a kid, was a book from books a million. I was deciding between a few, and had left one possibility tucked under my arm when i put the others back and made a choice. Completely unintentionally it stayed there til it fell on the ground when i reached out to open the car door in the parking lot lmao.

I did go back inside and give it back though, and ended up paying for it because i damaged the cover pretty good and it was a hard cover lol. Also that company is struggling... bad lmao. Cashier never even noticed and neither did i.
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