Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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Ya see, you got the wrong guy see, can’t prove a thing, see! You’ll never get alive, see!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
View attachment 2196167

see how easily you can convince someone of something when you seem credible?

I dont feel like source citing by looking back in the thread, so im just taking your word for it without verifying anything because you seem credible.

This is why people think the earth is flat, straight up.... and i know that... and i still dont feel like looking back to source cite or cross reference anything because your statement seems credible based on my experience 🤣 🤣 🤣 😎

You could be lying right through your teeth, and ill never know. (now im making a completely, 100% irrelevant point lol)


see how easily you can convince someone of something when you seem credible?

I dont feel like source citing by looking back in the thread, so im just taking your word for it without verifying anything because you seem credible.

This is why people think the earth is flat, straight up.... and i know that... and i still dont feel like looking back to source cite or cross reference anything because your statement seems credible based on my experience 🤣 🤣 🤣 😎

You could be lying right through your teeth, and ill never know. (now im making a completely, 100% irrelevant point lol)
I actually talked to a flat earther recently. It was an interesting conversation..





Looks like it maybe want to go worled phylotaxy and stopped itself. Any other anomalous stems or leaves? If so that, otherwise it’s a mutation I’ve seen plenty in my day,..next stop a bud growing on sugar leaves….
There are a few more leaves like that. This is one of the plants I put through the ringer with lighting issues. 18/6 indoors, then 14/10 outdoors way too early. About half of them have gone into early flowering but not this one.


Just looking at a glance, your shorter plants all seem happier, with a darker green color to the leaves. Are the plants that are a little taller,also the ones that’ve been giving you pest issues? Just a thought,that maybe there’s an excess of neem,spinosad and de in your top layer of soil.?? Just a thought. If you’re going to bake your soil, definitely do the same to the ewc, that’s almost always the source of fungus gnats in my grows, it’s a byproduct of the process of making ewc, they’re eating compost and the fungus gnats are attracted to the compost and lay eggs in it.
You’re almost set up to grow with a living soil at this point, I’d suggest reusing the 10 gallon containers next grow and top dressing and re amending right after you harvest, then plant a cover crop and get the soil to come alive, eventually the root ball will be broken down and converted into food for the microbes. The cover crop will do three things to you and your plants benefit. Provide a buffer zone between the topsoil and plant- gives pest low hanging fruit instead of your plants. Add nitrogen fixing bacteria which will provide ample nitrogen during vegetation stage. Helps prevent evaporation through the topsoil, less watering needed.
When you are ready to transplant, just plant adjacent to the old rootball, I usually transplant as soon as I have 3-5 nodes. I have done direct sew also.
The rear big ones were the ones with pests. Was thinking the excess neem spinosad and de are also a problem. The soil almost feels sandy up top. Good call on reusing the soil. It’s expensive to keep buying more. Build a soil sells stuff to recharge it. I kept my old soil from the last run too . There’s a lot of de in there. Lol. Been thinking about how to strain some of it out.


I've never had one of these, is it normal?

View attachment 2196132

My OJ x BB #3 continues to be a weirdo as well lmao. Has a heavily fasciated branch with no signs of fully reverting. Gonna have a wild flower on this branch come fall lol.
448525890 1643493116485589 5705439160690762087 n

448541693 1000316131476914 1822190690270873056 n

The branch has actually terminated into 2 main shoots now, one stayed fasciated, one reverted.
448389920 783223230563929 3576146186080485215 n

Same plant thats making the fu-man-chu leaves lol.


if the walkers catch you doing that in store, and the value exceeds $100, there will be a police officer waiting outside the walmart by the time you leave to charge you and give you a court date.

If it's over $500 that police officer will be taking you to jail.

The average walmart employs about a dozen walkers during busy hours, and their entire job is to be dressed like a normal person, carrying a basket or pushing a cart with stuff in it, and to watch for suspicious activity and theft.

Source: It was my job for about a year right after high school. No judgement, but the only thing i saw getting stolen that i turned an blind eye to, was women that were stealing food, or baby stuff. If i saw someone switching a $200 tag on a vacuum for a $400 tag, i mean no offense, and no judgement, but @MartyMcFly42oh absolutely would have had a police officer waiting on him outside the store within 5 mins of me seeing that happen lol. And would have been just doing the job i got paid to do.

Personally, i dont care what you pull with a faceless rich corporation with insurances that covers their thefts. On several occasions i refused to report the theft of food i saw, and just purchased the merchandise for the person trying to stea

Thread will be 1 year old in three days. I still find it humbling how this thread has worked out for the greater good while maintaining that jackass tomfoolery quota we all come to love an expect from each other. We have seen a lot of folks come and go, as well as the damned badass wreck heads who have been rocking with me jump street! It’s been a boondoggle of knowledge and new tricks, connections with some damn fine humans and some levity on tap.

Thanks for making this thread great my friends👊🏻🤡

1 year
1700 pages

I think it worked 😂
Here’s pics of an older setup I ran
Which way to doubles square footage.
That run was banana kush and
White widow. Though it was good herb, that shit was not near to any of my wheel housesbht
🤩🤩🤩in homage to you captain... 😍


Hey all

Hope you don’t mind me train wrecking this train wreck thread but this seems the place to get some info from like minded people 🤞

Horror movies and Weed!

I fucking love getting high and scaring the shit out of myself (yeah I’ve got issues 🤪)

Recently watched a couple of winners in the 2 terrifier movies and the 2 Creep movies. Any recommendations for films to creep me the fuck out would be awesome.

Cheers all ✌🏼


There are a few more leaves like that. This is one of the plants I put through the wringer with lighting issues. 18/6 indoors, then 14/10 outdoors way too early. About half of them have gone into early flowering but not this one.
I once saw what looked like a rosette of sugar leaves growing on a budding branch the cluster was 1.5 inches in diameter wish I had pics of it
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