Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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slayer has got some truly outstanding stuff. exodus is a mainstay for me especially the newer stuff. i gotta admit i was never into the growling vocals stuff, and then i saw gossow doing vocals for arch enemy. i was in love. dug her persona, she opened me up to that particular genre and the musical prowess of the rest of the band just floors me. love some slayer, just not everything they do.
Nothing like slayer on 12” subs haha buddy won a few sound comps in a lasabre with full dynamat all pheonix gold subs mids and tweeters, shit was deafening, made my system you couldn’t even turn up while driving look like Childs play hahaha


Me the wife and kids aren’t exactly socia butterflies lol, we don’t hang out with people (I chill with my neighbors that smoke) we go out as a family and take walks on the beaches, find cool trails to walk etc, besides work, this site is my only socialization with people 🤣
yea that. i havent played video games or watched television since i was about 15. I havent watched youtube with any regularity in about 3 or 4 years. I have a very small number of close personal friends.

The simple truth, is that i find the company of a zuchinni plant and a cat more enjoyable then i find the real-life company of most humans. But its all good, because most humans probably feel the same about me. c'est la vie lmao.

If i have free time, i play music by the album, plant myself somewhere in nature that effects my mood positively. Or i go talk some shit on thcfarmer, mainly in the trainwreck lmao. 🤣 🤣 💚


yea that. i havent played video games or watched television since i was about 15. I havent watched youtube with any regularity in about 3 or 4 years. I have a very small number of close personal friends.

The simple truth, is that i find the company of a zuchinni plant and a cat more enjoyable then i find the real-life company of most humans. But its all good, because most humans probably feel the same about me. c'est la vie lmao.

If i have free time, i play music by the album, plant myself somewhere in nature that effects my mood positively. Or i go talk some shit on thcfarmer, mainly in the trainwreck lmao. 🤣 🤣 💚

YouTube I watch a lot of, never turns off my TV, but it auto plays gardening people I follow and canna growers I follow, can’t sleep in silence even wi th 3 fans running and the grow tents all humming away in the next room I’ll still wake up immediately if it pauses the show 🤣 we’re always outside till it’s dark and the skeeters come out heavy

Cable? Haven’t had that in about 10 years, got rid of it for the price, tried it again a year later said hell no, just keep the internet and some streaming services for the kids, but they barely watch anything either unless it’s just before bed, they like gardening with me, hell my daughter goes out and weeds the garden and breaks up the soil around each plant she does 1 row a day, we’ll see how it’s doin when I get home temp is 96f heat index is 104f atm but we had a huge thunderstorm come through this morning and dump 3” of rain in an hour… so I’m fairly confident they are watered throughly 🤣

speakin of zucchini’s I pulled these last night 🤣 I’ll grab a garden update for the journal tonight
IMG 5476


ahh yes, super outstanding. much thanks indeed for those. i love em'. new to me, Much Thanks Indeed! 😍 👍👏
Fwiw, I could link you bands you've probably never heard of, that will blow you away, all night long lmao.

Those three are pretty perfect though. Every song. Every album. Big discographies. Pure art.

Music is the part of my life that cannabis isn't lol


Fwiw, I could link you bands you've probably never heard of, that will blow you away, all night long lmao.

Those three are pretty perfect though. Every song. Every album. Big discographies. Pure art.

Music is the part of my life that cannabis isn't lol
Love music but I’ll listen to anything from oldies to gangster rap, on the same playlist 🤣 my neighbors smoke with me so they know I’m crazy but they probably still wonder when I have the tunes turned up out in the garden when I’m workin 😂


Fwiw, I could link you bands you've probably never heard of, that will blow you away, all night long lmao.

Those three are pretty perfect though. Every song. Every album. Big discographies. Pure art.

Music is the part of my life that cannabis isn't lol
we are similar it seems. i would love to know of more stuff. i have a diverse appreciation for music. all perhaps but disco and classical orchestra.


we are similar it seems. i would love to know of more stuff. i have a diverse appreciation for music. all perhaps but disco and classical orchestra.
start this one

Id be almost willing to bet money within 5 mins your opinion on classical will change forever.

This is David Micic's most recently album

This is one of the most brilliant pieces of music ever created imho. Start to finish magnum opus. Total masterpiece on par with the greatest composers of all time.


Fwiw, I could link you bands you've probably never heard of, that will blow you away, all night long lmao.

Those three are pretty perfect though. Every song. Every album. Big discographies. Pure art.

Music is the part of my life that cannabis isn't lol
Fuckin right! Been looking for a record player for awhile, I hunt goodwills etc for shit like that, one has about 600 albums in boxes in the front just waiting to find a decent record player, first album I’ll buy is Skynyrd - second helping, I love some sweet home Alabama but this may be one of my favorite songs of all time


Fuckin right! Been looking for a record player for awhile, I hunt goodwills etc for shit like that, one has about 600 albums in boxes in the front just waiting to find a decent record player, first album I’ll buy is Skynyrd - second helping, I love some sweet home Alabama but this may be one of my favorite songs of all time
my system would make you cry sir. That's not even an exaggeration. Damn near guarantee lol.



If someone put a gun to my head (only way i could ever really choose a favorite skynyrd song lol) and made me choose, id probably go with...

If someone hasn;t seen skynyrd play this song live, you have missed out. I still get the spine tingles thinking about it almost 20 years later. Was a little kid and it sat me right down to pay attention to every note lol.

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