Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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I have 16 of them. 4 met the trash can. Two I have set aside for pollen with cones of shame.
The rest are fems. I crossed 8 plants with mowie. Mowie purps. Also have a blue dream x blue mammoth that I crossed too.

And quit being contrary guys, y’all are both cool af.

I like breaking the rules in growing. I’ve had a ton Of folks tell me shit was gonna blow up I. My face. Meh, just continue being rad gentlemen and fuck what ya heard. 👊🏻🤡
Seems to be about the same with the OJ x BB i sent High female rates. I got 4/4 females my old roommate got 2/3 females. Few different phenos. They actually have more variance then my PB F1 did.

Took that reverted shoot off the fasciated branch on OJ x BB #3 as a clone. It's a little wonky in the stem. Not quite fasciated not quite whorled.

I got distracted on my way in, so she got sad. She'll be fine tho lmao. Hoping she'll be a weirdo like the momma lol.
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I do get lots of weirdos though. This was that lone black ice x sunset sherbet seed I found in a friends flower.
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Been a minute since I been on here not growing much atm seed stock struggling to pop bad storage but I did manage to get 4 goin so we will c but tonight she’s mushroom night got em sent to me from a legend down south of our island gunna smash em tonight c how I go😂👍View attachment 2204795
Glad to hear from ya, here’s to a safe trip 🍄🍄🟫🍻. If things get too weird check back in here and we’ll dial you back in.
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Seeds I made last year
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GDP mom about a year old I just took down a dew days ago
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No seeds

The 4 plants I kept through the winter, 2 hemp 2 BBHP
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In the composter. No seeds
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Black Abyss 2022
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No seeds.

A bag of BBHP that I took down end of season
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No seeds.

If you don't believe what I say, and I am always factual, being it's My Word and all, ask me how TF I'm able to do it. It's straight forward and respectful.

I've been doing this for the past 7 years, some of it documented here, sometimes 2 or 3 tines a year. I bred autos one year.

I don't get seeds where I don't want them and get this, I don't change clothes or use gloves when fertigating 4 x's a day but I am mindful of the male in these groups and am careful.

I've read all the nightmares of seed contamination from hemp to God knows what but here I am, doing this, beyond what the "experts" tell us is plausible.

The older I get the "experts" don't really seem to know shit😉


tbh, she's most most well-formed, least inbred looking seedling right now @Captspaulding 🤣 🤣 👌

Maaaan, ive been sitting on like an ounce of some of the dankest looking mushies ive ever seen. Been in the freezer for like a year now, and i just.... haven't lol. I keep offering some to people, but no one takes em (one has), even when they say yes, its forgotten about til long after they left lmao. They are some insane looking boomers though. i gave 1.5 to a friend a few months ago and he said trees were melting into puddles and language just sounded like straight gibberish to him for hours and the yards were full of gnomes. And he hasnt been willing to touch mushrooms since 😶

I have this huge gut feeling though, that when someone finally does eat these boomers... Every soul from Seattle to San Diego is going to turn towards whoever does, and say "Oh shit, here we go" in unison.
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Y’all are gonna bring out the devil in me 🤣🤣🤣🍄🍄🍄🤔🤔🤔. I’ve been sitting on some for over a year now but now the temptation is strong. But I gotta work tomorrow and I don’t need to go in all bugged out.


He could do what hes doing with my old columbian land race sativa, and it would still work.

Its not the hour count that matters, its the fact that its changing noticeably one way or another. If he can trick an outdoor plant into starting to flower over the next week, itll stay flowering because it can tell light hours are still getting shorter after some time.. Any cannabis plant will. Most Sativas finish later because they flower slower, not because they start flowering later, its just easier to notice the change earlier on with an indica plant. Whether it looks like it or not, all your outdoor plants are going into flower at the same time, when doing a natural outdoor grow anyway lol.
Got it, so as long as the day gets shorter and the night gets longer they start to feel the urge to flower.


Glad to hear from ya, here’s to a safe trip 🍄🍄🟫🍻. If things get too weird check back in here and we’ll dial you back in.View attachment 2204896
Gday Marty good to hear from u to mate nah if I’m a storm trooper flying along on a cat I ain’t comin here I’m enjoying the fk outta that😂 Fkn mice n shit wanna look the fk out I’m comin for all y’all 👍


About 8 years ago I quit cigarettes. While I already smoked pot at that time in my life it became my form of smoking cigarettes. I smoke weed everyday all day and never crave a cigarette. I'm fairly certain I will smoke like that until my time comes. Stay lifted my friends! Time to watch these dinosaurs debate 😂


About 8 years ago I quit cigarettes. While I already smoked pot at that time in my life it became my form of smoking cigarettes. I smoke weed everyday all day and never crave a cigarette. I'm fairly certain I will smoke like that until my time comes. Stay lifted my friends! Time to watch these dinosaurs debate 😂
I’m just gonna catch the blooper reel tomorrow morning. Tune up the Barney Hill theme song. 🎵 My money is on the felon who can still formulate thoughts and finish sentences, but who knows what kind of experimental drugs the other guy will be on. Honestly I’m imagining this:


I’m gonna need a bigger boat!! Opening the tent tonight was a shock 😮, my Pineapple Express must’ve grown a foot in three days, meanwhile my PBB x Cman is gonna need a booster seat. The flower stretch is real no doubts about it.
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Wall to wall green carpet ova here.
Then there’s these autoflowers that have a very distinctive sweet smell that I can smell at the front door.
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I have 16 of them. 4 met the trash can. Two I have set aside for pollen with cones of shame.
The rest are fems. I crossed 8 plants with mowie. Mowie purps. Also have a blue dream x blue mammoth that I crossed too.

And quit being contrary guys, y’all are both cool af.

I like breaking the rules in growing. I’ve had a ton Of folks tell me shit was gonna blow up I. My face. Meh, just continue being rad gentlemen and fuck what ya heard. 👊🏻🤡
Honestly when ya said you hadn't hunted any of em yet I just assumed it meant none had been popped. M'bad. Also noyce 🤙🤙

And wouldn't sweating a breeding closet inside with a patch 100' from the house at all.

I wouldn't sweat a male plant or two here and there as long as it wasn't right on top of my girls or being pumped into the air around em.

But there's a strip of wild hemp down by the KC train depot near downtown. It's like 100, 200 yards long or something ridiculous. They sprayed it from time to time but it comes back every year regardless, probably from carts of hemp seed from Canada or something. Their pollen gets around. It's hard to get away from it sometimes. Kansas city is windy, it's flat, and the air cool off a lot at night.

Anywhoo the rail company stopped wasting money on spraying it once cannabis became decriminalized illegal in Missouri

If you got a hemp field within a handful of miles upwins. Your gonna be annoyed growing plants outside. I went hoop house after first two seasons and it helped a lot. But at that time I was between downtown and liberty. Straight damn northeast of the hemp strip. I'd have gone and round up'd it myself but it was norfolk southern property or some sh*t. And I learned in my train skipping days you don't get caught on rail company land.

Well, if your a train hopper they'll kick your ass and lie to the cops about it lol.

There's huge patches of wild he p all around the rail network through the Midwest and spreading quick. Because the weather and land is perfect for it to spread quick, and the DEA don't spray it all anymore 🤣

And yea, I helped my nextdoor neighbor get growing when I moved to another part of KC, and he was exhausting a 4x4 out through his drier vent because he didn't have a drier. Well his bagseeds went balls and he was pulling out a drier vent on the back of his house. Yards were small, fenced, and very close together like a lot of metro yards. Was my first season away from the path of that hemp strip and actually the last time I grew outdoors until this season.

Not one outdoor plant, the entirety of time I was in Kansas City, came down without some seeds in it. Whether I pollinated them myself or not. First season thought it had to be hermie. Until I grew some out of curiosity and got oddly sativa plants that made males and pretty, but crappy flower. Was pretty, smelled good, but was airy, super dry and tasteless. It got you high, sort of, but wasn't worth a damn.

Maybe I'm cursed. I can't seem to get male plants when I want them, but I keep getting weirdos.

When I messed with my own pollen I just kept a misting water bottle around and gave a few spirits here and there and have never once had an issue.

I made pollen inside while I was in Liberty and put it on particular branches particular plants without ever having cross pollenation issues. Plants indoor and out. I'm not careful with my clothes or anything, I just misted services with water that I thought might have got some pollen on them

I think it's fairly obvious how annoying having a 100+ yard strip of hemp a few miles to the west of you could potentially be lol. Or some a-hole being careless with pollen or genetics.

And viable pollen from single plants when wind driven can absolutely cover 3,000 square miles. Pollen can actually in rare instances go even further. The actual likelihood of any plant being pollinated in that range probably really low if there only one plant putting out pollen in that area. That's just how far it can make it. Logic wpuld dictate if you increase the number of plants putting pollen out at the same area, it's not going to go any farther, it's just going to be denser in spread.

And I genuinely am not trying to be disrespectful or an ass right now. Those are just facts, and I'm backing them up with my own experience. .
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That being such an annoyance in KC was why I had fear my gobnugget fems were actually hemp seed when they made males and sativa dominant plants. That's the entire reason I told you not to pop those🤣🤣

They still may be, won't know til I get closer to flower lmao. .
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