What kind of yellowing am I dealing with here?

  • Thread starter LilSniffles55
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Quick grow history:

* Autoflowers, Speedrunseeds Granite Haze F5 & Acid Snow. Only Acid Snow showing these symptoms.
* RO water 0EC
* Pre-germinated seeds, and then planted into 16oz solo cups with 60/40 coco/perlite that were pre-fertigated with a 400PPM solution of Canna Calmag Agent and Canna A+B.
* Always adding 200PPM / 0.4EC of Calmag as a base before adding other nutrients, every time.
* Humidity dome, waited 2 days until sprout, then removed dome
* No watering 2-3 days post germination
* First fertigation 90ml per solo cup until runoff @ 500PPM / 1.0EC / 5.8PH
* 1 fertigation per day for ~3 days, raising PPM by 50 every fertigation
* 2 fertigations later on per day, until 800PPM goal is achieved

At around day 5, these symptoms appeared. This is what it looked like early on. Similar to a very early mag deficiency. This is a new image of later progress on newer growth, it started on the first set of leaves:

What kind of yellowing am i dealing with here 5

It kept progressing & getting worse in the solo cups. I repotted them out of fear into their final 3.9gal autopots, pre-fertigated with 800PPM / 1.6EC / 5.9PH solution until runoff, 60/40 coco/perlite at around day 8. Root growth 100% fine, all healthy and white:

What kind of yellowing am i dealing with here
What kind of yellowing am i dealing with here 3
What kind of yellowing am i dealing with here 2
What kind of yellowing am i dealing with here 4

I have no idea what's going on here at all. I have never seen a deficiency or problem like this. It went from "easy magnesium deficiency" to "huh?". I'm absolutely clueless and need some help. I went through some communities but no one had an idea, some recommended more calmag, some less calmag, some more calmag & less A+B. Some said wrong PH, some said overwatering.

I don't know what to believe, because not one person was able to tell me what this is, which is all I want to know. I can't blindly follow advice if no one even knows what's going on here.

Please, I need some help!


Looks like bugs ✌️
Absolutely no bugs visible. It has some slight similarities to leaf miners, but also not at all (I know leaf miner damage from outdoors), which would've been my only guess now. What bugs did you have in mind?


it might just be genetic, first sets of leaves showing a few weirdness isn't something unusual ...


I’m thinking overwatering or genetics. With the newer growth looking healthy and green possibly corrected your issue or it grew out of it. I’m not in coco but feeding that soon with soil is way too early I’m guessing the same with coco because they should have enough stored nutrients for the 1st 2 weeks of growth. Could have been over feeding it as well. But looks to me like it was overwatered.
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I’m thinking overwatering or genetics. With the newer growth looking healthy and green possibly corrected your issue or it grew out of it. I’m not in coco but feeding that soon with soil is way too early I’m guessing the same with coco because they should have enough stored nutrients for the 1st 2 weeks of growth. Could have been over feeding it as well. But looks to me like it was overwatered.


seems to have grown out of it.
Sadly haven't grown out of it, it's slowly appearing on every plant currently. Even the biggest healthy one is now showing the first signs of this symptom.

About overwatering - They're all happy, thriving, technically everything is perfect. Doesn't matter how often I water them, the perlite content is high enough to not cause any problems. I were able to flush my tiny seedlings without them looking overwatered even once, that's the fun part about coco, as long as the pot isn't insanely large.

You guys sure this is an overwatering issue? They don't act overwatered one bit, it's only this weird yellowing now appearing everywhere. The biggest one still looks the healthiest by far, but some leaves now show this yellowing at the edges here and there, just slowly.

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You guys sure this is an overwatering issue?
I'm not, but I can't say for sure that it isn't. My first thought was that it could be heat damage. How close are your lights and how much power are you using?


Quick grow history:

* Autoflowers, Speedrunseeds Granite Haze F5 & Acid Snow. Only Acid Snow showing these symptoms.
* RO water 0EC
* Pre-germinated seeds, and then planted into 16oz solo cups with 60/40 coco/perlite that were pre-fertigated with a 400PPM solution of Canna Calmag Agent and Canna A+B.
* Always adding 200PPM / 0.4EC of Calmag as a base before adding other nutrients, every time.
* Humidity dome, waited 2 days until sprout, then removed dome
* No watering 2-3 days post germination
* First fertigation 90ml per solo cup until runoff @ 500PPM / 1.0EC / 5.8PH
* 1 fertigation per day for ~3 days, raising PPM by 50 every fertigation
* 2 fertigations later on per day, until 800PPM goal is achieved

At around day 5, these symptoms appeared. This is what it looked like early on. Similar to a very early mag deficiency. This is a new image of later progress on newer growth, it started on the first set of leaves:

View attachment 2201248

It kept progressing & getting worse in the solo cups. I repotted them out of fear into their final 3.9gal autopots, pre-fertigated with 800PPM / 1.6EC / 5.9PH solution until runoff, 60/40 coco/perlite at around day 8. Root growth 100% fine, all healthy and white:

View attachment 2201244View attachment 2201246View attachment 2201245View attachment 2201247

I have no idea what's going on here at all. I have never seen a deficiency or problem like this. It went from "easy magnesium deficiency" to "huh?". I'm absolutely clueless and need some help. I went through some communities but no one had an idea, some recommended more calmag, some less calmag, some more calmag & less A+B. Some said wrong PH, some said overwatering.

I don't know what to believe, because not one person was able to tell me what this is, which is all I want to know. I can't blindly follow advice if no one even knows what's going on here.

Please, I need some help!
I can say for sure you are over watering, your perlite is covered in algae. Water the medium completely, then allow dry back. Only watering the top of the soil leads to these issues you are seeing.


I've seen interveinal yellowing on mine before and was mag deficiency. Only it didn't appear splotchy like yours. I've since followed a recipe for flora trio on most of my plants that calls for 1 ml/gal calmag every feeding and haven't seen it rear up since. Im not in coco though. Possibly you didn't buffer the coco enough and it's stealing the mag?
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