What's the correct EC and PPM levels for growing autoflowers in 4 gal bucket hydroponic system?



I'm trying to find the best EC and PPM levels for autoflowers growing in 4 gal bucket hydroponic systems. I'm 5 days in week 4 of veg stage.
Whats the correct ec and ppm levels for growing autoflowers in 4 gal bucket hydroponic system


Are you giving the plant Cal Mag ?
I'm using GH Armor Si, masterblend 4-18-38, epsom salt, calcium nitrate and hydroguard. I'm 5 days in week 4 of the veg stage and haven't seen any pre-flowering as yet.

pH 6.0
EC 0.7 / 777
PPM 387
water temp 29.1 °C
temp 27 °F
humidity around 60%.

Mixing ratio;
GH Armor Si 1/4 tsp per gal
Masterblend 4-18-38 1/2 tsp per gal
Epsom salt 1/4 tsp per gal
Calcium Nitrate 1/2 tsp per gal
Hydroguard 2ml per gal

(Should I be using calmag with this lineup?) Also when I mix this up my EC levels are pushing 1.8 / 1856 or so, and obviously my PPM levels are high too. So I dilute it to the levels above, but am I over diluting to reach these numbers?

Is any of my numbers off? Am I mixing in the correct order? Is my EC and PPM levels off?


water temp 29.1 °C
Your water temp is 29.1 C ? Kind of hot hey !

Magnesium Deficiency​

The lower and older leaves start turning yellow between the veins when a cannabis plant gets a magnesium deficiency

Problem: A light green or yellow coloring will begin to show on the veins and edges of the lower & older leaves – this is one of the classic signs of cannabis magnesium deficiency. You may also see red stems.
Magnesium is a mobile nutrient, which means that the plant can move it from old leaves to new leaves.
Cannabis magnesium deficiency - yellowing in between veins on older leaves

If you don’t react to it promptly, a cannabis magnesium deficiency can spiral out of control and cause your plant to lose a lot of lower leaves quickly. The plant will pull magnesium out of older leaves and bring them to the newer leaves. That’s why a magnesium deficiency usually appears towards the bottom of the plant and on older, less important leaves.
The edges of the leaves may become yellow or bright green and may start feeling crispy to the touch. This crispiness around the edges is different from nutrient burn, which does not lighten the margins inside the leaves.
You may see red stems with a magnesium deficiency, though not always.
This cannabis leaf with a magnesium deficiency also has red stems.
Sometimes you will also get light brown spotting within the margins or along the edges if the problem continues to get worse, though this may be partially other deficiencies, which often happen alongside a magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium deficiencies are easy to prevent and fix once you know what to do. Read on below to learn how.
This marijuana leaf is showing signs of a magnesium deficiencyThis cannabis leaf is showing signs of a magnesium deficiencyMore information about magnesium and growing marijuana
Example of a marijuana magnesium deficiency

Solution For Magnesium Deficiency in Cannabis

A magnesium deficiency sometimes happens after supplementing plants with something that contains calcium but not magnesium, such as agricultural lime (non-dolomite lime), egg shells, etc. This won’t happen with proper cannabis nutrients. If you’re using good nutrients, cannabis plant may still show signs of a magnesium deficiency if the pH at the roots is too low, especially in hydro. That is because when the pH of your root zone is not in the correct range, your cannabis cannot properly absorb magnesium through the roots.
Often with this deficiency, the magnesium is present, but the roots cannot absorb the magnesium properly due to an improper pH. Therefore it is very important to maintain the correct pH (and make sure the pH does not get too low / acidic) in order to avoid a magnesium deficiency.
Growers using Coco Coir or Reverse Osmosis (RO) water usually need to supplement their plants with extra Calcium & Magnesium in addition to regular nutrients. Treating coco coir with Cal-Mag and supplying extra throughout your grow is recommended for growers in coco coir, or those using RO water.


water temp 29.1 °C
Your water temp is 29.1 C ? Kind of hot hey !

Magnesium Deficiency​

The lower and older leaves start turning yellow between the veins when a cannabis plant gets a magnesium deficiency

Problem: A light green or yellow coloring will begin to show on the veins and edges of the lower & older leaves – this is one of the classic signs of cannabis magnesium deficiency. You may also see red stems.
Magnesium is a mobile nutrient, which means that the plant can move it from old leaves to new leaves.
Cannabis magnesium deficiency - yellowing in between veins on older leaves

If you don’t react to it promptly, a cannabis magnesium deficiency can spiral out of control and cause your plant to lose a lot of lower leaves quickly. The plant will pull magnesium out of older leaves and bring them to the newer leaves. That’s why a magnesium deficiency usually appears towards the bottom of the plant and on older, less important leaves.
The edges of the leaves may become yellow or bright green and may start feeling crispy to the touch. This crispiness around the edges is different from nutrient burn, which does not lighten the margins inside the leaves.
You may see red stems with a magnesium deficiency, though not always.
This cannabis leaf with a magnesium deficiency also has red stems.
Sometimes you will also get light brown spotting within the margins or along the edges if the problem continues to get worse, though this may be partially other deficiencies, which often happen alongside a magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium deficiencies are easy to prevent and fix once you know what to do. Read on below to learn how.
This marijuana leaf is showing signs of a magnesium deficiencyThis cannabis leaf is showing signs of a magnesium deficiencyMore information about magnesium and growing marijuana
Example of a marijuana magnesium deficiency

Solution For Magnesium Deficiency in Cannabis

A magnesium deficiency sometimes happens after supplementing plants with something that contains calcium but not magnesium, such as agricultural lime (non-dolomite lime), egg shells, etc. This won’t happen with proper cannabis nutrients. If you’re using good nutrients, cannabis plant may still show signs of a magnesium deficiency if the pH at the roots is too low, especially in hydro. That is because when the pH of your root zone is not in the correct range, your cannabis cannot properly absorb magnesium through the roots.
Often with this deficiency, the magnesium is present, but the roots cannot absorb the magnesium properly due to an improper pH. Therefore it is very important to maintain the correct pH (and make sure the pH does not get too low / acidic) in order to avoid a magnesium deficiency.
Growers using Coco Coir or Reverse Osmosis (RO) water usually need to supplement their plants with extra Calcium & Magnesium in addition to regular nutrients. Treating coco coir with Cal-Mag and supplying extra throughout your grow is recommended for growers in coco coir, or those using RO water.
Thanks for the info, I just added a small amount of epsom salt in my reservoir to get me to my next feed, I hope that helps thou🤞🏽. Another thing I wanted to ask was is my EC and PPM levels good or need adjusting?


Thanks for the info, I just added a small amount of epsom salt in my reservoir to get me to my next feed, I hope that helps thou🤞🏽. Another thing I wanted to ask was is my EC and PPM levels good or need adjusting?
I don't use epson salt in my reservoirs .. your reservoir temp is too hot ..
I normally feed my plant according to what the leaf are showing.
I use 45% of what is recommended on the bottle and my plants are eye level/
I use cal mag zinc iron boron silica copper sulfur hydro guard

I ph to 5.7 I check ph every day. veg the ph drifts up flowering it drifts down .
I use aqua canna A and B nutrients .

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