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How do I use capillary matting with an indoor grow?

Capillary matting is an efficient and cost-effective method to optimize water distribution and nutrient uptake in indoor gardening setups. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on using capillary matting to enhance your indoor growing experience and maximize the potential of your plants.

What is Capillary Matting?​

Capillary matting, also known as wicking material, is a specially designed fabric that absorbs and distributes water evenly across its surface. It functions based on capillary action, which draws water up from a reservoir and distributes it to the plant roots. This process ensures that your plants receive the right amount of water and nutrients while minimizing the risk of over-watering or under-watering.

Benefits of Capillary Matting​

  1. Water Efficiency: Capillary matting promotes efficient water usage by supplying only the required amount of water to your plants. This reduces water waste and helps conserve resources.
  2. Consistent Moisture: The capillary action ensures a steady supply of water, maintaining consistent moisture levels in the growing medium.
  3. Reduced Labor: With capillary matting, manual watering becomes less frequent, saving time and effort for the grower.
  4. Improved Nutrient Uptake: The even distribution of water and nutrients through the matting helps plants maximize nutrient absorption, leading to healthier and more productive growth.

Setting Up Capillary Matting in Your Indoor Grow​

Step 1: Choose the Right Matting

Select capillary matting that meets the requirements of your indoor grow, considering factors such as material, thickness, and water retention capacity. Some popular materials include polyester, polypropylene, and non-woven fabrics.

Step 2: Measure and Cut the Matting

Measure the dimensions of your growing area and cut the capillary matting accordingly. Ensure that the matting extends slightly beyond the edges of your pots or trays for optimal water distribution.

Step 3: Prepare the Reservoir

Select a suitable container for your water reservoir, such as a tray or bucket. The reservoir should be large enough to hold an adequate supply of water for your plants, and its height should be equal to or slightly lower than the base of your pots or trays.

Step 4: Install the Matting

Place the capillary matting on a flat surface, such as a bench or table, and position your pots or trays on top. Drape one end of the matting into the reservoir, ensuring it is submerged to facilitate the capillary action.

Step 5: Water the Matting

Fill the reservoir with water and allow the capillary matting to absorb and distribute the water evenly. Check the moisture levels in the growing medium and adjust the water supply as needed.

Step 6: Monitor and Maintain

Regularly check the water level in the reservoir and replenish as needed to maintain consistent moisture levels. Keep an eye on the health and growth of your plants and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.


Capillary matting is a valuable tool for indoor growers seeking an efficient and sustainable method for watering and nutrient distribution. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully implement capillary matting in your indoor grow setup and enjoy the many benefits it offers. Happy growing!
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