Aloha Limone Colorado Seed Company

  • Thread starter chitownglass
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263 can either adjust your time from veg to whatever time you want for flower....

Just leave the lights on till you're ready for the new flip time.....or.....turn your lights out for a few more hours....either way, they look great!


63 can either adjust your time from veg to whatever time you want for flower....

Just leave the lights on till you're ready for the new flip time.....or.....turn your lights out for a few more hours....either way, they look great!
Thats what I figured. Thanks!


Plants look fire! I'll be flipping to flower in one more week I think. I want the tops to stretch up a little bit before doing so. That will make it just over 4 weeks since transplanting into the 5 gallon pot with FFOF. I did a bit of research and 4 weeks is usually the maximum amount of food it has. Looks like I should have a nice multi cola canopy. Super stoked!

Cheers Yall!
20240503 150725
20240503 150733


Each girl got top dressed with some castings and got a half gallon of phd water and calmag today. Want to get the microbes working better before I top dress for flower. Regular Ipm spray applied. Thats about it. Coasting.

20240504 152226


So I ran into a few issues. I waited a bit too long to top dress and am chasing a small deficiency it looks like. Early tell tale symptoms. Especially top left plant which is also the biggest. That and I overwatered my ladies due to being out of town for four days. Im almost positive this is the issue because they all were fine for a while now. I gave them a shit load of water before leaving. I top dressed almost a week ago so the plants should definately start growing nicely again any day now. They still look pretty healthy though. Lesson learned which is the best part. With organics timing is essential! Im gonna go another week or so before flipping. Just waiting for them to eat a little before the switch. Get nice and green again. Anyhow, I think like six plants with a shorter veg of 6 weeks, is a better setup. Its fun growing big plants but its just not as efficient. I'll get back in a few days with some results.

Cheers Yall!
20240514 192630


Went ahead and did a much needed defoliation. Took several cuttings and put them in water under plastic dome. Let's see if i can root them for shits and giggles. Ill wait about a week for the plants to recover from the stress and then flip. Ill do another defol and top dress after the stretch.

20240515 181342
20240515 181359


Went ahead and did a much needed defoliation. Took several cuttings and put them in water under plastic dome. Let's see if i can root them for shits and giggles. Ill wait about a week for the plants to recover from the stress and then flip. Ill do another defol and top dress after the stretch.


Some plants are easy to figure out when taking leaves off, others are a challenge !!!

The upside is there are a lot of places that can be bud sites when there are leaves like this.



Some plants are easy to figure out when taking leaves off, others are a challenge !!!

The upside is there are a lot of places that can be bud sites when there are leaves like this.

View attachment 2172468
Holy shit that looks like a pain in the arse. I can't imagine how long that must have taken. I think defoliation is important but not to be overdone. I think some people go a little bit overboard with it. I prefer a more natural approach with a minimally invasive cultivation process. To each their own though...


Plants were fine all up until about a week ago. The only change that I can think of is plants running out of nutrients and my top dress not working quick enough. I think I waited a bit too long to top dress as the FFOF nutes only last about 4 weeks. That and im pretty sure I over watered them last week due to going out of town for 4 days. I drowned the roots I think. I reduced the amount of water given and am watering every 3 days. When I came home and watered them they perked up a bit for a day and then went back to curling. Wtf? I went ahead and gave them a foliar feed consisting of epsom salt and a bit of seaweed extract. Two of the plants are showing a lighter leaf coloration and the one on the top left is really dark. It almost looks like a nitrogen toxicity but that doesn't make any sense to me. Is it a deficiency, toxicity, or is it due to being overwatered? Idk? I know I just did a big defoliation so they might still be a bit stressed from that still. Im really confused. They were fine for two months and now they are giving me issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Im probably overreacting and just need to give them a little more time for the top dress to start working. Idk. I don't wanna start doing too much and fuck them up completely. Nothing worse than helicopter growing. Lol. All I know is im not using FFOF ever again. Nothing but problems with this soil! I want them to be nice and healthy with proper nutrient availability before I flip.

Please help!
20240517 173830
20240517 173744
20240517 173730
20240517 164255
20240517 164248


It was definitely a watering issue! I overwatered them that one week when I went out of town. That and the nutes had depleted. I also waited a bit too long to top dress. I should have done it a week or two earlier. Plants were having a hard time uptaking nutrients due to the watering issue I think. It looks like they are coming back around though. Their color and leaf turgor is coming back. Ill probably wait until the end of this week and flip to flower. Thanks for any input!
20240521 190928


Plants are coming around nice! I had to wait a little bit for the nutes to stabilize. Showing abit of nitrogen richness. My timing with the new organics was a bit off. Its a learning curve. I think I figured it out tho for next time. Maybe this upcoming weekend I'll switch to flower. They smell amazeballs already! Should be some big ass trees!
20240523 202543
20240523 202557
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