Federal Decriminalization

  • Thread starter Bean_Boy
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I'm just a bit pissed because of who the gov allowed to grow, distribute and profit off pot. Ex cops , polititions & friends. Even while it was still illegal and they were building their stores to sell pot, internal advertising of the product saying Mellow, Relax, Enhance they where arresting and charging people for having possession of illegal substance because they had not yet dotted all their I's & crossed their T's on something that should never been illegal in the first place. These government Fks want control over every part of our lives and if someone figured out how to get high off Oak leaves the gov would ban or try to eradicate them from OUR countries. oops time for my meds...serenity now serenity now.

I share the same anger and frustration. Its a bullshit system. Fuck em. I havent bought so much as a gram of legal weed and dont intend to, ever.


Indoor strains were created because of the war on weed. Without government interference, weed is worth very little. If it ever starts getting legaly imported from all over the world, indoor growing would just be an expensive hobby.

growing indoor is just in the last 40 years of 1000’s of years of history with the plant.

and it wasnt just because it was illegal. It was to conduct tests and improve quality.

laws didnt stop growers or smokers. And neither will regulations or corporations.

I have no desire to smoke any commercially grown weed.


growing indoor is just in the last 40 years of 1000’s of years of history with the plant.

and it wasnt just because it was illegal. It was to conduct tests and improve quality.

laws didnt stop growers or smokers. And neither will regulations or corporations.

I have no desire to smoke any commercially grown weed.
The best weed I've ever smoked was commercially grown Thai Stick and Maui. I still can't find any indoor weed that can match it. I wouldn't quit growing for it, but at $10oz I'm sure some people would.


The best weed I've ever smoked was commercially grown Thai Stick and Maui. I still can't find any indoor weed that can match it. I wouldn't quit growing for it, but at $10oz I'm sure some people would.

i should have said legal commercial weed.;-)

and you are right. Best i smoked was outdoor 80’s original skunk weed and maui wowie imported from hawaii in the 80’s. Maybe the african black. Had mexican thai too.


Dispensary weed is garbage, national legalization will not change anything.
The garbage will be mass produced by the money man controlled by the government.
Prices will stay high because of taxing.
Black market will thrive mainly because people don’t want to smoke the garbage or pay a tax on there weed.


I like the idea of not being incarcerated and having my incarceration making others rich.

Yeah, black market things can be the most profitable.
Yeah, gray market things can be almost as profitable.
Yeah, free market things strip the profits from individuals.
But seriously, fuck being in prison from every angle.
It's a lot easier to just do what supplies you and yours without being noticed and maybe facing a fine if it is than it is being fucked in half for the rest of your life for it.

At some point, you have to stop seeing your own dollar signs for the betterment of your peers. Politicians will never do that, so it's up to us to find ways of filling the voids that our policymakers create.


I like the idea of not being incarcerated and having my incarceration making others rich.

Yeah, black market things can be the most profitable.
Yeah, gray market things can be almost as profitable.
Yeah, free market things strip the profits from individuals.
But seriously, fuck being in prison from every angle.
It's a lot easier to just do what supplies you and yours without being noticed and maybe facing a fine if it is than it is being fucked in half for the rest of your life for it.

At some point, you have to stop seeing your own dollar signs for the betterment of your peers. Politicians will never do that, so it's up to us to find ways of filling the voids that our policymakers create.

Enter.. the medical license!


I like the idea of not being incarcerated and having my incarceration making others rich.

Yeah, black market things can be the most profitable.
Yeah, gray market things can be almost as profitable.
Yeah, free market things strip the profits from individuals.
But seriously, fuck being in prison from every angle.
It's a lot easier to just do what supplies you and yours without being noticed and maybe facing a fine if it is than it is being fucked in half for the rest of your life for it.

At some point, you have to stop seeing your own dollar signs for the betterment of your peers. Politicians will never do that, so it's up to us to find ways of filling the voids that our policymakers create.

i agree. Jail bad.

but dont forget that we took the risk for decades for you to have nice cushy decriminalized weed.

fuck the greedy assholes that get in to it for profit now that its safer. Keep the neighborhood weed dealer alive!


Its cheap for me. I spend less than $300/ year and it save me $$ thousands $$. If you can buy top shelf for $20 /lb, you don't save money by growing. You grow because you love to grow.
If I was willing to smoke the $50oz commercial, taxed weed already available here, my consumption costs would probably be about equal to my production costs... But I'm not.
I enjoy growing cannabis regardless... And will always do so... Even if it is just another expensive hobby for me.


i agree. Jail bad.

but dont forget that we took the risk for decades for you to have nice cushy decriminalized weed.

fuck the greedy assholes that get in to it for profit now that its safer. Keep the neighborhood weed dealer alive!
Wait... what deceiminalized weed? The medical stuff that I, even with a handful of diagnosed psychological disorders, do not qualify for?
Sure, in the city I can carry an ounce, but just about every other jurisdiction in this state does not agree.

I agree that it'd be nice to have some cottage laws in place, but that stuff can get hashed out after we just stop sending people to jail for carrying it.


seems dumb to have to pay those unrelated entities just to grow a plant.

why do they need our money? Does the state do any work for the money like maintaining roads?

sorry I rant

It is dumb. It costs me $280 a year, not sure where the money goes. But ill happily pay it if it means i get a piece of paper saying im allowed to grow up to 50 plants legally.

I was absolutely one of the risk takers for many years, but its really not worth going to jail for. And now that its "legal" here, the punnishment for growing illegally is far harsher than it ever was before legalization. Its super lame.


seems dumb to have to pay those unrelated entities just to grow a plant.

why do they need our money? Does the state do any work for the money like maintaining roads?

sorry I rant
With the hemp grow I could have a AG inspection anytime, they just show up at the door when they want. Take samples and test.
They catch my marijuana grow call there buddies at the OLCC cops show up at my door fucking turn into a cluster fuck.
I keep it to cover my ass and try to stay in compliance with my plant count.


With the hemp grow I could have a AG inspection anytime, they just show up at the door when they want. Take samples and test.
They catch my marijuana grow call there buddies at the OLCC cops show up at my door fucking turn into a cluster fuck.
I keep it to cover my ass and try to stay in compliance with my plant count.
All the hoops we / you have to jump through for this plant is ridicules and each one there's a cost plus tax. How did we ( the people ) allow these guys / Fucks to have so much power over our personal lives? Lawyers......Blame the fking lawyers....lol.....they sold us out.
it sure as hel wasn't the plumbers,carpenters,electricians, Barbers,fishermen ect. Lawyers...should be followed with spit. oops med time.


Wait... what deceiminalized weed? The medical stuff that I, even with a handful of diagnosed psychological disorders, do not qualify for?
Sure, in the city I can carry an ounce, but just about every other jurisdiction in this state does not agree.

I agree that it'd be nice to have some cottage laws in place, but that stuff can get hashed out after we just stop sending people to jail for carrying it.

didnt realize you arent in a rec state. Give it time. There is federal money to be made. They will test this out a few more years with the states and then go federal with it for the big money. Imo.


It is dumb. It costs me $280 a year, not sure where the money goes. But ill happily pay it if it means i get a piece of paper saying im allowed to grow up to 50 plants legally.

I was absolutely one of the risk takers for many years, but its really not worth going to jail for. And now that its "legal" here, the punnishment for growing illegally is far harsher than it ever was before legalization. Its super lame.

There are sure a lot of ways for them to fine us now but of course i appreciate not fearing jail anymore.

But i still let my med card lapse and dont have to pay them to grow my 12 plants anymore with rec.

But honestly if it wasnt for my promise to mrs mmg to stay in plant count i would still do whatever i wanted.

at least we dont have to shoot our way out of trouble over a plant like the old days.

i feel bad for the poor police that tried to bust some of the growers i knew. Bad career decision.
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