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Converting a Home Security Light into a Cannabis Grow Light

Grow light manufacturers often overlook small personal growers, but impressive results can be achieved with lower wattage HPS lights. This guide will show you how to convert a 150-watt HPS security light into a remote ballast grow light at a fraction of the cost of commercial grow lights.

Materials & Tools​


  • Regent GT150H (About $79)
  • Heavy-duty extension cord of suitable length
  • One heavy-duty grounded electrical plug end (male)
  • Electrical box
  • Electrical box plate
  • Romex cable connectors (3)
  • Wire nuts
  • Bolts, nuts, and washers
  • Strip of metal to secure ballast
  • Project case from Radio Shack ($6.99) #270-253A


  • 5/16 nut driver (or regular pliers)
  • Philips head screwdriver
  • Regular screwdriver
  • Hammer
  • Power drill and assorted bits
  • Metal file
  • Wire cutters
  • Utility knife or wire stripper
  • Diagonal pliers
  • Pliers


Step 1: Remove the Guts​

Remove the internal components from the casing, including the bulb socket, ignitor, light sensor socket, and ballast. To remove the glued ballast, heat the casing on an oven burner, then gently pry it out with a hammer.

Step 2: Remove the Light Sensor​

Disconnect the white and black wires from the light sensor and connect the black wire from the ballast to the black power-in wire. Reattach the wire nuts.

Step 3: Wire the Socket​

Remove the metal wiring connectors from the socket, cut them flush with the socket base, and reattach the wires. Use electrical tape to insulate the socket's end.

Step 4: Prepare the Electrical Box​

Secure the cord in the electrical box with a Romex cable connector and wire it to the socket. Fasten the green ground wire to the box or cover plate screw.

Step 5: Wire the Remote Ballast​

Cut holes in the Radio Shack project box for power cords and bolts. Secure the ballast and ignitor using metal strips and bolts. Screw the ground wires from both electrical cords to the base of the box.

Cut a short length from the female end of the extension cord and wire it according to the diagram. Wire the remaining electrical cord, including the grounded male plug, to the other end of the box.

Bundle the wires with a tie wrap to keep them away from the ballast, which heats up during use.


By following these steps, you can create a cost-effective remote ballast grow light using a 150-watt HPS security light. This DIY solution is perfect for small, personal growers who want to achieve impressive results without spending a fortune on commercial grow lights.
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