How do I figure out the ppm of my fertilizer mix?

How do I figure out the ppm of my fertilizer mix?

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Cannabis Fertilizer: A Comprehensive Guide to Measuring PPM​


Cannabis cultivation is both an art and a science. While passion, patience, and intuition play significant roles, understanding the science behind cannabis growing is crucial to achieving bountiful and high-quality yields. One such scientific aspect is managing the ppm (parts per million) of your fertilizer mix. This guide will help you understand what ppm means, how it affects your cannabis plants, and how to measure it accurately.

What is ppm and why is it important?​

Parts per million (ppm) is a unit of measurement used to express the concentration of a substance in a solution or mixture. In cannabis growing, ppm is essential for determining the optimal concentration of nutrients in your fertilizer mix. Nutrient concentration directly impacts plant growth, health, and overall yield. Measuring ppm helps you fine-tune your nutrient solution to match the requirements of your cannabis plants, ensuring they receive the right balance of nutrients to thrive.

How to measure the ppm of your fertilizer mix​

To measure the ppm of your fertilizer mix, you will need a ppm meter or a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) meter. These meters measure the electronic conductivity (EC) of your solution and convert it into ppm based on a pre-determined conversion factor.

Before using your ppm meter, follow these steps to ensure accurate readings:​

Calibrate the meter: Calibration is crucial for maintaining accurate ppm readings. To calibrate your ppm meter, follow the manufacturer's instructions, which usually involve submerging the meter in a calibration solution with a known ppm value.

Rinse and clean the electrodes: Rinely the electrodes with distilled water and wipe them with a soft cloth or paper towel. This helps remove any residue or buildup that may interfere with the reading.

Test in a consistent water temperature: Most ppm meters are sensitive to temperature changes. Ensure your solution is at room temperature to avoid temperature-related fluctuations in ppm readings.

Now, you're ready to measure the ppm of your fertilizer mix:​

Prepare your solution: Mix your fertilizer with water according to the manufacturer's instructions or your expert's advice

Insert the ppm meter: Submerge the meter's electrodes into the solution, ensuring they are fully covered.

Stir the solution: Gently stir the fertilizer mix to distribute the nutrients evenly, which allows for a more accurate ppm reading.

Record the ppm reading: Wait for the ppm meter to stabilize and display the ppm value. Record the ppm value for future reference.

Factors affecting ppm​

Understanding the factors affecting ppm is crucial for maintaining optimal nutrient levels for your cannabis plants. Some of these factors include:

Fertilizer concentration: Higher fertilizer concentrations result in higher ppm values. Adjusting the concentration of your fertilizer directly impacts the ppm of your solution.

Water quality: Depending on your region, water sources can carry varying amounts of dissolved minerals, which affect the ppm of your solution. Test your water source to understand its baseline ppm value.

Plant growth stage: Cannabis plants require different nutrient concentrations during vegetative and flowering stages. Adjust ppm levels accordingly to meet the plants' changing nutrient needs.

Environmental conditions: Factors like temperature, humidity, and light intensity impact nutrient uptake, which can affect ppm values. Monitor these factors and make ppm adjustments as needed.

Optimal ppm ranges for cannabis plants​

While ppm requirements vary depending on factors like water quality, fertilizer brand, and plant growth stage, the following ppm ranges are generally recommended for cannabis plants:

Vegetative stage: 500-700 ppm
Flowering stage: 700-1000 ppm


Understanding and measuring ppm in your cannabis fertilizer mix is an essential aspect of successful cannabis cultivation. By measuring and adjusting ppm levels to meet your plants' changing needs, you can optimize nutrient uptake, promote healthy growth, and improve overall yield. Follow the steps outlined in this guide, and you'll be on your way to mastering ppm and achieving cannabis growing success. Happy growing!
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  • TomH
  • 5.00 star(s)
This explained more about fertilizer and their NPK value than I've ever been able to comprehend from multiple other articles.

Thank you for the straight forward explanation.
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