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Worm Farming, What to Feed the Worms

Growing cannabis requires an optimal environment for the plant to thrive. One of the most important factors in creating this environment is ensuring the soil is rich in nutrients. Worm farming, also known as vermiculture, is an excellent way to improve soil quality by breaking down organic matter and producing nutrient-rich worm castings. In this article, we will dive into the world of worm farming, discussing what to feed the worms to create the best environment for cannabis growth.

What is Worm Farming?​

Worm farming is the process of using worms to break down organic matter and convert it into nutrient-rich worm castings, which can be used as a natural fertilizer. This method is particularly popular among cannabis growers because it provides a natural, sustainable, and cost-effective way to improve soil quality and boost plant growth.

Setting Up Your Worm Farm​

Before we discuss what to feed your worms, it's essential to understand how to set up a worm farm properly. Here are the basic steps to create a thriving worm farm:

  1. Choose the right worm species: Red wigglers (Eisenia fetida) are the most common worms used for worm farming, as they are highly efficient at breaking down organic matter.
  2. Select a suitable container: A worm bin can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic, wood, or metal. Ensure the container has a lid and drainage holes to regulate moisture and air circulation.
  3. Prepare bedding: Create a comfortable environment for the worms by lining the bottom of the bin with moistened shredded newspaper or cardboard. This will provide a suitable habitat for the worms and help absorb excess moisture.
  4. Add the worms: Introduce your red wigglers to their new home, and they will quickly begin to break down the organic matter in the bin.

What to Feed Your Worms​

Feeding your worms the right food is essential to ensure they produce nutrient-rich worm castings to benefit your cannabis plants. Here are some categories of food you can provide to your worms:

Fruit and Vegetable Scraps​

Worms love fruit and vegetable scraps, including apple cores, banana peels, lettuce leaves, and carrot tops. Ensure you remove any seeds or pits before adding the scraps to the bin. Also, avoid citrus fruits, as they can create an acidic environment that is harmful to worms.

Coffee Grounds and Tea Leaves​

Coffee grounds and tea leaves are a great addition to your worm farm, as they are rich in nitrogen and other essential nutrients. Ensure you do not overfeed your worms with these materials, as they can be acidic when consumed in large quantities.

Crushed Eggshells​

Eggshells are an excellent source of calcium for worms, which is essential for their reproduction and overall health. Crush the eggshells before adding them to the bin to make it easier for the worms to consume.

Grain Products​

You can also feed your worms grain products, such as bread, pasta, and rice. However, avoid feeding them too much of these materials, as they can attract pests to your worm farm.

Garden Waste​

Worms can help break down garden waste, such as leaves, grass clippings, and small branches. Ensure the waste is free from pesticides and herbicides before adding it to the bin.

Foods to Avoid​

Avoid feeding your worms the following items, as they can be harmful or create an unpleasant environment:

  • Meat and dairy products
  • Oily or greasy foods
  • Spicy foods
  • Onions and garlic
  • Citrus fruits

Monitoring and Harvesting Your Worm Farm​

Regularly check on your worm farm to ensure the environment remains healthy and the worms are thriving. Monitor the moisture levels and add water if necessary to maintain a damp, but not soaking wet, environment. Additionally, maintain a balanced diet for your worms to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients to produce high-quality worm castings.

Harvest the worm castings every 2-3 months by separating them from the worms and bedding. Use the castings as a natural fertilizer for your cannabis plants, enriching the soil and promoting healthy growth.


Worm farming is an excellent way to enhance the soil quality for your cannabis plants, providing them with the nutrients they need to thrive. By feeding your worms the right foods and properly maintaining your worm farm, you can create a sustainable, cost-effective, and eco-friendly method to boost your cannabis plants' growth and overall health.
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