Anybody Have Success With Rick Simpson Oil On Cancer ??????????

  • Thread starter budfarmer
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i really hope that you find a cure for your daughter.
hell of a thing for a young person to have to go through.
i've only ever given it [rso] to adults as it is very potent.
maybe it's just a matter of the right dosage. the cbd oil is
much easier to take but i don't know if it will work for this
or not.that is the hemp oil that detriot joe mentioned.
there are people out there who understand dosing
for children.possibly somebody like aunt zelda.she is very knowledgeable
about this type of thing and has been heavily involved in treatments
for accessible her or her team is i don't know. but if not her there
are more people all the time getting involved.
so my advice is seek out somebody who really knows some good advice
for her.don't listen to all the hype ,as alot of it is bs. don't want to go down the wrong path.
best of luck !
Wee Zard

Wee Zard

yes that makes more sense to me now.
maybe not the result you were hoping for ,but still gives you hope.
good to hear the dog is doing's the first time i've heard of it being used to treat an animal successfully.
i'm still doing one high thc pill every night and one suppository nightly and it seems to be working.
tumors are shrinking so i'll keep going on this path and see what happens.
best of luck.

That's odd.
We had a thread on Cannabis dot com on dogs and cancer with many success stories. Weedmaps killed that site, but there are many success stories on facebook.

Just got my 6 month lab results.
Last reading was 15.3 ng per ml.
This one was 17.6.
So, 190 - 200 mg. of RSO 1 x day slowed growth to 2.3 ng. in six months.
Allowing for logarithmic increase, I believe that puts my doubling rate >5 years!
Good enough!



good to hear wee zard.just got the results of my ct scan yesterday
and it wasn't the result i was hoping for. the biggest tumor has doubled in size in 7 months.
i will admit i've been slacking on taking the suppositories and haven't been doing the oral
pills as much either.i also haven't been doing chemo for about 4 months now.they wanted
to do a scope of my stomach to make sure there was no problems.all was well with that.
now i've had the surgeon that did the scope as well as my new gp wondering why they
won't operate on i'm beginning to wonder if i should push that issue with my
oncologist to see why he doesn't want to do that.seems wrong that you're whole life
rests on one man's opinion.i'll let you know what i find of luck everyone.


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
I know this isn't cannabis related, but have you ever heard of, or considered, baking soda, as treatment? I personally know 4 people who have totally beaten cancer with baking soda. It's not for everyone, but if you are interested I will gladly explain the science and chemistry behind it. One of my friends is 73 years old, had prostate cancer, underwent all kinds of chemo, etc. Nothing worked until he started baking soda. His doctor was speechless 6 months later.
Jack og

Jack og

I know this isn't cannabis related, but have you ever heard of, or considered, baking soda, as treatment? I personally know 4 people who have totally beaten cancer with baking soda. It's not for everyone, but if you are interested I will gladly explain the science and chemistry behind it. One of my friends is 73 years old, had prostate cancer, underwent all kinds of chemo, etc. Nothing worked until he started baking soda. His doctor was speechless 6 months later.
This has been used for folks in relation to and with rso. Also look up oxygenated water. There is theory that increasing body , blood oxygen via ingestion is beneficial in killing /shrinking tumors.
I had a mass removed from my humorous bone and shoulder 3 weeks ago, that was cancer 6months ago, been using rso and rso based salves on the shoulder: arm. Pathology came back, negative for plasmacytoma! I have plasmacytoma which grows bone tumors, to target specific tumors/ zone, in 6months a known tumor basically gone! All they removed was scar tissue/ dead tumor.
So as per op post, yes rso will cure / prevent/revert tumors; cancers.


i have a question that's been nagging at me. maybe someone here
will know the answer. i take rso by suppository as it's supposed to be
more effective than taking it orally.but i read that by taking it by suppository
it bypasses the liver, which is where my cancer my question is which method is better
in my case.
Wee Zard

Wee Zard

i have a question that's been nagging at me. maybe someone here
will know the answer. i take rso by suppository as it's supposed to be
more effective than taking it orally.but i read that by taking it by suppository
it bypasses the liver,
which is where my cancer my question is which method is better
in my case.

That is not true.
Suppositories are absorbed from the colon into the bloodstream.
Everything in the bloodstream passes through the liver.

There is no advantage unless you are applying topically for anal, or rectal cancer.
Mostly because RSO is not absorbed by the small intestine. It combines with liver bile to form an emulsion that is absorbed in the large intestine and the colon.
That takes about an hour
And it is why larger doses as a suppository are less effective. Without the liver bile and the small intestine churning, much of the oil is excreted unchanged.
It is a waste.

You can increase the digestibility of oral RSO by adding about 50% by volume of soy lecithin.
I use an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner to make the blend, then I use a syringe to fill capsules..


thank you for that explanation wee.
kind of puts it in perspective a lot better
for me.i've started on the oral pills again twice daily,
about 100ml to start and i'll double up by next week
to 200 my way back up again.still doing the lower route as well
as i have nothing to lose i figure.


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
Ok so on the baking soda thing. They are finding that viruses and cancers cannot survive in an alkaline environment. A lot of the foods we eat cause acidity. Taking a tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of water once a day helps your body become more alkaline. It is suggested that you first talk to your doctor about using baking soda, and for the first couple of days start out with just a teaspoon, to allow your body to adjust. It tastes nasty, about like alka seltzer, but you get used to it. Also don't be alarmed as the first day or two it will likely cause diarrhea and clean your colon like never before. Like I said it's not for everybody, as the extra sodium may cause issues for folks with high blood pressure, although in the case of my 73 yr old friend, it didn't effect him at all as far as blood pressure goes.

Personally I have seen it work first hand at keeping me from getting sick. 2 years ago my whole house was infected with the flu. I haven't had a flu shot since I was in the Army and had no choice, thats been over 10 years ago. Everyone in the house got sick except for me, because I started taking baking soda at the first sign that someone was ill. My wife was in bed with me, puking her guts out in a bucket for 3 days. I did nothing to limit my contact with her and still did not get sick. Every time I go out somewhere where there are sick people (like the hospital for my wife who has a lot of medical issues) I take a dose of baking soda. I haven't been sick in years. I don't remember the last time I had the flu.

If you google baking soda kills cancer you can find a lot more information, including people who will say I am wrong and this is a load of crap, of course. Though I am fairly certain the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want people knowing they can fight cancer without thousands of dollars in meds, so keep that in mind.

Aside from my own experience and my friend who had prostate cancer i also know 3 other people who beat cancer in this manner. One lung cancer, 2 ladies with breast cancer, all alive and well today because they learned the miracle of sodium bicarbonate.

I hope this can help even just one person struggling with cancer. I lost my uncle to cancer a decade ago..

Also someone said they had liver issues.

I highly recommend looking up liver treatment with Milk Thistle. Milk thistle will repair even the most damaged liver. Look it up.

God bless all of you, I will keep you in my prayers.


I’ve helped a few people with that’s stuff and as long as she sticks to taking it religiously it will be more effective. I’ve seen it stop tumor growth. Also I’ve seen it put cancer in remission. But you have to take it even after it goes into remission. 60 grams in 90 days. Is the recommended method. Don’t take at night. I’ve heard grape seed oil can lessen the effects possibly. Not sure never tried that. Anyhow, diet and exercise also is something to consider. Eat a more alkaline based diet. Cancer has a harder time surviving in a body that is more alkaline. Be persistent with the oil... It should be strong at first but over time a tolerance can be built up fairly easily. Sending out some positive thoughts your way.


I take it in the day sometimes, but it depends on how much you like the feeling. Some people it makes them very tired. It also makes you hungry.. I suggest for people to take it at night.


Hi Everyone, this is my first post, but I've been stalking this thread like a crazy person. The reason being that my partner has suspected malignant mesothelioma or a metastatic pleural adenocarcinoma (lung cancer in simple terms, they're just not quite sure which type, exactly). He's refusing a biopsy to determine the exact type, and also wants nothing to do with conventional treatments like surgery, chemo, or radiation. Personally, I can't blame him. I figure I would go exactly the same route. I have ordered RSO for him from a local supplier, and we have the full 60g. He started on it about six days ago and these are my concerns:

He doesn't seem to be feeling the 'high' very much if at all. He started off with four days at 25mg, and has done two days on 50mg. The protocol the supplier recommended was this:
4 days on 25mg
4 days on 50mg
4 days on 100mg
4 days on 150mg
4 days on 200mg
4 days on 300mg
4 days on 400mg
4 days on 500mg
After this he should be able to move up to 1000mg of oil per day.

He's also taking glycerine tincture via nebulizer at least twice a day, directly into the lungs. But he seems to be having a lot of pain and he's not really sleeping well. I'm hoping this will resolve as we gradually increase the oil dosages.

Apart from the oil, I also have him taking a half a teaspoon of bicarb every day, 1g of vitamin C, herbal supplements like turmeric, cayenne, cinnamon, and cancerbush. I have also started juicing for him (including things like lemon, ginger, carrots, beetroot etc) and he's having at least 1 liter of fresh vegetable and fruit juice every day. We've also started doing the mediteranean diet as a way to clean up what he's no processed foods, whole grains, and mostly fish or white meat.

I've been researching like crazy and also bought some seeds in the hope of cultivating our own cannabis so we can make the oil ourselves. The seeds I chose are Bubblegum Extra, and from what I've read it's a good strain for medical use and it's fairly high in THC also. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, and I know this is a mammoth first post, but I have been so inspired by all I've been reading on this thread and would love to hear what everyone thinks about this 'protocol' we've worked out for him. Also, figured I could use a little support, even if it's from others who are doing something similar to myself. As they say, knowledge is power. And Im definitely here to learn!


Hi Everyone, this is my first post, but I've been stalking this thread like a crazy person. The reason being that my partner has suspected malignant mesothelioma or a metastatic pleural adenocarcinoma (lung cancer in simple terms, they're just not quite sure which type, exactly). He's refusing a biopsy to determine the exact type, and also wants nothing to do with conventional treatments like surgery, chemo, or radiation. Personally, I can't blame him. I figure I would go exactly the same route. I have ordered RSO for him from a local supplier, and we have the full 60g. He started on it about six days ago and these are my concerns:

He doesn't seem to be feeling the 'high' very much if at all. He started off with four days at 25mg, and has done two days on 50mg. The protocol the supplier recommended was this:
4 days on 25mg
4 days on 50mg
4 days on 100mg
4 days on 150mg
4 days on 200mg
4 days on 300mg
4 days on 400mg
4 days on 500mg
After this he should be able to move up to 1000mg of oil per day.

He's also taking glycerine tincture via nebulizer at least twice a day, directly into the lungs. But he seems to be having a lot of pain and he's not really sleeping well. I'm hoping this will resolve as we gradually increase the oil dosages.

Apart from the oil, I also have him taking a half a teaspoon of bicarb every day, 1g of vitamin C, herbal supplements like turmeric, cayenne, cinnamon, and cancerbush. I have also started juicing for him (including things like lemon, ginger, carrots, beetroot etc) and he's having at least 1 liter of fresh vegetable and fruit juice every day. We've also started doing the mediteranean diet as a way to clean up what he's no processed foods, whole grains, and mostly fish or white meat.

I've been researching like crazy and also bought some seeds in the hope of cultivating our own cannabis so we can make the oil ourselves. The seeds I chose are Bubblegum Extra, and from what I've read it's a good strain for medical use and it's fairly high in THC also. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, and I know this is a mammoth first post, but I have been so inspired by all I've been reading on this thread and would love to hear what everyone thinks about this 'protocol' we've worked out for him. Also, figured I could use a little support, even if it's from others who are doing something similar to myself. As they say, knowledge is power. And Im definitely here to learn!
My only concern is that you bought it from a local supplier. It’s really hard to know how someone grows and what they use to grow with unless you grow and make it yourself. Or you know exactly how it was grown. My oil was very strong. They definitely felt it. And actually complained of it being too strong. They also weren’t following my instructions and were taking it during the day. My mother took a dose the size of a grain of rice and felt like she was on acid back at Woodstock. Kept asking me when she was not going to feel it anymore. And that it was very intense for her. Coming from a woman who was actually at Woodstock and ate acid there. I can testify as well. I make it for myself. My tolerance is through the roof and this stuff is strong to me also. I eat about a gram at a time of it when I have it around. I’ve used many strains to make it. I have a bottle of everclear lying around right now if I need to make it. Blue power from vision seeds( I had a clone called blue euphoria but I’m fairly certain it was blue power. Any how, that stuff was like 13% cbd and 16% thc and produced a boat load of resin. I’ve also used skywalker kush, og 18, gorilla glue# 4, and my own strains as well. I’ve had people go into remission not even using it correctly. Unfortunately, I’ve had a lot of people come try on their last leg. When they may have had success had they started sooner like some of the others. The diet change is also preferred. Good luck and good on you for helping.


Thank you Wolfe, I'll definitely make a note of those strains so that I can get some seeds. The supplier I bought from showed me lab results to verify the contents of the oil, so I figured that it had to have been grown and produced right. But, that's also exactly why I want to start growing it myself, so I can pick out strains that work better and also keep a close eye on how it's grown (no pesticides etc). From what I could make out the THC content of the oil is quite high....but is it high enough? From what I've read anything more than 47% is good, right?
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Mine was probably around 80% but I never got it tested. Here’s the thing though. What did they use to grow it with. Nutrients? Environment? Did they spray chemical pesticides? Bottled nutrients with gmo ingredients? Gmo seed stock or
Organically produced? When you grow for yourself you can do it 💯 organic and not spray anything. Easier said than done though. Look into super soil organic grows.


Yeah those are questions I can't answer unfortunately...but I will be doing things completely naturally myself. I figured at least getting him started is better than waiting the two/three months it'll take for me to hopefully get my first harvest. Are cannabis seeds genetically modified too?? o.O If so, OMG. I have a really good all natural organic pesticide, it reeks of garlic, but I suppose garlic is preferable to pesticides any day of the week...I'll definitely do some research into organic growing also.


Some companies like T.H. Seeds use chemicals to treat seeds to produce polyploid plants.
I’m sure others also. Some use chemicals to create feminized seeds. I’m not sure what those bottled nutrients and sprayed chemicals do to the next generation of seeds. I suppose it’s some form of modification. And their practices could alter the dna of the plant and it’s offspring. I try to source my seeds from organically produced seeds. I’d list those companies on here but that could be against the rules. Any how I’ve seen good things from the oil. And I think you’re doing a good job starting from where you are now.
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