Can Marijuana Treat Heroin Addiction?

  • Thread starter indicabush
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Premium Member
We've walked the same path, cur dog and jumpincactus.....

Obviously...... the first thing that needs to happen is to WANT to and be DEDICATED to kicking. That is the biggest hurdle, IMO. The brain is the most powerful force there is if you can harness it's power and focus the energy where it needs to be to make such a physical change.

Cannabis helped me in a big way to get through the entire process. It took some of the edge off. SOME. What a ride though... holy fuck. There is definitely a real and opposing dimension to the "high" that cannot be avoided. You definitely pay in the end for all the euphoria along the way. I've never been sicker or felt worse...all of my own fucking doing. A definite low in my life. Being a puppet to pills is a sad existence, for sure. I see far too many folks i know who still eat those things daily and kid themselves that all is well. That wall is always out there and you WILL hit it...I don't care who you are....

Much respect to those who have made the jump and freed themselves!
Right on brother, could not have said it better myself. And for those of you that may be chained to the pill bottle, know this, there is HOPE!!! As bleak and dark as it can get dont ever, ever, ever give up and remember that you are NOT ALONE......... Peace


Premium Member
I was up to 200mg....I had a really good's not funny I was a drug addict...guess I still am. it's a daily struggle I've quit xanax and lortabs...but taking pills for 15 years is hard to get of off methadone I'm almost there...good times ahead.
Hey Sparky @usstoner Cactus man has your back bro........Lots of good healin karma and well wishes coming your way. ;) Not to compare dick sizes but know this, I got as low and dark as one can get without pulling the trigger. If I can clean up, so can you bro. Believe that!!!

If you ever need to talk about anything or just to vent if it keeps you from picking up again, I proclaim that I will be your online sponsor. You are not alone. Much love sparky........

Remember tho the support doesn't work if you don't reach out. Respect!!! +++
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Mr Bee

Mr Bee

I was up to 200mg....I had a really good's not funny I was a drug addict...guess I still am. it's a daily struggle I've quit xanax and lortabs...but taking pills for 15 years is hard to get of off methadone I'm almost there...good times ahead.
200 is a lot o fairy liquid.good luck with the last 20.nearly there now bud.


I'll share my story as well
I was hurt in the military and given hydrocodone my first time. My doc at the time didnt even need to see me. I'd just call and he would call it in. Then I got shot my second deployment and they gave me percocet then sent me off post and they provided me with 190 30mg percocet & 30 40 mg oxycotin. At first I had plenty then it became a habbjt and would blow through them in 2 weeks. Then realized I was a damn pain pill addict. No one could tell me I had a problem and I'd rob my own family. Shit was horrible at times but my girl never gave up on me. Found me a medicine called suboxone while I'm in the process of getting off of so I can be CLEAN totally. I will say that medical cannabis has helped me a ton. I was stuck without any of my meds for a few days just recently. I did smoke a bit more but I didn't really notice not having my meds. Its always mind over matter. Plus the person has to want to get clean
G gnome

G gnome

Hello. I myself have witnessed cannabis help people addicted to say heroin or any opiates ( I fall into this category) transition back to what normal life is, and replace the opiates with cannabis. An addict in active addiction is either chasing, using, scheming to get dope, passed out, or locked up detoxing wishing and willing to do anything for it all day every day...for me I was on suboxone for the first 18 months of my journey. Slowly weaning my self off the biuprenorphine which is an addictive drug itself but in my case it was the lesser of two evils, sub helped me distance myself and break the physical habits while my head cleared, by the time I was weaning off the suboxone I was back to "myself" the fog had cleared heroin no longer had a grasp on me and nothing was worth using ever again but you want something to alter your mood etc. and using cannabis really helped me cope with the absence of drugs, depression, struggles of day to day life and the problems I like all addicts had created as a result of things id done while I was using. I have a lot of remorse from things I put my loved ones the past my longest stint of sobriety was 3 months...I'd work the steps GO to na meetings etc but marijuana maintenance is what na/ aa calls it and its a no no ....but in my experience it really can help if the person wants to be clean ....cannabis has so many medicinal values that can, and has replaced dozens of prescription meds. I have remained clean 2 years and have never. Felt better. Also use cannabis daily. healTHCare sorry its rambles jus jotted a quick reply
Well sed bro.

Most of u know my story. Its no secret im a recoving heroin addict. To all those who managed to beat the odds ...hats off.
Most ppl dont make it back from where we been.
I reckon i got bout 4 yrs clean but who's counting?
A lot on N.A. ppl will play the "cross addiction " card when the subject of mj for withdrawals comes up. I for one tend to be in favor of it. If u tried and it dont help then u lost nothing. The risks of pot are nonexistent imo.
I started usin opiates i imagine like most ppl do w vikes then on to oxys and then to heroin. I tried every which way to use successfully and failed miserably. I screwed over and lied to everyone in my life. It took several attempts to quit i was on the methadone clinic, tooks suboxone, and all that jazz. I cant say now how i finally quit but i will say thank god i did. No more lies, no more sneaking, no more goin to the clinic.

Did pot help w my withdrawals? Idk. But i know one thing that did.....growin it. It gave me a something to occupy my time with i guess. Ive always sed the only thing more therapeutic than smokin pot is growin it.
My dad is in the process after 25yrs on the clinic of finally kicking methadone and he ses it help his stomach and helps em sleep so i just tell em to lemme know when he needs more;)


As @jumpincactus & @G gnome said, if you tried it in withdrawals and it helped that's awesome but if it didn't help I bet the farming part did ;)
There's something peaceful and calming to tending to the garden. It becomes your domain in a sense. Definitely clears the mind and helps release stress.
Awesome farming


Hey Sparky @usstoner Cactus man has your back bro........Lots of good healin karma and well wishes coming your way. ;) Not to compare dick sizes but know this, I got as low and dark as one can get without pulling the trigger. If I can clean up, so can you bro. Believe that!!!

If you ever need to talk about anything or just to vent if it keeps you from picking up again, I proclaim that I will be your online sponsor. You are not alone. Much love sparky........

Remember tho the support doesn't work if you don't reach out. Respect!!! +++
Thanks of today me and my wife have been clean for 40 it's been rough but we made it...I did she'll out 500 for her to get on suboxone but after her appointment we decided to just get clean...I'd like to thank God and good friends for the help and support...thank you...and Godbless.


Thanks of today me and my wife have been clean for 40 it's been rough but we made it...I did she'll out 500 for her to get on suboxone but after her appointment we decided to just get clean...I'd like to thank God and good friends for the help and support...thank you...and Godbless.
You made a awesome decision by not getting on dude. I've been on it for 3 years and now I'm ready to stop taking it. I've heard its rough but nothing a little MJ can't handle. We've been thru way worse in our lives. Granted it did save my life from eventually popping one to many 30's but its time to be 100% clean
Mr Bee

Mr Bee

Keep up the good work usstoner.before u know it youl be at 400 days.good luck to all you guys who are struggling with opiates.still doing so myself.but we,l boot its bawz wont we fellas!?


Keep up the good work usstoner.before u know it youl be at 400 days.good luck to all you guys who are struggling with opiates.still doing so myself.but we,l boot its bawz wont we fellas!?
Damn right @Mr Bee


Premium Member
Good job folks
Had a rough time with my alcoholism quit hundreds of times finally 15 years now not a drop
Could not imagine the misery of opiate withdrawal
I am addicted to weed but went 17 days without and really no big deal
Would however not wish to do that again
We must never let ourself get over confident with the deadly stuff For me the first sip will lead to the misery and shame just not worth going thru that again and the meetings and treatment dealing with all that just so much easier to not take the sip and keep living the dream
I have to remind myself I never have it licked never cured only in remission
Strength in numbers we all support each other and it's nice to see we understand how cannabis can get us through
I have met and became real close friends with many very intelligent kind hearted recovering alcholics and addicts here on the farm that have been thru it survived and
are some how better for it
15 years 15 months 15 days 15 hours 15 mins
All we have is now and for now just fire one up and any stinking thinking will pass


Premium Member
Thanks of today me and my wife have been clean for 40 it's been rough but we made it...I did she'll out 500 for her to get on suboxone but after her appointment we decided to just get clean...I'd like to thank God and good friends for the help and support...thank you...and Godbless.
Hey bro, good to hear and congrats on your 40 days clean thus far. I wanted to share a little advice that may or many not work for you both. Take what works and leave the rest.

I found in my early sobriety that thinking of the "Whole" picture was a times very overwhelming for me. Drugs and alcohol had become such and ingrained part of my life I couldn't foresee ever being able to live clean and have fun again. So I learned to chunk my sobriety down, one day at a time. When parceled into 1 day increments it became a lot easier to digest. Hell at times it was 1 second at a time. You get the picture? Piecemeal it a little at a time, should assist in not feeling overwhelmed. Worked for me. :)

Much love man and will keep you both in my healing prayers.

Oh just one last thing, and this I know to the core of my being. No matter how much clean time you rack up, never forget that once an addict ALWAYS an addict and all it takes is that one taster, one hit to start the hamster wheel all over again. They used to say in the 12 step place I got clean that relapse is a part of recovery. Well I get that in its basic form, yes indeed some do relapse. But that is a game I wouldn't mess with too much as the more relapsing I did the harder it became to come back to reality and get cleaned up again. Remember the saying, Jails, institutions and Death. Peace and good luck on your journey!!!
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