Co2 needs for my indoor 8x4 tent.

  • Thread starter Hazyflavors
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I'm currently using an exhale bag medium size for my Co2 addition. I'm running a 1000w-mhl@600w and a king led 4000w with a switch for spectrum.
The reason for this post is to get an idea if I should increase my Co2 or will 1 bag be sufficient. I'm running an 8x4x6.5ft tent.
5 plants total, all early veg. Any ideas without a co2 meter? Hook a brotha up.


The real honest reply is your wasting your money

You need tanks of co2 not bags honestly they do not make any difference

There is not enough co2 in bags.
Incensing the bags size will make no difference except to your wallet

You need a proper co2 system to control the ppm and there’s no bag of co2 that would replace a co2 system even if you opened loads a day

Really it’s infuriating that these bags exist they are there only to con the newer growers


Thanks for the info. I've used these bags before, with success. The yield was down but my plants were able to withstand upwards of 85-90° Temps with no showing issues.
I would like it if you can send me a link to a useful co2 system that would be beneficial. You're right, these damn bags are pricey.
Thanks for the knowledge.


Thanks for the info. I've used these bags before, with success. The yield was down but my plants were able to withstand upwards of 85-90° Temps with no showing issues.
I would like it if you can send me a link to a useful co2 system that would be beneficial. You're right, these damn bags are pricey.
Thanks for the knowledge.
if the co2 use were successful you would get increased growth and yields not lower tho.
co2 enrichment increases photosynthesis at all times (during lights on), even more so with higher temps and higher light intensity.

as Gmix said you need proper tank equiped with good valves, solenoid and a good sensor/controller , also running the growroom sealed for the lights on period, turning on exhaust during night to bring co2 to atmospheric levels and clear the room of toxic co2 levels or other toxic gases that could be building up during the day.


I have been using a heavy co2 flood for the past few years and it has changed my entire garden. But i have it hardlined into the gas line.. the bags suck you might as well crack the tent entry way and figure out a way to cover any incoming light


I didn’t post yesterday when I read why your using co2 as I thought your just going to think I’m having a go when in reality that’s the furthest thing from my mind.

Cannabis Plants will still grow at the high temperatures you have however the end result isn’t as good

The bags aren’t helping with the temp ; you may as well blow on the plants for a couple of mins it makes that little difference.

I haven’t kept up with co2 parts prices as they used to go into the £1,000s I did have a look this morning and even a controller can cost $400 it’s not cheep and you would need a meter with co2 as to high a ppm can be lethal and to low a waste of time.

You might be better upgrading your exhaust fan

I’ve run hot rooms myself in the past I found superthrive and seaweed helped a tad with the stress but like you the yeilds were down.

I hope you find a way to cool your room as I know it’s a pita.

All the best bud 🙂


Besides for investing in a meter/tanks/generators you also need to seal the room. No exhaust fans/intake fans. No cracks/gaps or whatever to allow your co2 to leak out from.

Get a c02 monitor and see what you’re actually working with. Some people are pleasantly surprised to find that their water heater or the amount of people in the living space generate enough c02 on its own.


Thank you for all the info. Due to the cost of a sealed room and a new Co2 system only thing I could do was a new exhaust fan and airflow.
I now have added 2 vivo 390cfm exhaust fans. I'm down to 78 on average. Waaaay better than 85 average. When times are better, I'll upgrade. Thank you for all the advice and help.
HAPPY Nuggs!


Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
Could a big block of dry ice work as well??? Just curious... keeps room cooler and gives of co2 gas????


Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
Thank you for all the info. Due to the cost of a sealed room and a new Co2 system only thing I could do was a new exhaust fan and airflow.
I now have added 2 vivo 390cfm exhaust fans. I'm down to 78 on average. Waaaay better than 85 average. When times are better, I'll upgrade. Thank you for all the advice and help.
HAPPY Nuggs!
Another option I do.... I use 2 inline fans on my tent... i have 1 at bottom blowing cold air in and at top I am exhausting the heat....


I'm currently using an exhale bag medium size for my Co2 addition. I'm running a 1000w-mhl@600w and a king led 4000w with a switch for spectrum.
The reason for this post is to get an idea if I should increase my Co2 or will 1 bag be sufficient. I'm running an 8x4x6.5ft tent.
5 plants total, all early veg. Any ideas without a co2 meter? Hook a brotha up.
View attachment 2048099
Co2 for Beginners:

Summary: this post will give basic instructions for augmenting Co2 to your tented plants using yeast and sugar. I currently keep 8 plants in a 5x5 tent and consistently maintain 1400-2000 ppm Co2. This method requires a remote viewable Co2 sensor. (mine is bluetooth or wifi)
Cost of running this system is variable, but sugar and yeast cost is roughly $70 a month. Beyond that to add Co2 in large bursts (like after a trim session, or watering) I keep on hand Citric Acid and Baking Soda as well. I will cover this more later. This system can be scaled back to augment an All-Tank setup to conserve the precious and spendy gas by pushing a baseline amount of Co2 while the tanks make up the difference.

Attain these items in advance:

10 1 gallon water jugs with snap seal (push-down-to-close) lids
-if you have several options, buy one of each and pick your best sealing brand

A fishtank Air-pump

  • You will need about 15 feet plus the length to span to a warm area if your lung room is cooled

A seedling heating mat
  • This will be dedicated to this purpose, you may need another if you already have one

A large measuring cup
  • I measure 4 cups repeatedly, a one cup unit won’t cut it

A funnel that fits your gallon jug mouth

  • This glue should dry rubbery like rubber cement, or if you have to, silicone

Air tubing connectors
  • I bought a cheap pack option on amazon and really needed them (currently using 10 elbows and 3 tees)

Power at your heat pad/jugs location
  • You may need an extension cord (2 plugs needed here, heat pad and air pump)

An Awl
  • This is a tool, like an icepick with a progressively larger shaft from the point away….
  • This is needed to MELT precise holes in the lids
  • Do Not Attempt with a random screwdriver

  • An infrared point and shoot thermometer is nice

A heat source to melt lids with Awl
  • A stove will do, i prefer a handheld torch

  • You will be buying this often, 8 Lbs lasts me 5-7 days
  • Try starting with 40ish pounds

Yeast - 1lb per month of the grow
  • I use Distillers Active Dry Yeast, this is for high alcohol production and perfect for a sugar wash
  • Amazon sells a 5 one pound packs for like $45


Baking soda (sodium bi-carbonate) 2 carbon atoms for your ladies
  • Lots of baking soda
  • Amazon sells a 12 one pound case for $11
  • I use 12-24 pounds per grow

Citric Acid
  • This stuff is expensive, my last purchase of a 10 lb pail was $39 and i shopped around

2 small containers of equal size to store these ingredients near your tent

  • The following directions are for a 5x5 tent (25 sq feet) and you will need to size up or down the overall jugs and or yeast to balance your system

Making Sugar Water

1. measure 7-8 cups of water and add to a large pot on stove
2. Find a container that holds 4 cups of sugar and note on it the line where 4 cups is
  • Gas station big-gulp is big enough
3. Prepare 4 cups of sugar and heat your water
4. Stir sugar into heated water, it does not need to boil
5. When dissolved, transfer the pot to the kitchen sink to cool
  • You can pre-fill the sink with cold water to help
6. Add 4 cups of cold water to the mix now to adjust total mixture and cool at the same time
7. When at 90 degrees F or less, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • This keeps ph (acid) from building as fast
8. Use your handy measuring cup as a scoop and funnel-transfer the pot of sugar water to a gallon jug.
  • There should be room on top, we will be using this

Repeat 1-8 Three More Times for a total of 4 gallon jugs

Step 2 prepare the Co2 Delivery system:
  • Again for a 5x5 tent

  1. Pour out 5 gallons of water and save the lids
  2. MELT 2 smaller than tubing holes in each gallon jug lid
  3. Cut 5 6-8 inch pieces of air tubing
  4. Now, cut the tubing pieces in half on a 45 degree angle to give you 10 pieces with a sharp end and a flat end
  5. Pull tubing through the lids and leave a considerable amount sticking through the top
  • Be sure not to tear the plastic lid here or you will need more lids
  • Needle Nose pliers are helpful here
  1. Glue the tubing to seal it
  • From underneath, smear the glue without compromising the seal for the jug to seal the tubing permanently
  • Extra time spent here is not wasted
  1. When the glue is dry, add a tubing connector to the top of the lid’s new hoses ( I use two 90 elbows here)
  • Congratulations, your jugs are now ready

Step 3- Prepare The Co2 Jug Home Location:

  1. Set heating mat on the floor in a reasonably dark location (not in the tent as the light will kill the yeast)
  2. Set temp between 80F and 90F on your heat mat.
  • In time you will be able to manipulate the heat mat to alter your output by a small amount
  1. Set your 5 jugs on the mat as best as the fit can be
  2. Set air pump up and run air line to your first jug
  3. Run tubing between the jugs elbow connectors
-1-2 feet long to allow moving of the jugs
  1. Last hole open leads to the tent
  • Run air line to the tent with a few extra feet to play with
  • Congratulations, this step is complete

Blooming Yeast and Preparing Final Solution

  1. Create 97F degree water in 2 Quart jars or equivalent
  2. Add 2-3ish teaspoons of sugar to the water
  3. Add 30 grams of yeast per quart jar and stir 10-15 minutes (water should now be at target of 95F)
  • Repeating: STIR 10-15 minutes
  • This step is crucial as the stir keeps oxygenated, and the time brings the yeast to life
  • More yeast equals more Co2 but less time overall on your jugs lifespan
  • As the plants grow, the total yeast added is increased and jugs burn faster
  1. Funnel pour yeast evenly into warmed (80F-90F) (in sink works) 4 gallons of sugar/water/yeast mixture made earlier.
  • Pre-warming the sugar mix prevents mass die off of the yeast by shocking it
  • Put lids on your now mostly full 4 gallons and shake-mix before next pour step
  1. Pour into the prepared 5 gallon jugs and bring to your heat mat area.
  • Note: I like to keep the 4 other jugs for making and storing a mix so when the old batch fails, I’m ready.
  1. Put your hosed lids on your 5 one gallon jugs
  2. Plug in the Fish-tank Air Pump.
  • The air should now pressurize the jugs. *** It is time to check for leaks ***
  • This is done easiest with a combination of listening to the lids, and a spray bottle for spraying the hose holes on lid tops directly.
  • To aid in finding leaks, plug your exiting hose and pressurize until you hear a leak, spray…. If no bubbles, the leak is at the jug seal, and is normal at high pressures. Also, yay, no bubbles
  1. Run the airline into your tent
  2. Setup monitoring equipment
Congratulations you are a prepping pro, now maintenance

Maintaining Co2 setup

On day 3 of running add 1 tbsp baking soda to each active gallon jug to reduce acid and keep yeast from going kamakazi in the alcohol bath it is creating.

Day 4-5 you may see a decrease in Co2 production, and there are two good options before pouring out….. 1. Add a gallon of sugar water baking soda mix. 2. Bloom more yeast and add to the 5 jugs. Or my personal favorite both by blooming yeast into the gallon, shake and distribute into 5 jugs.

Smell is your friend, your tent better have a carbon filter(your main fan is now always on mixing and scrubbing air)(This main fan exhausts inside your tent). If you smell the booze or yeast now, its leaking from your jugs, grab the spray bottle

Beyond that, you will likely never vent your tent with this setup.

A dehumidifier small enough to fit in the tent is also crucial to this setup.
  • Sizing your dehumidifier: 500 square feet of rating on dehumidifier per 5 square feet of tent is the smallest you will want to go (mine runs on AC Infinity 69 Pro controller with an AC Infinity smart plug and tether)(this controller KNOWS VPD and runs my dehumidifier based on this and varies humidity based on current temperature and what the leaves “want”
  • Dehumidifier requirement: Auto-resume function in case of power outage is crucial if using my controller. (set the dehumidifier to always run and plug into 69 Pro)

Expect no more than 7 days per batch.

Co2 Mass Burst instructions:

  1. Take the last gallon jug and pour it out. Save the lid
  2. Fill 1-2 inches of water
  3. Take 2 small containers and fill one with baking soda (carbon) and one with citric acid
  • These are for easy and fast pouring
  1. Grab a funnel and a poking stick for chunks
  2. Go near your tent and open bottom of flap
  3. Set jug down, add funnel add baking soda (if it stops up the funnel add equal citric acid before poking through as this saves steps)
  4. Add an equal portion of citric acid to the amount of baking soda just added WHILE LIFTING The Funnel. The gas will escape immediately and blow citric acid powder everywhere

This will produce large volumes of Co2 in a hurry, be sure to have your monitor on when doing this as 2000ppm and over is toxic to plants and 5000+ is dangerous to humans

Plants evolved on a planet with considerably higher Co2 than now and as such you should target 1400-1500 ppm to maximize growth.
  • Expect a 30% increase in root development and growth
  • Say goodbye to 2 month vegging cycles (30 days is sometimes too much in my tent)
  • You can get an upgraded light as your plants can take more
  • Target 35-40 for DLI in vegg,and if you keep 1400 ppm, you can really push ppfd in flower.

TeamFatOnes :)


CoolBot Cooling System
Wifi Co2 Meter with plug in tether is a must
Dehumidifier in tent - (use Ac Infinity 69 pro controller to control) (VPD Control) dehumidifier must have AUTO-RESUME feature because you will set to always on, the AC Infinity 69 Pro will cycle for you if your plants need it... Sizing for your 8x4 tent should be rated for 4000-5000 square feet
then employ my Co2 system. your girls will eat up Co2 fast, try 8 gallon jugs, 7 gallons sugar wash, and start around 90 grams yeast per run
Good luck :)


I didn’t post yesterday when I read why your using co2 as I thought your just going to think I’m having a go when in reality that’s the furthest thing from my mind.

Cannabis Plants will still grow at the high temperatures you have however the end result isn’t as good

The bags aren’t helping with the temp ; you may as well blow on the plants for a couple of mins it makes that little difference.

I haven’t kept up with co2 parts prices as they used to go into the £1,000s I did have a look this morning and even a controller can cost $400 it’s not cheep and you would need a meter with co2 as to high a ppm can be lethal and to low a waste of time.

You might be better upgrading your exhaust fan

I’ve run hot rooms myself in the past I found superthrive and seaweed helped a tad with the stress but like you the yeilds were down.

I hope you find a way to cool your room as I know it’s a pita.

All the best bud 🙂
A better way to cool a room
CoolBot and window ac unit


You only use CO2 when you have more PPFD from lights than PPM CO2. An 850 umol/s*m^2 light needs 850 ppm CO2. This is to prevent lightburn. Up to 1500 ppm. After that there is no extra benefits from using CO2.

Then there is the C/N balance. If there is too much N in the soil, the plant needs more C and start growing leaves for more CO2. If there is too much CO2 than roots start growing in search of N in the soil. Good for Veg since big roots makes big plants.
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