Going a bit wrong i think..?

  • Thread starter Thejackwiththeknack
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I've got few grows under my belt in hydro and rhey seem to been ok I've reached out here before and always had some awesome advice which on couple occasions saved the day.. I'm into another one first week in the room as brought the girls on in a separate area first before moving into main room a week ago. Can someone help if possible with diagnosis of what I'm doing wrong or whats going wrong please. My room is 12 x 8 x 6
2 x lumii 720 led full spectrum lights
Temps around 25 daytime and rh around 65 to 75. Ec atb1.2 and ph 6.0 to 6.1 i'm using canna aqua and have given them normal feed Monday early this week. I have 200lt system dwc buckets recirculation type with res. Many thanks for reading and hopefully someone could possible help please
Going a bit wrong i think
Going a bit wrong i think 2
Going a bit wrong i think 3
Going a bit wrong i think 4
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Not quite sure if anyone can see this or just nobody would like to help?


Looks to wet amigo I would bet they will bounce back. Something went a rye pretty sure this is not your first go with the system you use. I would crush the streams top them bump your ph to 6.5 1/2 shot of good food it will be fine


Looks to wet amigo I would bet they will bounce back. Something went a rye pretty sure this is not your first go with the system you use. I would crush the streams top them bump your ph to 6.5 1/2 shot of good food it will be fine
Thanks very much for your reply... I'm not sure if it's typo... but all I can get from that was too wet??


Yea that is what it looks like to me grow in soil myself so not sure how your system works but looks like roots set in water to long


Yea that is what it looks like to me grow in soil myself so not sure how your system works but looks like roots set in water to long
Ah ok... I'm in hydro though... I've lowered the dose of feed to 25% done a res change and lowered the water level through put also


See if it helps lol I just changed my light to shut off at 9am was running 18-6 last few weeks dumping a hour a week till 12 12 og kush at so today 15 light 9 dark trying slowly bring it in to bloom


See if it helps lol I just changed my light to shut off at 9am was running 18-6 last few weeks dumping a hour a week till 12 12 og kush at so today 15 light 9 dark trying slowly bring it in to bloom
That's interesting you slowly change the light period etc. Why did you do that and over how long do you adjust?


3 more weeks till 12-12 just figured that’s what happens outside days get shorter just a experiment lol


Some won't respond because not enough Info, we cant form a pathology without the Info! a picture of the roots is most helpful when there are issues in DWC, are there roots down in the solution? are these rooted clones or seed starts? Photo's or Autos? Water Quality? What are water temps? Are they in rockwool under the Clay? A ppm reading,. Any Microbial Life? What is in the water/solution "exactly" besides the Canna? Are you using Vega A/B together? Avoid high ppm nutrient Solutions and Light Pressures when plants are infirmed.

There are roots that live in the solution and roots that live in the oxygen/humidity Zone, the roots in the oxy/humidity zone dont like being wet (over-wet), how much splash? The oxy/humidity zone is where the magic happens....If they are rockwool starts? and the cube is soaked under the pebbles that is adding to the over wet issue, they're not up-taking nutrients properly, but this can be caused by over-wet and pH.

If there are roots in the solution? Start by Lowering the water level (2" inches min below the basket) and or/turn down the splash, pH your water to 5.8-5.9, give them a day or 2 to see if they start recovering, (before adding any inputs) - currently they have what I call "puffy leaf" fat with water, and they are Mg/Ca deficient but I think those are "cascading issues" caused by over-wet and pH... more info my'dude -


Some won't respond because not enough Info, we cant form a pathology without the Info! a picture of the roots is most helpful when there are issues in DWC, are there roots down in the solution? are these rooted clones or seed starts? Photo's or Autos? Water Quality? What are water temps? Are they in rockwool under the Clay? A ppm reading,. Any Microbial Life? What is in the water/solution "exactly" besides the Canna? Are you using Vega A/B together? Avoid high ppm nutrient Solutions and Light Pressures when plants are infirmed.

There are roots that live in the solution and roots that live in the oxygen/humidity Zone, the roots in the oxy/humidity zone dont like being wet (over-wet), how much splash? The oxy/humidity zone is where the magic happens....If they are rockwool starts? and the cube is soaked under the pebbles that is adding to the over wet issue, they're not up-taking nutrients properly, but this can be caused by over-wet and pH.

If there are roots in the solution? Start by Lowering the water level (2" inches min below the basket) and or/turn down the splash, pH your water to 5.8-5.9, give them a day or 2 to see if they start recovering, (before adding any inputs) - currently they have what I call "puffy leaf" fat with water, and they are Mg/Ca deficient but I think those are "cascading issues" caused by over-wet and pH... more info my'dude -
Thanks for reply. There are a few roots starting to emerge from the large basket. I'm pretty sure my level is way too high so I've also lowered that on res change. The plants were cloned by myself in aeroponic cloner and around 2 weeks old moved out into a container with 10 3 inch net pots. After just over a week I've moved them into my main room and put the 3 inch net pots inside my normal 8 inch net pots to save stressing the roots out anymore etc and have had issues since. I'm using canna aqua vega a and b also rhizotonic and cannazym all at 1/4 strength now for the 200 litre system capacity. I have also added 50ml cal mag also. I have orca here ready to go in also but not added yet.


How old is that plant since germination? Is it auto or photo? Definitelly show roots.

Put some plastic bottles with frozen water in res. Temp is lil bit high, if u meant water temp is 25C.
Also your PH seems to be on pretty critical lvls for veg hydro, go on 5.7ph and adjust when u reach 6ph.
Give her some fulvic acid, that should improve nutrient abosorbtion. I think lil bit higher based on plants size.
Try measure and make notice every day how your plant is eating.
Have always water at same lvl slightly touching bottom of net basket. Later, u can decrease 0,5cm below with well developed roots. Hopefully u ve some valve there.
Never turn off your air pump.
U could rather do waterfall version, its better for nutrient circulation.


How old is that plant since germination? Is it auto or photo? Definitelly show roots.

Put some plastic bottles with frozen water in res. Temp is lil bit high, if u meant water temp is 25C.
Also your PH seems to be on pretty critical lvls for veg hydro, go on 5.7ph and adjust when u reach 6ph.
Give her some fulvic acid, that should improve nutrient abosorbtion. I think lil bit higher based on plants size.
Try measure and make notice every day how your plant is eating.
Have always water at same lvl slightly touching bottom of net basket. Later, u can decrease 0,5cm below with well developed roots. Hopefully u ve some valve there.
Never turn off your air pump.
U could rather do waterfall version, its better for nutrient circulation.
The res/system water twmp is 18C the water level is about 40 mm now below the posts and plenty of action bubbling up also. Chiller is set to 18 c always and have thermometers through out system also managing it. They are 4 or 5 weeks cloned


I would raise to 20c until they are roots in the solution - and lights are heating up the solution - 18c is near the lowest temp mark-


I would raise to 20c until they are roots in the solution - and lights are heating up the solution - 18c is near the lowest temp mark-
I've raised it to 19 so it will fluctuate towards 20 and back to 19 by the time it circulates around the whole system.


My temps are 71-73F during lights on(22-23C) no chiller - single Bucket, my tents are usually full with perpetual/rotating crops some in Coco, 1-3 in DWC - got an Auto finishing she started Wk 9 today - Atlas Seeds Gummi Bears - got some new starts going too - Im a MegaCrop Grower Im used to clean white roots - but I had some old(2+ yrs old) FloraNova Nutrients on the Shelf trying to burn it up on Autos - Its a black/brown bottled gunky nutrient - hence the Tea Colored roots - shes doin ok on it so well keep pushin it, well be pushin it on the next few auto's till its gone - lol
IMG 5874
IMG 5873
IMG 5872


My temps are 71-73F during lights on(22-23C) no chiller - single Bucket, my tents are usually full with perpetual/rotating crops some in Coco, 1-3 in DWC - got an Auto finishing she started Wk 9 today - Atlas Seeds Gummi Bears - got some new starts going too - Im a MegaCrop Grower Im used to clean white roots - but I had some old(2+ yrs old) FloraNova Nutrients on the Shelf trying to burn it up on Autos - Its a black/brown bottled gunky nutrient - hence the Tea Colored roots - shes doin ok on it so well keep pushin it, well be pushin it on the next few auto's till its gone - lol
a lot of noise from that air pump. Have u tried to hang it?


The res/system water twmp is 18C the water level is about 40 mm now below the posts and plenty of action bubbling up also. Chiller is set to 18 c always and have thermometers through out system also managing it. They are 4 or 5 weeks cloned
why 40mm?

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